Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
Rule 326IAC8-13. Sinter Plants |
Section 326IAC8-13-4. Compliance requirements
(a) On and after January 1, 1999, the owner or operator of a sintering process shall comply with the following:
(1) The applicable emission limits in section 3 of this rule.
(2) The control measure operation, maintenance, and monitoring requirements of the applicable subsection in section 6 of this rule.
(3) The record keeping and reporting requirements of section 7 or 8 of this rule, as applicable.
(b) By November 1, 1998, the owner or operator of a sintering process shall submit the following:
(1) A report detailing how the limits in section 3(b) and 3(c) of this rule will be met. The report shall contain the following:
(A) A list of the control measures selected to comply with section 3 of this rule. The list required by this clause shall contain, at a minimum, a control measure to reduce mill scale oil and grease content before its removal from scale pits for use at a sinter plant covered by this rule. The measure may consist of any of the following:
(i) Skimming oil and grease prior to removing the mill scale.
(ii) Removal of mill scale from the scale pit using a vacuum device.
(iii) A procedure that will prevent oil and grease from being entrained in the mill scale when it is being removed from the scale pits.
(B) The operating parameter that best describes the VOC control effectiveness of the selected control measure considering the following:
(i) If a control device is the selected control measure, the operating parameter shall meet the requirements of 326 IAC 8-10-8(b).
(ii) If sinter burden oil and grease content control is the selected control measure and the owner or operator chooses sinter burden oil and grease content as the operating parameter, the value of the operating parameter shall be determined using the procedure in section 5(d) of this rule or an alternative procedure in section 5(e) of this rule. The report shall include the alternative procedure.
(iii) If an alternative control measure is selected, the owner or operator shall include in the report the procedures to be followed to comply with the control measure operation, maintenance, and monitoring requirements of section 6 of this rule and the record keeping requirements of section 7 of this rule.
(iv) For the control measure in clause (A), the owner or operator shall include in the report a description of the mill scale removal equipment, procedure, expected removal efficiency, and procedures to maintain the efficiency at the expected value.
(C) The calculated VOC emission rates in accordance with section 3(b) of this rule and the data, such as the amount of sinter produced and the number of operating days used to estimate the same.
(2) If oil and grease content control is the selected control measure, then the owner or operator shall specify the alternative sampling frequency chosen in accordance with section 6(c)(3) of this rule.
(3) The procedure the source will use during the compliance testing to ensure that the operating parameter is consistent with VOC emissions.
(4) A statement of intent to use a VOC continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) according to section 8 of this rule, if this option is selected.
(5) A corrective action plan that will be implemented in the event of an exceedance. The corrective action plan shall contain control measures, such as, but not limited to, reducing sinter production, changing sinter burden characteristics, or modifying sintering process equipment operations.
(6) The calculated VOC emission rates in accordance with section 3(b) of this rule and data, such as the number of operating days and amount of sinter used to estimate the same, including the procedures to measure sinter produced.
(7) The procedure that the owner or operator shall use to determine the amount of sinter produced for the initial compliance demonstrations, subsequent compliance demonstrations, and other applicable requirements of this rule. If the procedure is different from that used to determine the emission rates in section 3(b) of this rule, provide the quantitative relationship between the results from the two (2) procedures.
(8) A high ozone day action plan that contains the following:
(A) Operating procedures, such as, but not limited to, limiting sinter production, controlling sinter burden characteristics, or changing sinter machine operations, to limit VOC emissions at or below the level required in section 3(b) of this rule.
(B) Procedures to predict high ozone days. The procedures may consist of monitoring for indicators, such as, but not limited to, ambient temperature, ambient ozone concentrations in Lake, Porter, or LaPorte County, and air stagnation forecasts.
The department shall review and approve a source’s high ozone day action plan on or before May 1, 1999. The department shall provide a thirty (30) day review and public comment period prior to issuing a final approval of the high ozone day action plan. The plan shall be included in the source’s operating permit.
