20140903-IR-511140348ERA Temporarily amends 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.3 to delete provisions regarding points that shall be added to or subtracted from school graduation rate scores. Temporarily supplements 511 IAC 6.2 to explain the ...


    Emergency Rule
    LSA Document #14-348(E)


    Temporarily amends 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.3 to delete provisions regarding points that shall be added to or subtracted from school graduation rate scores. Temporarily supplements 511 IAC 6.2 to explain the process for calculating school grades regarding schools with atypical grade configurations and data. Effective August 28, 2014.

    SECTION 1. (a) This SECTION supersedes 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.3.

    (b) This SECTION does not apply to a feeder school or a small school.

    (c) Except as provided in subsections (d) and (e), a high school's performance and improvement grade shall be based on the following:
    (1) English 10 end of course assessment score.
    (2) Algebra 1 end of course assessment score.
    (3) Graduation rate score.
    (4) College and career readiness score.

    (d) The performance and improvement category grade of a high school that does not include grade 12 shall be based solely on the English 10 and Algebra 1 end of course assessment scores as determined under this SECTION. Each score shall be weighted with a multiplier of 0.50. The grade assigned by the board shall be determined by the sum of the two (2) weighted scores in accordance with the scale in subsection (z).

    (e) The performance and improvement category grade of a high school that includes only grades 11 and 12 shall be based solely on the graduation rate and college and career readiness scores as determined under this SECTION. The graduation rate score shall be weighted with a multiplier of 0.70. The college and career readiness score shall be weighted with a multiplier of 0.30. The grade assigned by the board shall be determined by the sum of the two (2) weighted scores in accordance with the scale in subsection (z).

    (f) Except as provided in subsection (g), the end of course assessment and ISTAR results of students in the grade 10 cohort who were enrolled in the school for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days of the school year being assessed shall be used in determining a school's English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessment scores. The results of the end of course assessments administered during the summer testing window will be included only in the school year subsequent to that administration.

    (g) The test results for Limited English Proficient students who have been enrolled in schools in the United States for less than twelve (12) months shall not be included.

    (h) To obtain an English 10 end of course assessment score, the school must have at least thirty (30) students in the grade 10 cohort who:
    (1) were enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the school year being assessed;
    (2) were tested on the English 10 end of course assessment;
    (3) were not excluded under subsection (g); and
    (4) obtained a valid test result.

    (i) A school's English 10 end of course assessment score shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary score is established, based on the percentage of students passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10, in accordance with the following:
    90.0 - 100.0% = 4.00 points
    85.0 - 89.9% = 3.50 points
    80.0 - 84.9% = 3.00 points
    75.0 - 79.9% = 2.50 points
    70.0 - 74.9% = 2.00 points
    65.0 - 69.9% = 1.50 points
    60.0 - 64.9% = 1.00 points
    0.00 - 59.9% = 0.00 points.
    (2) Subject to subsections (j) and (k), points shall be added to or deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One-half (0.50) point shall be added if the percentage of students passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR is at least 10.3 percentage points higher than the passing percentage for the same students on the grade 8 English/language arts test who meet all of the following:
    (i) Were enrolled in the school for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days during the year being assessed.
    (ii) Were not excluded under section 5.1(e) of this rule.
    (iii) Have valid English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR results for the current year or passed the English 10 end of course assessment in a prior year.
    (iv) Have valid 8th grade English/language arts test results.
    (B) One-half (0.50) point shall be deducted if the percentage of students passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR is at least one-tenth (0.1) percentage point lower than the same students on the grade 8 English/language arts test who meet the criteria in clause (A).
    (C) One-half (0.50) point shall be added if:
    (i) at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort are identified as not passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10; and
    (ii) at least fifty-nine and three-tenths percent (59.3%) of the students in the graduation cohort identified as not passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10 passed the assessments by the time the cohort graduates from high school.

    (j) Points shall not be added or deducted as described in subsection (i) if a school has fewer than ten (10) students in the grade 10 cohort who were:
    (1) enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed;
    (2) assessed on the English 10 end of course assessment;
    (3) not excluded under subsection (g); and
    (4) assessed for improvement.

    (k) The maximum English 10 end of course assessment score is four (4.00) points.

    (l) The score resulting from the application of subsection (i) constitutes the school's English 10 end of course assessment score.

    (m) To obtain an Algebra I end of course assessment score, the school must have at least thirty (30) students in the grade 10 cohort who:
    (1) were enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the school year being assessed;
    (2) were assessed on the Algebra I end of course assessment;
    (3) were not excluded under subsection (g); and
    (4) obtained a valid test result.

