Section 865IAC1-12-28. Surveyor location reports; requirements  

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  •    When conducting a surveyor location report, a registered land surveyor shall do the following:

    (1) Briefly describe and show the location of visible evidence of possession. Show the location of this evidence by the shortest dimension to:

    (A) the nearest adjacent boundary line; or

    (B) any depicted easement line;

    in order to reveal the extent of any possible encroachment. The statement "No visible evidence of possession found" must be noted along record boundary lines when applicable. (For this purpose, monuments found do not constitute evidence of possession.)

    (2) Show the location, dimensions, and a brief description of all buildings or structures on the property including, but not limited to, the following:

    (A) Driveways.

    (B) Parking lots.

    (C) Personal property, such as aboveground swimming pools or yard barns.

    Show the location of buildings adjacent to the boundary lines by the shortest distance thereto, and dimension any violation of a depicted easement or building setback line. Identify any buildings that appear to have no foundation and may be readily moveable. Show the name of the occupant, if easily available, and any client identification data requested.

    (3) Show the location of and briefly describe any visible evidence of use by others, such as for:

    (A) roadways;

    (B) utility lines;

    (C) driveways; or

    (D) possible joint use of driveways (do not label as "joint" or "common");

    that may affect the surveyed tract. Note the name of the user, if marked (for example, joint use by electric, telephone, and cable television companies on poles marked with electric company tags). With respect to any railroad on or adjoining the property, note if the tracks have been removed. If that is the case, note any visible evidence of construction, trenching, or other use observed on or along the railroad.

    (4) Show the location and recording data for any easements or setback lines on the tract as determined from:

    (A) recorded documents provided by the client; or

    (B) a recorded plat.

    (5) Show the location of the perimeter of any visible evidence of cemeteries found on the surveyed tract.

    (6) Show the approximate size, location, and brief description of any lakes, ditches, or streams on the tract or any known regulated drains on or within seventy-five (75) feet of the property. Detailed locations are required when:

    (A) a boundary is determined thereby; or

    (B) buildings or other improvements are located within a legal drain easement.

    (7) Show the name and location of any road, street, alley, or other public way abutting or on the surveyed property with the:

    (A) width of the traveled way;

    (B) known right-of-way lines;

    (C) source of any known right-of-way information indicated. If not known, note which records, if any, were searched.

    (8) Physical access to the property, or lack thereof, must be shown.

    (9) Show the:

    (A) Drawing scale.

    (B) A north arrow.

    (C) Property description and address.

    (D) Surveyor's:

    (i) job number;

    (ii) company name;

    (iii) certificate;

    (iv) signature; and

    (v) seal.

    (E) Client name.

    (F) Names of those to whom the report is certified.

    (G) A report/certificate date less than thirty (30) days from the date of delivery.

    (State Board of Registration for Professional Surveyors; 865 IAC 1-12-28; filed Jul 17, 1991, 4:30 p.m.: 14 IR 2253; readopted filed May 22, 2001, 9:55 a.m.: 24 IR 3237; filed Nov 15, 2002, 3:33 p.m.: 26 IR 1105; filed May 4, 2006, 1:25 p.m.: 29 IR 3019; readopted filed Nov 9, 2012, 11:26 a.m.: 20121205-IR-865120390RFA) NOTE: 864 IAC 1.1-13-43 was renumbered by Legislative Services Agency as 865 IAC 1-12-28.