Section 290IAC1-1-2.5. Grant award  

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  •   5. (a) Applications will be reviewed and acted upon by the department. The decision to grant or deny, in whole or part, the application for a state disaster relief fund public assistance grant shall not be made until it is determined whether the applicant will be eligible to receive federal public assistance disaster funds.

      (b) The decision granting or denying, in whole or in part, the application for a state disaster relief fund public assistance grant shall be issued by the department in accordance with the requirements of IC 4-21.5-3-5. If a petition for review is subsequently granted under IC 4-21.5-3-7, the department shall conduct the resulting administrative proceeding.

      (c) State disaster relief fund public assistance grants will be made in the following manner:

    (1) After all applications have been received for a specific disaster, the department will determine the amount of public assistance state disaster relief funds available to provide grants for the disaster. The amount shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the total amount in the state disaster relief fund as of the date of the governor's disaster declaration. If there is more than one (1) active disaster, the department may apportion the available public assistance state disaster relief funds among the active disasters.

    (2) The grant amount to each applicant shall also not exceed the amount determined using the formula specified in IC 10-14-4-7 or IC 10-14-4-8, whichever is applicable. If the total of all of these grants would exceed the amount of public assistance disaster relief funds allocated for the specific disaster, each grant shall be reduced by an equal percentage so that the total of all the grants equals the amount of public assistance state disaster relief funds allocated to provide grants for the specific disaster.

      (d) The state disaster relief fund public assistance grant will be provided to a grantee on a reimbursement basis unless the applicant has applied for and the department has approved a working capital advance for the project. If the department does provide the grantee with a working capital advance for the project, any further payment of the grant funds shall be reimbursements of the grantee's actual disbursements. (Department of Homeland Security; 290 IAC 1-1-2.5; filed Jan 3, 2011, 12:54 p.m.: 20110202-IR-290100481FRA)