Rule 345IAC9-17. Labeling, Marking Devices, and Containers  

Section 345IAC9-17-1. Products and other articles entering official establishments; regulations; violations (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-2. Reinspection (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-3. Designation of place for receipt of products subject to reinspection (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-4. Submission of labels for approval
Section 345IAC9-17-5. Modifications of approved label; permission of area supervisor
Section 345IAC9-17-6. Ingredients used in preparation; casings (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-7. Product preparation; substances table (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-8. Samples of products and ingredients (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-9. Prescribed treatment of pork and pork products to destroy trichinae (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-10. Canning procedures; cleaning containers; sealing; tagging; incubation (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-11. Dog food or other uninspected products; separation from edible product areas (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-12. Mixtures containing product but not within Act (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-13. Polluted water adulterating products; rehandling procedure (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-14. Tagging chemicals or ingredients as unacceptable or "IND. retained" (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-15. Pesticide or other chemical residues; limits (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-16. Custom prepared products; labels and containers
Section 345IAC9-17-17. Mechanically separated products; handling procedures (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-18. Animal drugs; use (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-19. Cured pork products; compliance procedure (Repealed)
Section 345IAC9-17-20. Incorporation by reference; quantity of contents labeling and procedures and requirements for accurate weights