20120516-IR-511110051FRA Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-0.5 to establish definitions for the rule. Amends 511 IAC 6.2-6-4 to establish school performance and improvement categories, the placement of schools and school corporations in ca...  


    Final Rule
    LSA Document #11-51(F)


    Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-0.5 to establish definitions for the rule. Amends 511 IAC 6.2-6-4 to establish school performance and improvement categories, the placement of schools and school corporations in categories, and growth percentages and passing rate targets. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.1 to establish the metric for calculating the performance and improvement category grade for elementary and middle schools open four years or more. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.2 to establish the metric for calculating the performance and improvement category grade for elementary and middle schools open three years or less. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.3 to establish the metric for calculating the performance and improvement category grade for high schools, end of course assessment scores, graduation rate scores, and college and career readiness scores. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.4 to establish the metric for calculating the performance and improvement category grade for elementary feeder schools. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.5 to establish the metric for calculating the performance and improvement category grade for high school feeder schools. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.6 to establish the metric for calculating the performance and improvement category grade for small elementary and middle schools. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.7 to establish the metric for calculating the performance and improvement category grade for small high schools. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.8 to establish the metric for calculating the performance and improvement category grade for school corporations. Adds 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.9 to establish procedures and requirements for receipt of new accountability baselines for school changes due to opening, reopening, reconfiguring, or redistribution of students. Repeals 511 IAC 6.2-6-5 and 511 IAC 6.2-6-6.1. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.


    511 IAC 6.2-6-0.5 Definitions

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1

    Sec. 0.5. The following definitions apply throughout this rule:
    (1) "Advanced placement examination" or "AP exam" means the examination defined in IC 20-36-3-2.
    (2) "Algebra I end of course assessment" means the assessment required under 511 IAC 5-2-3(b)(4)(A).
    (3) "College credit" means credit awarded by a regionally accredited postsecondary institution in a department approved liberal arts or career or technical education dual credit course verifiable by a transcript.
    (4) "Elementary feeder school" means an elementary school having any combination of kindergarten, grade 1, or grade 2.
    (5) "Elementary school" means a school that includes:
    (A) grade 1, 2, or 3;
    (B) grade 1, 2, or 3 in combination with other grades; or
    (C) any school that has a grade 6 as its highest grade.
    (6) "English 10 end of course assessment" means the assessment required under 511 IAC 5-2-3(b)(4)(B).
    (7) "General diploma" means a diploma awarded pursuant to the minimum graduation requirements established in 511 IAC 6-7.1-4.
    (8) "Grade 8 English/language arts test" means the English language arts test required under 511 IAC 5-2-3(b)(1) for grade 8 administered through ISTEP+, IMAST, or ISTAR.
    (9) "Grade 8 mathematics test" means the mathematics test required under 511 IAC 5-2-3(b)(1) for grade 8 administered through ISTEP+, IMAST, or ISTAR.
    (10) "Grade 10 cohort" means the class of students who are in their second year of high school.
    (11) "Graduation cohort" means a class of students that is:
    (A) considered to have entered grade 9 in the same year; and
    (B) expected to graduate three (3) years after entering grade 9.
    (12) "Graduation rate" has the meaning set forth in IC 20-26-13-6.
    (13) "High growth" means student growth that is equal to or greater than the sixty-sixth percentile.
    (14) "High school" means a school with grade 9, 10, 11, and/or 12.
    (15) "High school feeder school" means a high school with grade 9 only.
    (16) "IMAST" means the Indiana modified achievement standard test.
    (17) "Industry certification" means a certificate or credential that is:
    (A) developed or supported by business and industry to verify student mastery of technical skills competencies in an occupational area; and
    (B) approved by the department.
    (18) "International Baccalaureate exam" or "IB exam" means the examination created and administered by International Baccalaureate, a nonprofit educational foundation headquartered at Route des Morillons 15, Grand-Saconnex, Geneve, CH-1218, Switzerland.
    (19) "ISTAR" means the Indiana standards tool for alternate reporting.
    (20) "Limited English Proficient" shall have the definition provided in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. 7801 (25), of Title IX, and means, when used with respect to an individual, an individual who:
    (A) is aged 3 through 21;
    (B) is enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary school or secondary school;
    (C)(i) was not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English;
    (ii)(1) is a Native American or Alaska Native, or a native resident of the outlying areas; and
    (2) comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the individual's level of English language proficiency; or
    (iii) is migratory, whose native language is a language other than English, and who comes from an environment where a language other than English is dominant; and
    (D) whose difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may be sufficient to deny the individual:
    (i) the ability to meet the State's proficient level of achievement on State assessments described in section 1111(b)(3);
    (ii) the ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English; or
    (iii) the opportunity to participate fully in society.
    (21) "Low growth" means student growth that is equal to or less than the thirty-fourth percentile.
    (22) "Mandatory annual assessments" means the assessments required under 511 IAC 5-2-3(b), and any alternatives to those assessment instruments including ISTAR and the IMAST.
    (23) "Middle school" means a school that includes any grades or combination of grades that is not defined as an elementary school or a high school.
    (24) "Performance and improvement category" means the letter grade assigned to a school based on student performance and improvement on the mandatory annual assessments and other criteria established in this rule.
    (25) "Receiving school" means an elementary school or a high school that has at least thirty (30) students who were enrolled in the:
    (A) feeder school for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year preceding the year being assessed; and
    (B) receiving school for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed.
    (26) "School" refers to any public, nonpublic, or charter school that the board is required to place in a performance and improvement category.
    (27) "Small elementary school" means an elementary school that has fewer than thirty (30) students who:
    (A) were enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed;
    (B) were assessed on ISTEP+, IMAST, or ISTAR English/language arts and mathematics;
    (C) obtained a valid test result; and
    (D) were not excluded based on being a Limited English Proficient student that has been enrolled in school in the United States for less than 12 months.
    (28) "Small high school" means a high school that:
    (A) does not offer grade 12; and
    (B) has fewer than thirty (30) students in the grade 10 cohort who were:
    (i) enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed;
    (ii) tested on both the English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessments or ISTAR; and
    (iii) not excluded based on being a Limited English Proficient student that has been enrolled in school in the United States for less than 12 months.
    (29) "Waiver diploma" means a diploma awarded pursuant to the alternative graduation requirements in IC 20-32-4-4 or IC 20-32-4-5.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-0.5; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-4 School performance and improvement categories; placement of school and school corporation in categories; growth percentages and passing rate targets

