Rule 465IAC2-6. Adoption Assistance; Foster Care Assistance; Incorporations by Reference, Titles IV(B) and (E) of the Social Security Act  

Section 465IAC2-6-1. Public Law 96-272; acceptance
Section 465IAC2-6-2. Goal; maximum duration of foster care period before placement
Section 465IAC2-6-3. Case plan and case review


(Repealed by Department of Child Services; filed Apr 18, 2011, 11:31 a.m.: 20110518-IR-465100349FRA)
(Repealed by Department of Child Services; filed Apr 18, 2011, 11:31 a.m.: 20110518-IR-465100349FRA)
(Repealed by Department of Child Services; filed Apr 18, 2011, 11:31 a.m.: 20110518-IR-465100349FRA)