20090909-IR-345090491PRA Amends 345 IAC 1-3-3, 345 IAC 1-3-4, and 345 IAC 1-3-29 to clarify the requirements for a permit, documentation, and identification to move animals from the family cervidae into the state. Amends 345...  


    Proposed Rule
    LSA Document #09-491


    Amends 345 IAC 1-3-3, 345 IAC 1-3-4, and 345 IAC 1-3-29 to clarify the requirements for a permit, documentation, and identification to move animals from the family cervidae into the state. Amends 345 IAC 2.5-5-1, 345 IAC 2.5-5-3, and 345 IAC 2.5-5-4 and adds 345 IAC 2.5-5-4.5 to require tuberculosis testing of cervids that are to be moved within the state. Amends 345 IAC 7-5-28 concerning cervidae exhibition. Makes other changes in the law of animal disease control in cervids. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.


    345 IAC 1-3-3 Identification required; exceptions

    Authority: IC 15-17-3-21
    Affected: IC 15-17

    Sec. 3. (a) All domestic animals entering Indiana, regardless of age, sex, or breed, shall be identified as follows:
    (1) Each animal shall be individually identified utilizing a method of identification acceptable for that species. Acceptable methods of identification are as follows:
    (A) An ear tag.
    (B) A tattoo.
    (C) An individual brand.
    (D) A standard ear notch.
    (E) A registration number.
    (F) A method of identification that is approved by the state veterinarian.
    (2) Each animal shall be individually described on the accompanying certificate of veterinary inspection.

    (b) The following official identification is approved for livestock transported into Indiana:
    (1) Swine must be identified as provided in section 11 of this rule.
    (2) Cattle must be identified using one (1) of the following methods of identification:
    (A) An official ear tag.
    (B) A tattoo.
    (C) An individual brand.
    (D) A registration number if accompanied by registration papers.
    (3) Sheep must be identified using one (1) of the following methods of identification:
    (A) A tattoo.
    (B) A standard ear notch.
    (C) An ear tag.
    (D) A breed association ear tag.
    (4) Goats must be identified using one (1) of the following methods of identification:
    (A) A tattoo.
    (B) A standard ear notch.
    (C) An ear tag.
    (D) A breed association ear tag.
    (5) Horses and other equine must be identified using one (1) of the following methods of identification:
    (A) A lip tattoo.
    (B) An individual brand.
    (C) A registration number if accompanied by registration papers.
    (D) A descriptive marking with the animal's name.
    (6) Cervidae must be identified using one (1) of the following methods of identification:
    (A) An ear tag.
    (B) A tattoo. as required under section 29(a) of this rule.
    (7) Any species may be identified using other identification approved by the state veterinarian.

    (c) Any animal may be identified using a permanent electronic chip implant that uniquely identifies the animal if the following requirements are met:
    (1) The chip identification number is written on the certificate of veterinary inspection or shipping manifest.
    (2) A piece of equipment that is capable of accurately reading the chip implant accompanies the animal at all times.
    (3) The owner or caretaker of the animal allows board personnel to use the equipment necessary to read the implanted chip upon request.
    If the equipment provided by an owner or caretaker of an animal does not allow for an accurate identification of an animal for any reason, the animal will be deemed unidentified for the purpose of this rule unless the animal is identified using another method authorized by this rule.

    (d) If additional identification is present, at least one (1) additional identification shall also be listed on the certificate of veterinary inspection.

