Section 465IAC2-14-5. "Foster care" defined  

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  •    (a) "Foster care" means residential care and supervision of an individual who is less than twenty-one (21) years of age, subject to subsection (b), in any of the following categories of homes or facilities:

    (1) A foster family home licensed under IC 31-27-4 or applicable law of the state in which the home is located.

    (2) The home of a relative of the individual, who is not the individual's parent, if the:

    (A) home is not required to be licensed under IC 31-27-4 or applicable law of the state in which the home is located; and

    (B) relative is primarily responsible for support and maintenance of the home.

    (3) A child caring institution licensed under IC 31-27-3 or applicable law of the state in which the institution is located.

    (4) A group home licensed under IC 31-27-5 or applicable law of the state in which the home is located.

    (5) A transitional living placement.

    (6) An out-of-home placement pursuant to an Indiana court order.

      (b) An eligible youth, as defined in section 4(a) of this rule, must be receiving foster care:

    (1) while subject to:

    (A) wardship of, or court-ordered supervision by, the department, in a case pending under IC 31-34; or

    (B) court-ordered supervision by a county probation department, or wardship of a person or shelter care facility, in a case pending under IC 31-37;

    under a dispositional decree entered by the juvenile court; or

    (2) in accordance with applicable provisions of IC 31-28-5.8 and 465 IAC 2-15.1 relating to collaborative care.

      (c) The term does not include detention or housing of an individual in a:

    (1) juvenile detention facility, as defined in IC 31-9-2-71;

    (2) facility operated by the department of correction;

    (3) secure facility, as defined in IC 31-9-2-114, that is not licensed by the department;

    (4) forestry camp, training school, or any other facility operated primarily for detention of delinquent children; or

    (5) acute psychiatric facility.

    (Department of Child Services; 465 IAC 2-14-5; filed Dec 10, 2010, 10:21 a.m.: 20110105-IR-465090167FRA; filed Oct 12, 2016, 2:03 p.m.: 20161109-IR-465160055FRA)