Rule 405IAC8-2. Definitions  

Section 405IAC8-2-1. Applicability
Section 405IAC8-2-2. "Applicant" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-3. "Benefit period" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-4. "Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-5. "Complete applicant file" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-6. "Deductible" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-7. "Domicile" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-8. "Eligible" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-9. "Enhanced Medicare Part D plan" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-10. "Federal poverty limit" or "FPL" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-11. "Full low-income subsidy" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-12. "Income" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-13. "Indiana prescription drug program" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-14. "Initial enrollment period" defined (Repealed)
Section 405IAC8-2-15. "Low-income subsidy" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-16. "Low-income subsidy application" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-17. "Low-income subsidy determination" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-18. "Low-income subsidy premium" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-19. "Medicare-Advantage prescription drug plan" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-20. "Medicare Part D plan" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-21. "Medicare prescription drug plan" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-22. "Member" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-23. "Noncovered drug" defined (Repealed)
Section 405IAC8-2-24. "Not eligible for the Indiana prescription drug program" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-25. "Office" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-26. "Partial low-income subsidy" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-27. "Premium" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-28. "Prescription drug" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-29. "Program" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-30. "Proof of income" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-31. "Provider" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-32. "Secretary" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-33. "Senior" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-34. "Spouse" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-35. "Standard" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-36. "True out-of-pocket costs" defined
Section 405IAC8-2-37. "Unearned income" defined