    (e) The following types of animals are exempt from the identification requirements in this section:
    (1) Steers.
    (2) Poultry.
    (3) Slaughter animals.
    (4) Baby calves and feeder heifers from brucellosis-free and Class A states.
    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; Reg 76-1, Title I, Sec 2; filed Aug 10, 1976, 10:29 a.m.: Rules and Regs. 1977, p. 128; filed May 2, 1983, 10:02 a.m.: 6 IR 1039; filed May 10, 1984, 8:36 a.m.: 7 IR 1447; filed Jan 8, 1986, 2:52 p.m.: 9 IR 991; filed Dec 2, 1994, 3:52 p.m.: 18 IR 856; filed Dec 23, 1998, 4:37 p.m.: 22 IR 1472; filed Jan 4, 2001, 1:59 p.m.: 24 IR 1336; readopted filed May 2, 2001, 1:45 p.m.: 24 IR 2895; filed Dec 19, 2002, 12:05 p.m.: 26 IR 1523; readopted filed Feb 9, 2007, 9:42 a.m.: 20070307-IR-345060512RFA)


    345 IAC 1-3-4 Certificate of veterinary inspection and permit required for importation

    Authority: IC 15-17-3-21
    Affected: IC 15

    Sec. 4. (a) A person may not transport into Indiana a domestic animal, or a wild animal of the family bovidae, family suidae, family equidae, family Cervidae, or family camelidae, unless the animal is accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection. The following animals may be transported into Indiana without a certificate of veterinary inspection:
    (1) Those consigned for immediate slaughter.
    (2) The state veterinarian may allow a person to transport into Indiana an animal without a certificate of veterinary inspection in order to facilitate the diagnosis, prevention, or control of disease.
    (3) Swine moving under the procedures in section 16.5 of this rule.

    (b) No person may transport into Indiana an animal other than those described in subsection (a) unless the animal is accompanied by a shipping manifest clearly stating the following information:
    (1) The origin of each animal.
    (2) An individual description and identification of each animal.
    (3) The destination of each animal.
    (4) The import permit number, if required under subsection (d), for the shipment.

    (c) The state veterinarian may set specific restrictions, prerequisites, and other requirements for the transportation of diseased or experimental animals into Indiana. Each official certificate of veterinary inspection or shipping manifest must note any restrictions imposed.

    (d) No person may transport into Indiana any domestic or wild animal of the family bovidae or family suidae, or family Cervidae, regardless of age, sex, or breed, without first obtaining a permit to transport the animal into Indiana. Permits shall be obtained from the state veterinarian. The state veterinarian shall assign a permit number for each permit issued. The permit number shall be recorded on the certificate of veterinary inspection associated with the permitted animals or, if a certificate of veterinary inspection is not required, the shipping manifest accompanying the shipment. The certificate of veterinary inspection or shipping manifest with the correct permit number must be in possession of the person in charge of animals during movement. A person transporting the following animals into Indiana is exempt from the requirements in this subsection:
    (1) Animals transported into Indiana for immediate slaughter.
    (2) The state veterinarian may waive all or part of the requirements in this subsection for a specific shipment of animals to facilitate the diagnosis, prevention, or control of disease.
    (3) Swine moving under the procedures in section 16.5 of this rule.
    (4) Animals of the subfamily caprinae (sheep and goats).

    (e) Permits for the transportation of animals into Indiana may be obtained day or night, including weekends and holidays, by calling the following telephone numbers:
    (1) For a permit to transport an animal of the bovine or bison or Cervidae species, call (317) 227-0316.
    (2) For a permit to transport an animal of the porcine species, call (317) 227-0311.
    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; Reg 76-1, Title I, Sec 3; filed Aug 10, 1976, 10:29 a.m.: Rules and Regs. 1977, p. 128; filed May 2, 1983, 10:02 a.m.: 6 IR 1039; filed Jan 8, 1986, 2:52 p.m.: 9 IR 992; filed May 24, 1988, 9:40 a.m.: 11 IR 3535; filed May 1, 1990, 10:25 a.m.: 13 IR 1700; filed Dec 2, 1994, 3:52 p.m.: 18 IR 857; filed Jan 6, 1999, 4:22 p.m.: 22 IR 1478; errata filed Mar 31, 1999, 9:36 a.m.: 22 IR 2534; filed Jan 4, 2001, 1:59 p.m.: 24 IR 1337; readopted filed May 2, 2001, 1:45 p.m.: 24 IR 2895; filed Dec 19, 2002, 12:05 p.m.: 26 IR 1524; filed Sep 29, 2006, 8:56 a.m.: 20061025-IR-345050315FRA; readopted filed Feb 9, 2007, 9:42 a.m.: 20070307-IR-345060512RFA)


