Rule 646IAC3-1. Contributions; Reports; Sickness and Accident Disability; Group Accounts  

Section 646IAC3-1-1. Quarterly contributions and reports; taxable wages defined; wage reports (Repealed)
Section 646IAC3-1-2. Reports and contributions due for entire calendar year; newly qualified employers (Repealed)
Section 646IAC3-1-3. "Nothing to report" (Expired)
Section 646IAC3-1-4. Correction of errors; additional contributions due; credits or refunds (Expired)
Section 646IAC3-1-5. Meals and lodging as wages; valuation (Expired)
Section 646IAC3-1-6. Termination or transfer of business; notice; final report; attachment of successor's assets (Repealed)
Section 646IAC3-1-7. Successor employers; notice; transfer of experience account; liability for contributions (Expired)
Section 646IAC3-1-8. Termination of coverage; partial disposition of business (Expired)
Section 646IAC3-1-9. Sick pay consideration wages; disability payments defined (Repealed)
Section 646IAC3-1-10. Group accounts (Expired)
Section 646IAC3-1-11. Accelerated tax payments under schedule "A"; procedures (Expired)
Section 646IAC3-1-12. Initial and wage reporting requirements for professional employer organizations; separate location accounts; notice of termination (Expired)
Section 646IAC3-1-13. Responsibility of professional employer organization to pay unemployment contributions; resumption of liability by client business entity upon termination of agreement between professional employer organization and client (Expired)