    (n) A school's Algebra I end of course assessment score shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary score is established, based on the percentage of students passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of the grade 10, in accordance with section 5.3(i)(1) of this rule [subsection (i)(1)].
    (2) Subject to subsections (o) and (p), points shall be added to or deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One-half (0.50) point shall be added if the percentage of students passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR is at least seventeen and one-tenth (17.1) percentage points higher than the passing percentage for the same students on the grade 8 mathematics test who meet all of the following:
    (i) Were enrolled in the school at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days during the year being assessed.
    (ii) Were not excluded under section 5.1(e) of this rule.
    (iii) Have valid Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR results for the current year or passed the Algebra I end of course assessment in a prior year.
    (iv) Have valid grade 8 mathematics test results.
    (B) One-half (0.50) point shall be deducted if the percentage of students passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR is at least one-tenth (0.1) percentage point lower than the same students on the grade 8 mathematics test who meet the criteria in clause (A).
    (C) One-half (0.50) point shall be added if:
    (i) at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort are identified as not passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10; and
    (ii) at least sixty-two and eight-tenths percent (62.8%) of the graduation cohort identified as not passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR passed the assessments by the time the cohort graduates.

    (o) Points shall not be added or deducted as described in subsection (n) if a school has fewer than ten (10) students in the grade 10 cohort who were:
    (1) enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed;
    (2) assessed on the Algebra I end of course assessment;
    (3) not excluded under subsection (g);
    (4) assessed for improvement.

    (p) The maximum Algebra I end of course assessment score is four (4.00) points.

    (q) The score resulting from the application of subsection (n) constitutes the school's Algebra I end of course assessment score.

    (r) The graduation cohort shall be used in determining a school's graduation rate score. To obtain a graduation rate score, a school must have at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort.

    (s) A school's graduation rate score shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary score is established, based on the percentage of students that graduated from high school in four (4) years, in accordance with the following:
    90.0 - 100.0% = 4.00 points
    85.0 - 89.9% = 3.50 points
    80.0 - 84.9% = 3.00 points
    75.0 - 79.9% = 2.50 points
    70.0 - 74.9% = 2.00 points
    65.0 - 69.9% = 1.50 points
    60.0 - 64.9% = 1.00 points
    0.0 - 59.9% = 0.00 points.

    (t) The maximum graduation rate score is four (4.00) points.

    (u) For the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 school years, the preliminary score under subsection (s)(1) constitutes the school's graduation rate score.

    (v) The graduation cohort, exclusive of any students who did not graduate in four (4) years or less shall be used in determining a school's college and career readiness score. To obtain a college and career readiness score, a school must have at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort described in this subsection.

    (w) A school's college and career readiness score shall be based on the percentage of students described in subsection (v) who accomplished any of the following:
    (1) Passed an AP exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5.
    (2) Passed an IB exam with a score of 4, 5, 6, or 7.
    (3) Earned three (3) college credits as defined in section 0.5 of this rule.
    (4) Obtained an industry certification as defined in section 0.5 of this rule.
    (5) Any other benchmarks approved by the board and published in accordance with section 4 of this rule.

    (x) A school's college and career readiness score shall be determined by the percentage of students described in subsection (w) in accordance with the following:
    25.0 - 100% = 4.00 points
    18.4 - 24.9% = 3.00 points
    11.7 - 18.3% = 2.00 points
    5.0 - 11.6% = 1.00 points
    0.0 - 4.9% = 0.00 points.

    (y) The end of course assessment, graduation rate, and college and career readiness scores shall be weighted in accordance with the following:
    (1) The English 10 end of course assessment score multiplied by thirty-hundredths (0.30).
    (2) The Algebra I end of course assessment score multiplied by thirty-hundredths (0.30).
    (3) The graduation rate score multiplied by thirty-hundredths (0.30).
    (4) The college and career readiness score multiplied by ten-hundredths (0.10).

    (z) Except as provided in section 4 of this rule, the high school's final performance and improvement category grade assigned by the board shall be determined by the sum of the four (4) weighted scores in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.

    SECTION 2. (a) This SECTION supplements 511 IAC 6.2 Schools with atypical grade configurations and data.

    (b) This SECTION applies to schools whose grade level configurations do not provide the data required under 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.1 through 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.7.
    (1) For each affected school, the department shall provide the following information for the grade levels served and available data to the board:
    (A) Grade levels served by the school.
    (B) Data available.
    (C) Available models with historical sample data for reference.
    (2) Based on the information provided by the department, the board shall determine the model to be applied. The board will utilize one (1) or more models outlined in 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.1 through 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.7 where available.
    (3) The models to be applied shall utilize all available data.

    SECTION 3 This emergency rule expires on the earlier of:
    (1) The date the emergency rule is amended or repealed by a later rule adopted under IC 4-22-2-22.5 through IC 4-22-2-36 or under IC 4-22-2-37.1.
    (2) One (1) year after the date the emergency rule is accepted for filing.

    LSA Document #14-348(E)
    Filed with Publisher: August 28, 2014, 10:08 a.m.

    Posted: 09/03/2014 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20140903-IR-511140348ERA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:55:18AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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