Section 844IAC5-5-6. "Deep sedation/analgesia" defined  

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  •    (a) As used in this rule, "deep sedation/analgesia" means a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients cannot be easily aroused but respond purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation. For purposes of this rule, reflex withdrawal from a painful stimulus is not considered a purposeful response.

      (b) The following are conditions that a patient under deep sedation/analgesia may experience:

    (1) The ability to independently maintain ventilatory function may be impaired.

    (2) Patients may require assistance in maintaining a patent airway, and spontaneous ventilation may be inadequate.

    (3) Cardiovascular function is usually maintained.

    (Medical Licensing Board of Indiana; 844 IAC 5-5-6; filed Apr 24, 2008, 1:41 p.m.: 20080521-IR-844070842FRA; readopted filed Dec 2, 2014, 10:09 a.m.: 20141231-IR-844140391RFA)