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Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
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Rule 327IAC15-13. Storm Water Run-Off Associated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Conveyances |
Section 327IAC15-13-17. Storm water quality management plan municipal operations pollution prevention and good housekeeping MCM
(a) An MS4 operator shall develop an SWQMP that includes a commitment to develop and implement a program to prevent or reduce pollutant run-off from municipal operations within the MS4 area.
(b) To the extent of their authority, an MS4 operator shall develop and implement a program to ensure that existing municipal, state, or federal operations are performed in ways that will reduce contamination of storm water discharges. A certification form must be completed and submitted to the department once the program has been developed and implemented or three hundred sixty-five (365) days from the date the initial NOI letter submittal was received by the department, whichever is earlier. In subsequent permit terms, the certification form does not need to be completed and submitted. At a minimum, every five (5) years the program shall be reviewed for adequacy and accuracy and updated as necessary. This program must include the following:
(1) Written documentation of maintenance activities, maintenance schedules, and long term inspection procedures for BMPs to reduce floatables and other pollutants discharged from the separate storm sewers. Maintenance activities shall include, as appropriate, the following:
(A) Periodic litter pick up as defined in the MS4 area SWQMP.
(B) Periodic BMP structure cleaning as defined in the MS4 area SWQMP.
(C) Periodic pavement sweeping as defined in the MS4 area SWQMP.
(D) Roadside shoulder and ditch stabilization.
(E) Planting and proper care of roadside vegetation.
(F) Remediation of outfall scouring conditions.
(2) Controls for reducing or eliminating the discharge of pollutants from operational areas, including roads, parking lots, maintenance and storage yards, and waste transfer stations. Appropriate controls shall include the following:
(A) Covering or otherwise reducing the potential for polluted storm water run-off from deicing salt or sand storage piles.
(B) Establishing designated snow disposal areas that have minimal potential for pollutant run-off impact on MS4 area receiving waters.
(C) Providing facilities for containment of any accidental losses of concentrated solutions, acids, alkalies, salts, oils, or other polluting materials.
(D) Standard operating procedures for spill prevention and clean-up during fueling operations.
(E) BMPs for vehicular maintenance areas.
(F) Prohibition of equipment or vehicle wash waters and concrete or asphalt hydrodemolition waste waters into storm water run-off except under the allowance of an appropriate NPDES wastewater permit.
(G) Minimization of pesticide and fertilizer use. Pesticides shall be used, applied, handled, stored, mixed, loaded, transported, and disposed of via office of the Indiana state chemist's guidance requirements.
(H) Proper disposal of animal waste. If applicable, it is recommended that canine parks be sited at least one hundred fifty (150) feet away from a surface waterbody.
(3) Written procedures for the proper disposal of waste or materials removed from separate storm sewer systems and operational areas. All materials removed from separate storm sewer systems and operational areas, including dredge spoil, accumulated sediments, floatables, and debris, must be:
(A) reused or recycled; or
(B) disposed of in accordance with applicable solid waste disposal regulations.
(4) Written documentation that new flood management projects are assessed for their impacts on water quality and existing flood management projects are examined for incorporation of additional water quality protection devices or practices.
(5) Written documentation that appropriate MS4 entity employees have been properly trained, with periodic refresher sessions, on topics such as proper disposal of hazardous wastes, vegetative waste handling, fertilizer and pesticide application, and the function of implemented BMPs.
(c) An MS4 operator shall develop measurable goals for this MCM. To comply with this measure, specific reduction percentages and timetables must be identified. As applicable or, if not applicable, then appropriately justified, goals must address relevant catch basin cleaning and street sweeping procedures, employee training, recycling program implementation, pesticide, fertilizer and sand or salt usage reductions, floatables reduction, and maintenance schedule for BMPs.
(d) In combined sewer system municipalities designated under this rule, the current CSOOP and LTCP will need to be reviewed, and any necessary language changes to ensure consistency with the SWQMP must be included in the plans to ensure that this MCM requirement is met. (Water Pollution Control Division; 327 IAC 15-13-17; filed Jul 7, 2003, 2:15 p.m.: 26 IR 3592)