20100818-IR-405090928ARA Re: LSA Document #09-928  


    Administrative Rules Oversight Committee Notice
    One Year Requirement (IC 4-22-2-25)
    LSA Document #09-928

    To: Senator R. Michael Young, Chairperson
    Administrative Rules Oversight Committee
    c/o Legislative Services Agency
    Attn: Sarah Burkman
    200 West Washington Street, Suite 301
    Indianapolis, IN 46204-2789

    From: Mason W. Pike, Deputy General Counsel

    Re: LSA Document #09-928

    Amendments to Allowable Office Visits Rule

    Date: August 11, 2010

    Cc: Steve Barnes, Indiana Register, Legislative Services Agency
    Patricia Casanova, Director, Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning
    Kristina Moorhead, Program Director, Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning

    On behalf of the Family and Social Services Administration, Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning, I am submitting this memo to the Administrative Rules Oversight Committee in compliance with IC 4-22-2-25, because the agency has determined that the promulgation of the captioned rule may not be completed within one year after publication of the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule.

    The agency published its Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule for LSA Document #09-928 on December 9, 2009 (DIN: 20091209-IR-405090928NIA). The proposed rule was presented to the Medicaid Advisory Committee on March 16, 2010, and to the FSSA Rules Committee on August 10, 2010. The fiscal impact memo was submitted to the State Budge Agency on February 12, 2010. The public hearing was held on June 15, 2010. The agency has several additional steps it must take before this rule can be fully promulgated. Due to statutory requirements and the time available, the agency may not be able to have the final rule to the Governor for signature under the time restraints required by IC 4-22-2-25(a). Consequently, the agency expects that LSA Document #09-928 can be approved by the Governor by March 1, 2011.

    This notice setting forth the expected date of approval of LSA Document #09-928 as March 1, 2011, is being submitted in a timely manner. August 16, 2010, is the two hundred fiftieth day after publication of the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule.

    Posted: 08/18/2010 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20100818-IR-405090928ARA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:58:29AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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