Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
Rule 327IAC15-13. Storm Water Run-Off Associated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Conveyances |
Section 327IAC15-13-12. Storm water quality management plan public education and outreach MCM
(a) An MS4 operator shall develop an SWQMP that includes methods and measurable goals that will be used to inform residents, visitors, public service employees, commercial and industrial facilities, and construction site personnel within the MS4 area about the impacts polluted storm water run-off can have on water quality and ways they can minimize their impact on storm water quality. The MS4 operator shall ensure, via documentation, that a reasonable attempt was made to reach all constituents within the MS4 area to meet this measure.
(b) MS4 operators are encouraged to utilize existing programs and outreach materials to meet this measure. MS4 operators shall identify and implement an informational program with educational materials for constituents. A certification form shall be completed and submitted to the department once the program has been developed and implemented or three hundred sixty-five (365) days from the date the initial NOI letter submittal was received by the department, whichever is earlier. In subsequent permit terms, the certification form does not need to be completed and submitted. At a minimum, every five (5) years the program shall be reviewed for adequacy and accuracy and updated, as necessary.
(c) MS4 operators shall develop measurable goals for this MCM. An initial assessment of the MS4 area constituents must be conducted to determine initial constituent knowledge and practices as they relate to storm water quality. To comply with this measure, specific target outreach or reduction goal percentages and timetables must be identified. As applicable or, if not applicable, then appropriately justified, goals must address relevant targeted audience improvement in disposal practices, cast storm drain cover installations, school curricula or Web site implementation, outreach to every population sector, and educational material distribution.
(d) In combined sewer system municipalities designated under this rule, the current LTCP shall be reviewed, and any necessary language changes to ensure consistency with the SWQMP shall be included in the plan to ensure that this MCM requirement is met. (Water Pollution Control Division; 327 IAC 15-13-12; filed Jul 7, 2003, 2:15 p.m.: 26 IR 3588; errata filed Sep 8, 2003, 3:15 p.m.: 27 IR 191)