Section 460IAC9-1-15. "Life safety training" defined  

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  •    "Life safety training" means instruction in basic first aid procedures such as stopping severe bleeding, treating burns, etc., emergency evacuation procedures, and other relevant training oriented to maintaining a safe environment. (Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services; 460 IAC 9-1-15; filed Sep 30, 1991, 1:40 p.m.: 15 IR 98; readopted filed Oct 1, 2001, 3:40 p.m.: 25 IR 528; readopted filed Aug 22, 2008, 11:20 a.m.: 20080903-IR-431080545RFA; readopted filed Aug 11, 2014, 11:20 a.m.: 20140910-IR-460140241RFA) NOTE: Transferred from the Community Residential Facilities Council (431 IAC 1.1-1-15) to the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (460 IAC 9-1-15) by P.L.229-2011, SECTION 154, effective July 1, 2011.