Section 511IAC15-3-1. P-12 school setting  

Latest version.
  •    (a) An applicant is eligible for the P-12 school setting if the applicant completed the requirements set forth in the following:

    (1) 511 IAC 15-7-1.

    (2) Section 2 of this rule.

    (3) At least one (1) content area set forth in the following:

    (A) 511 IAC 15-6-8 through 511 IAC 15-6-12.

    (B) 511 IAC 15-6-15 and 511 IAC 15-6-17.

    (C) 511 IAC 15-6-20.

    (D) 511 IAC 15-6-24.

    (4) IC 20-28-5-3(c).

    (5) IC 20-28-5-3(d).

      (b) An applicant approved by the department for the P-12 school setting in accordance with subsection (a) is eligible for prekindergarten through grade 12 school settings in the qualifying content area.

      (c) An applicant is eligible for the school setting P-12 if the applicant completed a P-12 transition to teaching program under 511 IAC 10.1-3.

      (d) An applicant for licensure under 511 IAC 5-6-24 is eligible for the P-12 school setting if the applicant is licensed as a speech-language pathologist under IC 25-35.6-1-7. (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 15-3-1; filed Nov 18, 2014, 3:51 p.m.: 20141217-IR-511130399FRA)