(c) The department shall review the submission required by subsection (b) with the exception of subsection (b)(8) and within fifteen (15) days of receiving the submission may request the owner or operator in writing to make changes to the submission. The source shall respond in writing within thirty (30) days of the request. In its response, the source shall either make the changes requested by the department or provide alternatives for changes requested by the department.
(d) No later than sixty (60) days after the compliance dates in section 3 of this rule, a demonstration of initial compliance with the emission limits in section 3 of this rule shall be submitted. Demonstration of compliance with the emission rates in section 3 of this rule may be performed during the same testing and compliance demonstration. The initial compliance demonstration shall be performed as follows:
(1) Demonstrate compliance with the emission rates in section 3(b) and 3(c) of this rule in pounds per ton sinter produced.
(2) Follow the source sampling protocols in 326 IAC 3-6-2.
(3) Follow the emission testing procedures in 326 IAC 3-6-3 and section 5 of this rule.
(4) Submit to the department the results of the initial compliance test according to the reporting procedures in 326 IAC 3-6-4. In addition, include the following information in the test report:
(A) Sinter burden oil and grease content analysis procedure, if there were any deviations from the procedures in the report submitted in subsection (b)(1), for example, but not limited to, sampling frequency.
(B) Results of each sinter burden oil and grease content analysis.
(C) Sinter burden throughput in tons per hour and composition for each test run.
(D) Sinter production in tons per hour for each test run.
(E) The operating parameter value that corresponds to the emission rates expressed in pounds of VOC per ton of sinter produced and an explanation or basis if the operating parameter calculated according to Equation 4 in section 5(d)(10) of this rule is adjusted to correspond to the VOC emission rates in section 3 of this rule.
(F) Emission rates in pounds per ton sinter produced.
(G) Sinter burden oil and grease content value in pounds equivalent to one-hundredth (0.01) pound of VOC/ton sinter produced that will be used to determine compliance with section 6 of this rule.
(e) On and after January 1, 1999, the owner or operator shall ensure that the value of the operating parameter meets the requirements of the applicable subdivision of section 6(c) of this rule.
(f) An owner or operator may satisfy the requirements of subsection (d) by submitting a demonstration that was performed before the compliance date in section 3(a) of this rule if the owner or operator met the reporting requirements of subsection (b), the prior notification and submission schedules of 326 IAC 3-6-2, and the demonstration otherwise satisfies the requirements of subsection (d).
(g) An owner or operator of a sintering operation who elects to change the control measure after the most recent compliance test shall do the following:
(1) Notify the department at least twenty-one (21) days before implementing the change. Notification shall include the following:
(A) A description of the control measure and the appropriate operating parameter.
(B) The date the change will be implemented.
(C) The plan to comply with this rule with the changed control measure.
(2) Perform a compliance test within sixty (60) days of implementing the change according to procedures in section 8 of this rule or according to the procedures that follow:
(A) Follow the source sampling procedures in 326 IAC 3-6-2.
(B) Follow the applicable test procedures in section 5 of this rule.
(C) Calculate the operating parameter value that demonstrates compliance with the emission limit during the compliance test.
(D) Submit the compliance test results according to procedures in subsection (d)(4).
(3) Maintain the value of the operating parameter within the specified boundaries after the date that the compliance test is complete.
(h) An exceedance of the applicable operating parameter value constitutes prima facie evidence of a violation of the applicable mass emission limit. Evidence, including stack test data, may be presented to the department to refute the allegation of the violation of the applicable mass emission limit. Upon a written notification from the department of an exceedance, the source may perform a compliance test according to procedures in section 5 of this rule and petition the commissioner to revise the operating parameter value.
(i) An owner or operator who elects to change compliance demonstration procedures, for example, from sinter burden oil and grease content monitoring to a CEMS, shall notify the department at least thirty (30) days prior to making the change. (Air Pollution Control Division; 326 IAC 8-13-4; filed Jun 24, 1998, 5:46 p.m.: 21 IR 4197; errata filed Feb 9, 1999, 4:04 p.m.: 22 IR 2006)