    345 IAC 1-3-29 Importing cervidae into Indiana

    Authority: IC 15-17-3-21

    Sec. 29. (a) An animal from the family cervidae may be imported moved into Indiana if the requirements of this rule, 345 IAC 2-7, and 345 IAC 2.5-5-2 are met. A person moving cervidae into the state must comply with the following:
    (1) A preentry permit to transport the animal into Indiana is required. Subject to the restrictions in section 30 of this rule, permits shall be obtained from the state veterinarian prior to moving the animal into the state. The state veterinarian shall assign a permit number for each permit issued. The permit number shall be recorded on the certificate of veterinary inspection associated with the permitted animals or, if a certificate of veterinary inspection is not required, the shipping manifest accompanying the shipment. A person transporting a live animal directly through the state without stopping and unloading the animal in the state is not required to obtain a permit from the state veterinarian. Contact the state veterinarian at (317) 227-0310 to obtain a permit.
    (2) The animal must be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection written for the animal. Animals that are moved directly to an official state or federally inspected slaughtering establishment for immediate slaughter may be moved into Indiana without a certificate of veterinary inspection if they are accompanied by a shipping manifest that contains the following:
    (A) The origin of each animal.
    (B) An individual description of each animal.
    (C) The official identification for each animal.
    (D) The destination of each animal.
    (E) The import permit number for the shipment.
    The certificate of veterinary inspection or shipping manifest with the correct permit number must be with the animals and available from the person in charge of the animals during movement.
    (3) The animal must be identified using official identification that is a tamper resistant ear tag. However, animals that are moved by permit direct to slaughter at an official state or federally inspected slaughter establishment for immediate slaughter may be identified with an official United States Department of Agriculture back tag. In addition to the tamper resistant ear tag, animals may also be identified with official identification using the following methods:
    (A) Electronic implant.
    (B) Flank tattoo.
    (C) Ear tattoo.
    (D) An identification device approved by the state veterinarian.
    (4) The state veterinarian may permit a person to transport into Indiana an animal without a certificate of veterinary inspection or identification in order to facilitate research or the diagnosis, prevention, or control of disease.

    (b) A person may not import into Indiana the following cervidae:
    (1) Cervids that respond to a brucellosis test.
    (2) Cervidae that originate from a herd that is:
    (A) under quarantine for brucellosis; or
    (B) affected with brucellosis.

    (c) Cervids that respond to a brucellosis test may be imported into Indiana if the animal:
    (1) subsequently, prior to importation into Indiana, tests negative for brucellosis using an official brucellosis test; or
    (2) is:
    (A) sold or consigned to slaughter; and
    (B) moved directly to the slaughter establishment.

    (d) Before a person may import into Indiana cervidae not known to be infected with or exposed to brucellosis, one (1) of the following set of requirements must be met:
    (1) The animal:
    (A) originated from a herd that is certified brucellosis free under requirements that are at least equal to those in 345 IAC 2-4.5-3; and
    (B) is accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection certifying that the animal originated from a brucellosis certified herd.
    (2) The animal:
    (A) originated from a herd that is brucellosis monitored under requirements that are at least equal to those in 345 IAC 2-4.5-3;
    (B) if sexually intact and one (1) year of age or older, tests negative for brucellosis using an official test conducted within ninety (90) days prior to the animal entering Indiana; and
    (C) is accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection certifying that the animal originated from a brucellosis monitored herd and tested negative for brucellosis on a specific date.
    (3) The animal originated from a herd that is not brucellosis certified or monitored and the following requirements are met:
    (A) If the animal is to be added to a herd that is brucellosis certified or monitored under 345 IAC 2-4.5-3, the animal meets the requirements in the Brucellosis in Cervidae UM & R adopted under 345 IAC 2-4.5-2 for additions to a herd with that status.
    (B) If the animal is to be added to a herd that is not brucellosis certified or monitored under 345 IAC 2-4.5-3, the animal tests negative for brucellosis using an official test within thirty (30) days prior to the animal entering Indiana.
    (C) The animal is accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection certifying that the animal met the requirements for importation listing the specific test dates.
    (4) The animal is consigned to slaughter and is moved directly to the slaughter establishment.
    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 1-3-29; filed Dec 23, 1998, 4:37 p.m.: 22 IR 1473; errata filed Mar 31, 1999, 9:37 a.m.: 22 IR 2534; readopted filed May 2, 2001, 1:45 p.m.: 24 IR 2895; readopted filed Feb 9, 2007, 9:42 a.m.: 20070307-IR-345060512RFA; filed Jul 23, 2008, 1:01 p.m.: 20080820-IR-345070824FRA)


