20160210-IR-511150199ARA One Year Requirement (IC 4-22-2-25) LSA Document #15-199  


    One Year Requirement (IC 4-22-2-25)
    LSA Document #15-199

    February 5, 2016

    RE: LSA Document #15-199 – Amends 511 IAC to establish new procedures for summer school funding.

    On behalf of the Indiana State Board of Education, I am submitting this notice to the Publisher of the Indiana Register and the Indiana Administrative Code in compliance with IC 4-22-2-25, which requires that a notice be sent to the Publisher if a rule will not be approved or deemed approved by the Governor within one year of publication of the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule. This notice is to be submitted to the Publisher before the two hundred fiftieth day following the publication of the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule.

    The Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule was published in the Indiana Register on July 8, 2015 (DIN: 20150708-IR-511150199NIA).

    Due to extended deliberations the Board may not be able to complete the rulemaking process by July 8, 2016. This rule involves changes to a complex funding formula. Approval or deemed approval by the Governor is expected not later than July 1, 2017.

    This notice is being submitted in a timely manner. February 5, 2016, is the two hundred thirteenth day after publication of the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule.

    Timothy Schultz
    Deputy General Counsel
    Indiana State Board of Education

    Posted: 02/10/2016 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20160210-IR-511150199ARA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 2:10:05AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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