20060809-IR-312050324FRA Amends 312 IAC 5-9, which establishes watercraft restrictions on waterways owned by public utilities, by adding a new section 312 IAC 5-9-5 to govern watercraft operations on Sullivan Lake in Sulliva...  


    Final Rule
    LSA Document #05-324(F)


    Amends 312 IAC 5-9, which establishes watercraft restrictions on waterways owned by public utilities, by adding a new section 312 IAC 5-9-5 to govern watercraft operations on Sullivan Lake in Sullivan County. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.


    312 IAC 5-9-5 Watercraft operation restrictions on Sullivan Lake in Sullivan County

    Authority: IC 14-10-2-4; IC 14-11-2-1; IC 14-15-7-3
    Affected: IC 14; IC 32-19-1-1

    Sec. 5. (a) This section establishes special watercraft restrictions on Sullivan Lake in Sullivan County.

    (b) A person must not operate a watercraft in excess of thirty (30) miles per hour.

    (c) The following zones are established where a person must not operate a watercraft in excess of idle speed:
    (1) Begins at a point with a buoy placed at the following:
    (A) SPC 428092.46 (UTM 4328395.51) north and SPC 874146.32 (UTM 466950.38) east.
    (B) SPC 427980.98 (UTM 4328283.79) north and SPC 874447.69 (UTM 467251.54) east.
    (2) At a point with a buoy placed at the following:
    (A) SPC 428702.73 (UTM 4329005.95) north and SPC 873717.08 (UTM 466521.85) east.
    (B) SPC 428578.03 (UTM 4328881.34) north and SPC 873674.27 (UTM 466478.95) east.
    (3) At a point with a buoy placed at the following:
    (A) SPC 429732.56 (UTM 4330035.03) north and SPC 874125.04 (UTM 466930.60) east.
    (B) SPC 429889.99 (UTM 4330192.41) north and SPC 874128.56 (UTM 466934.27) east.
    (4) In the northern portion of the lake from a line extended shoreline to shoreline just south of the area known as the old railroad bed and more particularly described with a buoy placed at the following:
    (A) SPC 430360.34 (UTM 4330662.94) north and SPC 873746.63 (UTM 466552.91) east.
    (B) SPC 430375.49 (UTM 4330677.83) north and SPC 874013.26 (UTM 466819.46) east.

    (d) The following zones are established where a person must not enter and operate any watercraft in when marked by navigational buoys, and all other times a person must not operate in excess of idle speed:
    (1) Begins at a point with a buoy placed at the following:
    (A) SPC 428513.44 (UTM 4328816.69) north and SPC 873767.44 (UTM 466572.02) east.
    (B) SPC 428486.10 (UTM 4328789.25) north and SPC 873885.10 (UTM 466689.61) east.
    (2) At a point with a buoy placed at the following:
    (A) SPC 428387.53 (UTM 4328690.63) north and SPC 873977.69 (UTM 466782.08) east.
    (B) SPC 428284.70 (UTM 4328587.80) north and SPC 874022.02 (UTM 466826.30) east.

    (e) The coordinates used in this section have the meanings set forth in IC 32-19-1-1, 312 IAC 1-1-27.5, and 312 IAC 1-1-29.3 and referenced as "SPC" and "UTM".
    (Natural Resources Commission; 312 IAC 5-9-5; filed Jul 14, 2006, 1:24 p.m.: 20060809-IR-312050324FRA)

    LSA Document #05-324(F)
    Notice of Intent: December 1, 2005; 29 IR 834
    Proposed Rule: March 1, 2006; 29 IR 1974
    Hearing Held: April 11, 2006
    Approved by Attorney General: June 29, 2006
    Approved by Governor: July 13, 2006
    Filed with Publisher: July 14, 2006, 1:24 p.m.
    Documents Incorporated by Reference: None Received by Publisher
    Small Business Regulatory Coordinator: Stephen L. Lucas, Division of Hearings, Natural Resources Commission, Indiana Government Center-South, 402 West Washington Street, Room W272, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 233-3322, slucas@nrc.in.gov

    Posted: 08/09/2006 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20060809-IR-312050324FRA
    Composed: Oct 31,2016 11:27:56PM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.