Rule 170IAC6-3. Central Station Hot Water Heating Utilities  

Section 170IAC6-3-1. Statutory provisions and definitions
Section 170IAC6-3-2. Definitions; effect of rule; customer compliance with regulations
Section 170IAC6-3-3. Retention of records
Section 170IAC6-3-4. Complaint records
Section 170IAC6-3-5. Station instruments and gauges
Section 170IAC6-3-6. Instrument approval and testing; allowable errors
Section 170IAC6-3-7. Map of distribution system; reports
Section 170IAC6-3-8. Boiler horsepower
Section 170IAC6-3-9. Water flow in mains; pressure variations and surveys
Section 170IAC6-3-10. Temperature, pressure and water flow instruments; records
Section 170IAC6-3-11. Temperature standards
Section 170IAC6-3-12. Interruption of service; notice to consumer
Section 170IAC6-3-13. Hourly station readings; records
Section 170IAC6-3-14. Sediment in mains; blowout pipes
Section 170IAC6-3-15. Bills
Section 170IAC6-3-16. Indirect radiation; rate
Section 170IAC6-3-17. Underset radiation; rate increase
Section 170IAC6-3-18. Customer request for test; application to utility
Section 170IAC6-3-19. Customer request for test; application to Indiana utility regulatory commission
Section 170IAC6-3-20. Regulation of service; installation standards
Section 170IAC6-3-21. Drawing-off of water; consent of utility
Section 170IAC6-3-22. Payment for heating service; recommended payment schedule
Section 170IAC6-3-23. Heating season defined
Section 170IAC6-3-24. Radiation requirements; temperature in consumer's premises
Section 170IAC6-3-25. Estimate of required radiation; formula; table of factors
Section 170IAC6-3-26. Rate schedules, rules and regulations; filing; public inspection
Section 170IAC6-3-27. Station flow temperature table
Section 170IAC6-3-28. Contract form