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 4. (a) The base year for improvement and performance determinations for elementary and middle schools will be the 2003-2004 school year. The base year for high schools will be the 2004-2005 school year.

    (b) Beginning in the 2005-2006 school year, (a) The board annually shall place a school and school corporation in a school improvement and performance and improvement category based on results of mandatory annual assessments English/language arts and mathematics test results will be used initially. Science and social studies test results will be added when those tests are implemented. and other criteria as set forth in this rule.

    (c) (b) Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, performance is based on the percentage of all students who pass mandatory annual assessments in English/language arts and mathematics calculated as an average rate across subject areas and grade levels. Science and social studies test results will be added when those tests are implemented. and improvement categories shall be designated by the letter grades A, B, C, D, and F as determined under this rule.

    (d) School improvement is based on increases in achievement of a nonmobile cohort group of students as they progress through school. Increases in achievement will be measured by percentage point increases in students who pass mandatory annual assessments in English/language arts and mathematics calculated as an average rate across subject areas and grade levels.

    (e) The nonmobile cohort group of students referred to in subsection (d) includes students enrolled in the school for at least seventy percent (70%) of the school year preceding testing.

    (f) After (c) Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year and until the board determines new targets and scoring weights in accordance with this rule, the targets and scoring weights set forth in this rule shall be utilized in the initial determinations determination of school and school corporation performance and improvement the level of school improvement shall be determined by the average of the yearly improvement for the three-year period that includes the current year and the two (2) previous years (three-year rolling average). categories.

    (g) The initial determination of school improvement for a high school will be based on a comparison of the base year to the next year. The second determination shall be based on a two (2) year average.

    (h) The initial determination of school improvement for an elementary school or a middle school will be based on a two (2) year average.

    (d) For each of the 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15 school years, the board shall do the following:
    (1) Increase the weight of the college and career readiness score by at least five (5) percentage points and reduce the weight of the English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessment scores equally to correspond to the increase in the college and career readiness score so that the total for the combined weights equals 1.0. By 2014-15, the weight afforded the college and career readiness score shall be at least .30.
    (2) Establish new target percentages for the following:
    (A) Section 5.3(h)(2)(C) of this rule.
    (B) Section 5.3(m)(2)(C) of this rule.
    (C) Section 5.3(s)(2)(B) of this rule.