    345 IAC 2.5-5-1 Definitions and general provisions

    Authority: IC 15-17-3-21

    Sec. 1. (a) The definitions in 345 IAC 2.5-1 and the following definitions apply throughout this rule:
    (1) "Accredited-free state or zone" means a state or zone that is classified by the United States Department of Agriculture as an accredited-free state or zone under 9 CFR Part 77, Subpart C.
    (2) "Accredited herd" means a captive cervid herd that meets the requirements for tuberculosis accredited herd status under section 4 of this rule.
    (2) (3) "Accredited preparatory state or zone" means a state or zone that is classified by the United States Department of Agriculture as accredited preparatory state or zone under 9 CFR Part 77, Subpart C.
    (3) (4) "Cervid" or "cervidae" means all members of the cervidae family and hybrids, including without limitation, the following:
    (A) Deer.
    (B) Elk.
    (C) Moose.
    (D) Caribou.
    (E) Reindeer.
    (F) Related species.
    (4) (5) "Modified accredited advanced state or zone" means a state or zone that is classified by the United States Department of Agriculture as a modified accredited advanced state or zone under 9 CFR Part 77, Subpart C.
    (5) (6) "Modified accredited state or zone" means a state or zone that is classified by the United States Department of Agriculture as a modified accredited state or zone under 9 CFR Part 77, Subpart C.
    (7) "Monitored herd" means a captive cervid herd that meets the requirements for tuberculosis monitored herd status under section 4.5 of this rule.
    (6) (8) "Nonaccredited state or zone" means a state or zone that is classified by the United States Department of Agriculture as a nonaccredited state or zone under 9 CFR Part 77, Subpart C.
    (9) "Qualified herd" means a captive cervid herd that meets the requirements for tuberculosis qualified herd status under section 4.5 of this rule.
    (10) "Whole herd test" means an official tuberculosis test of all captive cervids in a herd that are as follows:
    (A) Twelve (12) months of age or older.
    (B) Less than twelve (12) months of age and were brought into the herd, that is, not born into the herd, but not including animals under twelve (12) months of age that were brought into the herd from a tuberculosis accredited herd.

    (b) The general provisions in 345 IAC 2.5-2 apply throughout this rule.

    (c) Federal rules incorporated by reference in this rule are the January 1, 2007, 2009, version of the rules.
    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 2.5-5-1; filed Jul 23, 2008, 1:01 p.m.: 20080820-IR-345070824FRA)


    345 IAC 2.5-5-3 Intrastate movement of cervids

    Authority: IC 15-17-3-21
    Affected: IC 15-17-3-13

    Sec. 3. (a) A person moving cervids within the state shall meet the requirements in 345 IAC 2-7.

