20090909-IR-170090687ARA RE: Establishment of rules for the One Call program  


    Administrative Rules Oversight Committee Notice
    60 Day Requirement (IC 4-22-2-19)
    LSA Document #09-687

    August 24, 2009

    Representative Scott Pelath, Chairperson
    Administrative Rules Oversight Committee
    c/o Legislative Services Agency
    Attn: Sarah Burkman
    200 West Washington Street, Suite 301
    Indianapolis, IN 46204-2789

    RE: Establishment of rules for the One Call program

    Dear Representative Pelath:

    Pursuant to Indiana Code 8-1-26, as amended by P.L.62-2009, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission ("IURC" or "Commission") was charged with adopting rules under Ind. Code 4-22-2 to carry out the One Call program. The Commission has taken steps to begin the rulemaking process but will not be able to file the required Notice of Intent by September 1, 2009.

    Prior to filing the Notice of Intent, the Commission plans on holding prerulemaking workshops with the interested parties in order to receive comments on the language of the proposed rule. In addition, the Director of Pipeline Safety and the Senior Commission Counsel have recently left the Commission. Both of these individuals were actively involved in the One Call rulemaking. Consequently, the Commission is unable to formally initiate the One Call rulemaking by September 1, 2009. The Commission intends on formally initiating the One Call rulemaking by January 1, 2010. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have.

    Thank you for your consideration of this matter.


    s/David E. Veleta

    David E. Veleta
    Assistant General Counsel

    CC: Scott Storms, IURC General Counsel
    Steve Barnes, Indiana Register, Legislative Services Agency

    Posted: 09/09/2009 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20090909-IR-170090687ARA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:43:51AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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