20100707-IR-370090808CHA Change in Notice of Public Hearing LSA Document #09-808  


    Change in Notice of Public Hearing
    LSA Document #09-808

    The State Egg Board gives notice that the date of the public hearing for LSA Document #09-808, posted at 20100505-IR-370090808PRA, has been changed. The changed Notice of Public Hearing appears below:

    Notice of Public Hearing

    Under IC 4-22-2-4, notice is hereby given that on August 4, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., at the Beck Agricultural Center, Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE), 4540 U.S. 52 West, Room 141, West Lafayette, Indiana, the State Egg Board will hold a public hearing on a proposed rule amendment modifying dating requirements, inspection authority, repackaging of shell eggs at retail, and fee structure.
    The proposed rule amendment will clarify several issues relative to the inspection of shell eggs and the authorities of the inspectors. Revisions to IC 16-42-11 have given the State Egg Board the authority to establish licensing and fee structure through the rule process IC 4-22-2. This rule modifies the existing licensing and fee structure. These changes are estimated to cost the regulated industry $234,000 in the initial year and $192,000 in subsequent years. Annual licensing fees for retailers selling fewer than five 30 dozen cases per week will increase by $10 while farmers market license cost will not change. Small wholesalers distributing fewer than five 30 dozen cases per week will pay a flat fee and will not be required to pay a quarterly case assessment fee.
    Copies of the fiscal analysis relied upon to calculate the referenced cost to regulated entities are now on file at the office of the State Egg Board, Purdue University, 125 South Russell Street, West Lafayette, Indiana and are open for public inspection and copying.
    Copies of these rules are now on file at the State Egg Board, Purdue University, 125 South Russell Street, West Lafayette, Indiana and Legislative Services Agency, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N201, Indianapolis, Indiana and are open for public inspection.

    Mark Straw
    Executive Administrator
    State Egg Board

    Posted: 07/07/2010 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20100707-IR-370090808CHA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:57:16AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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