    (b) A person moving a cervid from a premises in Indiana to another premises in Indiana must meet the following requirements:
    (1) The animal must be individually identified before movement as follows:
    (A) Animals that are subject to the chronic wasting disease rule in 345 IAC 2-7 must be identified as required by 345 IAC 2-7-3(b)(3) or 345 IAC 2-7-4(b)(3)(B).
    (B) Animals not subject to the chronic wasting disease rule in 345 IAC 2-7 must be identified using an official identification that is a tamper resistant ear tag. In addition to the ear tag, the animal may also be identified using the following methods of identification:
    (i) Electronic implant.
    (ii) Flank tattoo.
    (iii) Ear tattoo.
    (iv) An identification device approved by the state veterinarian.
    (2) Notwithstanding subdivision (1), the state veterinarian may issue a permit to a person to move a cervid that is identified with an official United States Department of Agriculture back tag if the cervid is moved direct to slaughter at an official state or federally inspected slaughter establishment for immediate slaughter.
    (3) One (1) of the following requirements must be met:
    (A) The animal tests negative for tuberculosis using an official test conducted within ninety (90) days prior to the date the animal is moved.
    (B) The animal is moved from a herd that is tuberculosis accredited under section 4 of this rule.
    (C) The animal is moved from a herd that is tuberculosis qualified under 9 CFR 77.36(a) or tuberculosis monitored under 9 CFR 77.37(a).
    (D) The animal is moved from a herd that has been subject to a whole herd test for tuberculosis and all of the following are met:
    (i) The whole herd test was conducted within the twelve (12) months prior to movement.
    (ii) All animals tested negative for tuberculosis.
    (iii) The animal to be moved was part of the herd at the time the whole herd test was conducted or is an animal that was added to the herd after the whole herd test was conducted by moving it from a tuberculosis accredited herd or by being born into the herd.
    (E) The animal is less than twelve (12) months of age.
    (F) The animal is moved directly to an official state or federally inspected slaughtering establishment for immediate slaughter.
    (4) The animal must be accompanied by proof of compliance with subdivision (3), such as the following:
    (A) An official certificate of veterinary inspection written for the animal that indicates the tuberculosis test status of the herd or animal.
    (B) An official tuberculosis test chart for the herd or animal.
    (C) A statement from the herd veterinarian that documents the tuberculosis status of the animal being moved.
    (D) A copy of the certificate or notice from the state veterinarian documenting the tuberculosis status of the herd.
    (E) A record or certification from the owner that the animal is under twelve (12) months of age.
    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 2.5-5-3; filed Jul 23, 2008, 1:01 p.m.: 20080820-IR-345070824FRA)


    345 IAC 2.5-5-4 Accredited herd status for cervid herds

    Authority: IC 15-17-3-21
    Affected: IC 15-17-3-13

    Sec. 4. (a) Owners of cervid herds in the state may obtain and maintain an accredited herd status for tuberculosis by complying with the requirements in this section.

    (b) To qualify for accredited herd status, the owner of a cervid herd must do each of the following:
    (1) Complete, sign, and abide by the terms of an accredited herd status agreement provided by the state veterinarian.
    (2) Procure the services of an accredited veterinarian to test each animal in the herd for tuberculosis twice, the second tuberculosis test to be conducted between nine (9) months and fifteen (15) months after the first test is conducted. All test eligible animals in the herd must test negative for tuberculosis.
    (3) All animals added to the herd meet the requirements in subsection (e).
    The state veterinarian will issue the owner of an accredited herd an accreditation certificate or notice indicating the accredited herd status. Herd accreditation status is valid for three (3) years from the date it is earned and then it expires unless the herd is reaccredited under subsection (c).

    (c) The owner of a herd that is accredited may maintain the herd's accredited status by procuring the services of an accredited veterinarian to test each animal in the herd for tuberculosis. The reaccreditation herd test must be completed between thirty-three (33) and thirty-six (36) months from the date the second herd test was completed under subsection (a). A herd is in suspended status from thirty-six (36) to thirty-nine (39) months from the date the second herd test was completed under subsection (a) during which time the herd owner may complete the reaccreditation requirements. After thirty-nine (39) months, the herd owner must reapply for the accreditation program as a new herd.

    (d) A herd that is being tested for accreditation or reaccreditation must test the following animals for tuberculosis:
    (1) All cervids twelve (12) months of age and older.
    (2) All cervids that were not born into the herd regardless of age.
    (3) All natural additions shall be identified and recorded on the test report as members of the herd at the time of the annual test even if they are less than twelve (12) months of age and not tested.

