Section 836IAC2-14-5. Advanced life support nontransport vehicle emergency care equipment

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  •    Each advanced life support nontransport vehicle shall wrap, properly store, and handle all the single-service implements to be inserted into the patient's nose or mouth. Multiuse items are to be kept clean and sterile when indicated and properly stored. The vehicle shall carry the following assembled and readily accessible minimum equipment:

    (1) Respiratory and resuscitation equipment as follows:

    (A) Portable suction apparatus, capable of a minimum vacuum of three hundred (300) millimeters mercury, equipped with two (2) each of the following:

    (i) wide-bore tubings;

    (ii) rigid catheters;

    (iii) soft pharyngeal suction tips in child size; and

    (iv) soft pharyngeal suction tips in adult size.

    (B) Endotracheal intubation devices, including the following:

    (i) Laryngoscope with extra batteries and bulbs.

    (ii) Laryngoscope blades (adult and pediatric, curved and straight).

    (iii) Disposable endotracheal tubes, a minimum of two (2) each, sterile packaged, in sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 millimeters inside diameter.

    (C) Bag-mask ventilation units, hand operated, one (1) unit in each of the following sizes, each equipped with clear face masks and oxygen reservoirs with oxygen tubing:

    (i) Adult.

    (ii) Child.

    (iii) Infant.

    (iv) Neonatal (mask only).

    (D) Oropharyngeal airways, two (2) each of adult, child, and infant.

    (E) One (1) pocket mask with one-way valve.

    (F) Portable oxygen equipment of at least three hundred (300) liters capacity (D size cylinder) with:

    (i) yoke;

    (ii) medical regulator;

    (iii) pressure gauge; and

    (iv) nondependent flowmeter.

    (G) Oxygen delivery devices shall include the following:

    (i) High concentration devices, two (2) each, adult, child, and infant.

    (ii) Low concentration devices, two (2) each, adult.

    (H) Nasopharyngeal airways, two (2) each of the following with water soluble lubricant:

    (i) Small (20-24 french).

    (ii) Medium (26-30 french).

    (iii) Large (31 french or greater).

    (I) Bulb syringe individually packaged in addition to obstetrics kit.

    (J) Nonvisualized airway minimum of two (2) with water soluble lubricant.

    (K) Portable defibrillator with self-contained cardiac monitor and ECG strip writer and equipped with defibrillation pads or paddles appropriate for adult and pediatric defibrillation.

    (2) Wound care supplies as follows:

    (A) Airtight dressings, four (4), for open chest wounds.

    (B) Assorted bandaging supplies for the care of soft tissue injuries.

    (3) Patient stabilization equipment as follows:

    (A) Upper and lower extremity splinting devices, two (2) each.

    (B) Rigid extrication collar, two (2) each capable of the following sizes:

    (i) Pediatric.

    (ii) Small.

    (iii) Medium.

    (iv) Large.

    (4) Personal protection/universal precautions equipment, minimum of one (1) each, including the following:

    (A) Gowns.

    (B) Face masks and shields.

    (C) Gloves.

    (D) Biohazard bags.

    (E) Antimicrobial hand cleaner.

    (5) Miscellaneous items as follows:

    (A) Obstetrical kit, sterile, one (1).

    (B) Blood pressure manometer, one (1) each in the following cuff sizes:

    (i) Large adult.

    (ii) Adult.

    (iii) Pediatric.

    (C) Stethoscopes, one (1) each in the following sizes:

    (i) Adult.

    (ii) Pediatric.

    (D) Sharps collector, one (1) being a minimum of seven (7) inches in height.

    (E) Intravenous fluids and administration supplies approved by the medical director.

    (6) A current copy of advanced life support protocols shall be maintained on board the advanced life support nontransport vehicle at all times.

    (7) A copy of the medication list, including quantities and concentrations approved by the medical director.

    (8) Medications if approved by medical director, and solely for use by individuals with a certification as an emergency medical technician or higher, are as follows:

    (A) Baby aspirin, eighty-one (81) milligrams each.

    (B) Activated charcoal.

    (C) Instant glucose.

    (D) Epinephrine auto-injector or auto-injectors.

    (9) Intermediate services shall also carry medications as approved by the medical director not to exceed the items listed in 836 IAC 2-7.2-3(d)(2)(D).

    (Indiana Emergency Medical Services Commission; 836 IAC 2-14-5; filed Jun 30, 2000, 4:18 p.m.: 23 IR 2744; filed Feb 20, 2003, 8:00 a.m.: 26 IR 2357; filed Jun 11, 2004, 1:30 p.m.: 27 IR 3549; filed Jul 31, 2007, 10:01 a.m.: 20070829-IR-836060011FRA; readopted filed Jul 29, 2010, 8:07 a.m.: 20100825-IR-836100267RFA; readopted filed Oct 31, 2016, 1:48 p.m.: 20161130-IR-836160328RFA)
