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Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
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Rule 327IAC15-13. Storm Water Run-Off Associated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Conveyances |
Section 327IAC15-13-8. Submittal of an SWQMP-Part C: program implementation
(a) An MS4 operator shall develop and implement an SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementation. The SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementation must contain the following:
(1) An initial evaluation of the storm water program for the MS4 area. This evaluation should include information on all known structural and nonstructural storm water BMPs utilized.
(2) A detailed program description for each minimum control measure (MCM) referenced in sections 12 through 17 of this rule.
(3) A timetable for program implementation milestones, which includes milestones for each of the MCMs referenced in sections 12 through 17 of this rule, and applicable SWQMP-Part B: Baseline Characterization and Report conclusions (BMP recommendations, additional protective measures for sensitive areas, and correcting identified water quality problems).
(4) As appropriate, a schedule for ongoing characterization of the receiving waters either at, or in proximity to, outfall locations identified in the SWQMP-Part B: Baseline Characterization and Report to evaluate BMP effectiveness and receiving water quality.
(5) A narrative and mapped description of the MS4 area boundaries that indicate responsible MS4 entity areas for each MCM. The narrative description must include the specific sectional or, as appropriate, the street name boundaries of the MS4 area.
(6) An estimate of the linear feet of MS4 conveyances within the MS4 area, segregated by MS4 type, for example, by open ditch or pipe.
(7) A summary of which structural BMP types will be allowed in new development and redevelopment for the MS4 area.
(8) A summary on storm water structural BMP selection criteria and, where appropriate, associated performance standards that must be met after installation to indicate BMP effectiveness.
(9) A summary of the current storm water budget, expected or actual funding source, and a projection of the budget for each year within the five (5) year permit term.
(10) A summary of measurable goals for, at a minimum, each MCM referenced in sections 12 through 17 of this rule. These measurable goals shall demonstrate results that relate to an environmental benefit.
(11) Completed certification forms, as appropriate, for each MCM. The certification forms only need to be completed and submitted during the initial five (5) year permit term.
(12) The identification of programmatic indicators. Programmatic indicators, grouped by corresponding MCM, must include those listed in subsection (b) that apply to the MS4 operator. Other relevant indicators may be used in place of those listed in subsection (b). If an indicator listed in subsection (b) is not applicable to the operator, or if another relevant indicator is used, the operator shall provide rationale for the nonapplicability or substitution. Programmatic indicators do not need to be fully implemented at the time of the SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementation submittal. Updated data for each of these indicators must be submitted in each annual report.
(b) The programmatic indicators must address the following:
(1) Number or percentage of citizens, segregated by type of constituent as referenced in section 12(a) of this rule, that have an awareness of storm water quality issues.
(2) Number and description of meetings, training sessions, and events conducted to involve citizen constituents in the storm water program.
(3) Number or percentage of citizen constituents that participate in storm water quality improvement programs.
(4) Number and location of storm drains marked or cast, segregated by marking method.
(5) Estimated or actual linear feet or percentage of MS4 mapped and indicated on an MS4 area map.
(6) Number and location of MS4 area outfalls mapped.
(7) Number and location of MS4 area outfalls screened for illicit discharges.
(8) Number and location of illicit discharges detected.
(9) Number and location of illicit discharges eliminated.
(10) Number of and estimated or actual amount of material, segregated by type, collected from HHW collections in the MS4 area.
(11) Number and location of constituent drop-off centers for automotive fluid recycling.
(12) Number or percentage of constituents that participate in the HHW collections.
(13) Number of construction sites obtaining an MS4 entity-issued storm water run-off permit in the MS4 area.
(14) Number of construction sites inspected.
(15) Number and type of enforcement actions taken against construction site operators.
(16) Number of, and associated construction site name and location for, public informational requests received.
(17) Number, type, and location of structural BMPs installed.
(18) Number, type, and location of structural BMPs inspected.
(19) Number, type, and location of structural BMPs maintained or improved to function properly.
(20) Type and location of nonstructural BMPs utilized.
(21) Estimated or actual acreage or square footage of open space preserved and mapped in the MS4 area, if applicable.
(22) Estimated or actual acreage or square footage of pervious and impervious surfaces mapped in the MS4 area, if applicable.
(23) Number and location of new retail gasoline outlets or municipal, state, federal, or institutional refueling areas, or outlets or refueling areas that replaced existing tank systems that have installed storm water BMPs.
(24) Number and location of MS4 entity facilities that have containment for accidental releases of stored polluting materials.
(25) Estimated or actual acreage or square footage, amount, and location where pesticides and fertilizers are applied by a regulated MS4 entity to places where storm water can be exposed within the MS4 area.
(26) Estimated or actual linear feet or percentage and location of unvegetated swales and ditches that have an appropriately-sized vegetated filter strip.
(27) Estimated or actual linear feet or percentage and location of MS4 conveyances cleaned or repaired.
(28) Estimated or actual linear feet or percentage and location of roadside shoulders and ditches stabilized, if applicable.
(29) Number and location of storm water outfall areas remediated from scouring conditions, if applicable.
(30) Number and location of deicing salt and sand storage areas covered or otherwise improved to minimize storm water exposure.
(31) Estimated or actual amount, in tons, of salt and sand used for snow and ice control.
(32) Estimated or actual amount of material by weight collected from catch basin, trash rack, or other structural BMP cleaning.
(33) Estimated or actual amount of material by weight collected from street sweeping, if utilized.
(34) If applicable, number or percentage and location of canine parks sited at least one hundred fifty (150) feet away from a surface waterbody.
(c) An SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementation and completed corresponding certification form must be submitted to the department within three hundred sixty-five (365) days from the date the initial NOI letter submittal was received by the department or the expiration date of the previous five (5) year permit term.
(d) The department shall review submitted SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementations for adequacy. Either a written NOD letter requesting additional information or NOS letter shall be sent to the MS4 operator within ninety (90) days of the SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementation submittal. If no letter is issued within ninety (90) days of submittal, the plan is deemed sufficient.
(e) Responses to NOD letters must be made by the recipient within thirty (30) days of the date on the NOD letter.
(f) As conditions or allowed technologies change, the SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementation must be updated. When updates are created, relevant sections of the SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementation containing the updates must be submitted to the commissioner as an attachment to the corresponding annual report required under section 18 of this rule.
(g) A qualified professional and the MS4 operator shall certify, with the stated paragraph found in 327 IAC 15-4-3(g)(3), a submitted SWQMP-Part C: Program Implementation checklist form. (Water Pollution Control Division; 327 IAC 15-13-8; filed Jul 7, 2003, 2:15 p.m.: 26 IR 3585; errata filed Sep 8, 2003, 3:15 p.m.: 27 IR 191)