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Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
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Rule 327IAC15-13. Storm Water Run-Off Associated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Conveyances |
Section 327IAC15-13-16. Storm water quality management plan postconstruction storm water run-off control MCM
(a) An MS4 operator shall develop an SWQMP that includes a commitment to develop, implement, manage, and enforce a program to address discharges of postconstruction storm water run-off from new development and redevelopment areas that disturb one (1) or more acres of land or disturbances of less than one (1) acre of land that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale if the larger common plan will ultimately disturb one (1) or more acres of land within the MS4 area.
(b) Through the use of an ordinance or other regulatory means, an MS4 operator shall implement planning procedures to promote improved water quality. These planning procedures must include, at a minimum, the postconstruction requirements of 327 IAC 15-5-6.5(a)(8). Where appropriate, and to the extent of the MS4 operator's authority, the procedures may also include the following:
(1) Buffer strip and riparian zone preservation.
(2) Filter strip creation.
(3) Minimization of land disturbance and surface imperviousness.
(4) Minimization of directly connected impervious areas.
(5) Maximization of open space.
(6) Directing the community's physical growth away from sensitive areas and toward areas that can support it without compromising water quality.
A certification form that combines the completed requirements of this subsection and subsection (e) shall be completed and submitted to the department once the ordinance or other regulatory means has been developed and a program has been implemented or seven hundred thirty (730) days from the date the initial NOI letter submittal was received by the department, whichever is earlier. In subsequent permit terms, the certification form does not need to be completed and submitted. At a minimum, every five (5) years the program shall be reviewed for adequacy and accuracy and updated as necessary.
(c) Where appropriate, an MS4 operator shall use any combination of storage, infiltration, filtering, or vegetative practices to reduce the impact of pollutants in storm water run-off on receiving waters. In addition to the combination of practices, the following requirements shall be utilized:
(1) Infiltration practices will not be allowed in wellhead protection areas.
(2) Discharges from an MS4 area will not be allowed directly into sinkholes or fractured bedrock without treatment that results in the discharge meeting Indiana ground water quality standards as referenced in 327 IAC 2-11.
(3) Any storm water practice that is a Class V injection well must ensure that the discharge from such practices meets Indiana ground water quality standards as referenced in 327 IAC 2-11.
(4) As site conditions allow, the rate at which water flows through the MS4 conveyances shall be regulated to reduce outfall scouring and stream bank erosion.
(5) As site conditions allow, a vegetated filter strip of appropriate width shall be maintained along unvegetated swales and ditches.
(6) New retail gasoline outlets, new municipal, state, federal, or institutional refueling areas, or outlets and refueling areas that replace their existing tank systems shall be required by MS4 ordinance or other regulatory means to design and install appropriate practices to reduce lead, copper, zinc, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in storm water run-off.
(d) MS4 area personnel responsible for plan review, inspection, and enforcement of postconstruction BMPs shall receive, at a minimum, annual training addressing such topics as appropriate control measures, inspection protocol, and enforcement procedures.
(e) An MS4 operator shall develop and implement a written operational and maintenance plan for all storm water structural BMPs. A certification form that combines the completed requirements of this subsection and subsection (b) shall be completed and submitted to the department once the plan has been developed and implemented or seven hundred thirty (730) days from the date the initial NOI letter submittal was received by the department, whichever is earlier. In subsequent permit terms, the certification form does not need to be completed and submitted. At a minimum, every five (5) years the program shall be reviewed for adequacy and accuracy and updated as necessary.
(f) An MS4 operator shall develop measurable goals for this measure. To comply with this measure, specific reduction percentages and timetables must be identified. At a minimum, goals must address relevant regulatory mechanism implementation, planning and structural BMP strategies, new impervious surface reduction, and discharge quality improvement. (Water Pollution Control Division; 327 IAC 15-13-16; filed Jul 7, 2003, 2:15 p.m.: 26 IR 3591; errata filed Sep 8, 2003, 3:15 p.m.: 27 IR 191)