    (e) Animals that are added to a herd must meet the following:
    (1) The animal must not have been exposed during the ninety (90) days prior to its movement to any tuberculosis livestock or to a captive cervid from a herd with a lower classification status than its own.
    (2) One (1) of the following sets of criteria must be met:
    (A) The animal is a natural addition born into the herd.
    (B) The animal to be added is moved directly from an accredited herd.
    (C) The animal to be added is moved directly from a qualified or monitored herd and meets the following:
    (i) The animal is tested negative to an official tuberculosis test within ninety (90) days prior to movement to the premises of the accredited herd.
    (ii) The animal is isolated from all members of the accredited herd until it tests negative to an official tuberculosis test conducted at least ninety (90) days following the date of arrival at the premises of the accredited herd.
    (iii) Cervids that are moved in a group may be kept together, but no member of the group may be added to the accredited herd until all members of the group meet the requirements for accredited status.
    (D) The animal to be added is moved directly from a classified an unclassified herd and meets the following:
    (i) The animal is tested negative to two (2) official tuberculosis tests conducted at least ninety (90) days apart, and the second test must be conducted within ninety (90) days prior to movement to the premises of the accredited herd.
    (ii) The animal is isolated from all members of the accredited herd until it tests negative to an official tuberculosis test conducted at least ninety (90) days following the date of arrival at the premises of the accredited herd.
    (iii) Cervids that are moved in a group may be kept together, but no member of the group may be added to the accredited herd until all members of the group meet the requirements for accredited status.
    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 2.5-5-4; filed Jul 23, 2008, 1:01 p.m.: 20080820-IR-345070824FRA)


    345 IAC 2.5-5-4.5 Qualified and monitored herd status for cervid herds

    Authority: IC 15-17-3-21
    Affected: IC 15-17-3-13

    Sec. 4.5. (a) Owners of cervid herds in the state may obtain and maintain a qualified or monitored herd status for tuberculosis by complying with the requirements in this section.

    (b) To obtain a qualified or monitored herd status, the owner of a cervid herd must complete, sign, and abide by the terms of a qualified or monitored herd status agreement provided by the state veterinarian.

    (c) To obtain and maintain a qualified herd status, the herd owner must meet all of the requirements in 9 CFR 77.36(a), 9 CFR 77.36(c), and 9 CFR 77.36(d), which are incorporated by reference into this rule.

    (d) To obtain and maintain a monitored herd status, the herd owner must meet all of the requirements in 9 CFR 77.37(a), 9 CFR 77.37(c), and 9 CFR 77.37(d), which are incorporated by reference into this rule.

    (e) The state veterinarian will issue the owner a certificate or notice indicating the qualified or monitored herd status.
    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 2.5-5-4.5)


    345 IAC 7-5-28 Cervidae exhibition

    Authority: IC 15-17-3-21

    Sec. 28. If cervidae are to be exhibited at a show or 4-H fair, the cervidae must meet the following requirements or they may not enter the exhibition grounds:
    (1) The animal must meet one (1) of the following requirements:
    (A) Test negative for tuberculosis within ninety (90) days prior to If the date of exhibition. animal originates outside the state, the requirements in 345 IAC 1-3-29.
    (B) Originate from a herd that is accredited under If the animal originates within the state, the requirements that are at least equal to those in 345 IAC 2-4.5-3. 345 IAC 2.5-5-3.
    (2) The animal must test negative for brucellosis within ninety (90) days prior to the date of exhibition.
    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 7-5-28; filed Dec 23, 1998, 4:37 p.m.: 22 IR 1477; readopted filed May 2, 2001, 1:45 p.m.: 24 IR 2895; filed Dec 19, 2002, 12:00 p.m.: 26 IR 1540; readopted filed May 9, 2007, 3:16 p.m.: 20070516-IR-345070037RFA)

    Posted: 09/09/2009 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20090909-IR-345090491PRA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:44:33AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.