20120418-IR-318120053ONA Extension of Comment Period Deadline for the Draft 2012 List of Impaired Waters and Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act  


    Extension of Comment Period Deadline
    for the Draft 2012 List of Impaired Waters and Consolidated Assessment and
    Listing Methodology under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act

    The Indiana Department of Environmental Management gives notice that the deadline for the submission of public comments on the Draft List of Impaired Waters and Consolidated Assessment and listing Methodology, under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act, posted at DIN: 20120208-IR-318120053ONA, is being extended. The changed public Comment Period Deadline appears below:

    Comment Period Deadline
    This public comment period is being extended to May 31, 2012. All comments must be postmarked, faxed, or time stamped no later than May 31, 2012. Hand-delivered comments must be delivered to the appropriate office by 4:45 p.m. on the above-listed deadline date.
    In addition to the extension of the written comment period, there will be an opportunity to provide testimony before the board at the Water Pollution Control Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 23, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. EDT, at the Indiana Government Center South, 302 West Washington Street, Conference Center Room A, Indianapolis, Indiana.
    Additional information regarding this notice may be obtained from Jody Arthur, Watershed Assessment and Planning Branch, Office of Water Quality, (317) 308-3179 or (800) 451-6027 (in Indiana).
    Comments may be submitted in one of the following ways:
    (1) By mail or common carrier to the following address:
    2012 Draft 303(d) List of Impaired Waters
    Betsy Rouse, Administrative Assistant
    Rules Development Branch
    Office of Legal Counsel
    Indiana Department of Environmental Management
    100 North Senate Avenue
    MC 65-45
    Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
    (2) By facsimile to (317) 233-5970. Please confirm the timely receipt of your faxed comments by calling the Rules Development Branch at (317) 233-8903.
    (3) By electronic mail to brouse@idem.in.gov. To confirm timely delivery of your comments, please request a document receipt when you send the electronic mail. PLEASE NOTE: Electronic mail comments will NOT be considered part of the official written comment period unless they are sent to the address indicated in this notice.
    (4) Hand delivered to the receptionist on duty at the thirteenth floor reception desk, Office of Legal Counsel, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Nancy King
    Rules Development Branch
    Office of Legal Counsel

    Posted: 04/18/2012 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20120418-IR-318120053ONA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:22:04AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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