    (e) Except as otherwise provided in this rule, at least every three (3) years the board shall review and, if necessary, establish the following:
    (1) New targets for the following:
    (A) Section 5.1 of this rule.
    (B) Section 5.2 of this rule.
    (C) Section 5.3 of this rule.
    (2) New weights for the following:
    (A) English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessment scores.
    (B) Graduation rate scores.
    (C) College and career readiness scores.

    (f) New targets and scoring weights shall be published on the department's website no later than December 31 of the school year in which the new targets and weights will be applied.

    (g) A school that includes elementary and middle school grades but not high school grades will receive a single performance and improvement category grade under this rule.

    (h) A school that includes elementary or middle school grades and high school grades will receive a single performance and improvement category grade as described in subsections (i) through (k).

    (i) The performance and improvement category grade for a school described in subsection (h) shall be based on the elementary, middle, and high school scores weighted by the percentages determined by the following:
    (1) The number of students enrolled in grades 3 through 8 as reported for pupil enrollment (PE report) divided by the sum of the number of students reported on the PE report for grades 3 through 8 and the cohorts for grades 9 through 12.
    (2) The number of students in the cohorts for grades 9 through 12 as reported on the PE report divided by the sum of the number of students reported on the PE report for grades 3 through 8 and the cohorts for grades 9 through 12.

    (j) A school's performance and improvement category grade assigned by the board shall be determined by:
    (1) multiplying the average of the English/language arts and mathematics points for the elementary and middle school grades by the percentage in subsection (i)(1);
    (2) multiplying the sum of the four (4) weighted scores for the high school by the percentage in subsection (i)(2); and
    (3) adding the products of subdivisions (1) and (2).

    (k) The board shall assign the performance and improvement category grade based on the final score resulting from the application of subsections (i) and (j) in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-4; filed Feb 20, 2002, 10:55 a.m.: 25 IR 2228; filed Aug 26, 2003, 4:15 p.m.: 27 IR 162; readopted filed Nov 4, 2009, 12:03 p.m.: 20091202-IR-511090701RFA; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.1 Elementary and middle schools open four years or more; performance and improvement category grade determination

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.1. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), this section applies to the following elementary and middle schools beginning with the 2011-2012 school year:
    (1) Schools that have been open four (4) years or more.
    (2) Schools that have been open three (3) years or less that elect to have this section applied.

    (b) This section does not apply to a feeder school or a small school.

    (c) The process for a school to elect application of this section includes the following:
    (1) The department shall calculate a new school's performance and improvement category grade under this section and section 5.2 of this rule and notify the school of the results.
    (2) The school shall choose the section under which the school's final grade will be determined.
    (3) If the school elects a grade determination under this section, the school shall be subject to this section in subsequent years and may not elect out.
    (4) If the school elects a grade determination under section 5.2 of this rule, the process described in this section will be repeated each year until the school has been open more than three (3) years.

    (d) Except as provided in subsection (e), the results of the mandatory annual assessments of students who were enrolled in the school for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days of the school year being assessed shall be used in determining the school's English/language arts and mathematics grades.

    (e) The test results for Limited English Proficient students who have been enrolled in schools in the United States for less than 12 months shall not be included.

    (f) To obtain a preliminary English/language arts score, the school must have at least thirty (30) students who:
    (1) were enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the school year being assessed;
    (2) were tested in English/language arts on ISTEP+, IMAST, or ISTAR;
    (3) were not excluded under subsection (e); and
    (4) obtained a valid test result.

    (g) A school's English/language arts grade shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary score is established, based on the combined ISTEP+, IMAST, and ISTAR English/language arts test passing percentage of the students described in subsection (d), in accordance with the following:
    90.0 - 100.0% = 4.00 points
    85.0 - 89.9% = 3.50 points
    80.0 - 84.9% = 3.00 points
    75.0 - 79.9% = 2.50 points
    70.0 - 74.9% = 2.00 points
    65.0 - 69.9% = 1.50 points
    60.0 - 64.9% = 1.00 points
    0.00 - 59.9% = 0.00 points.
    (2) Except as provided in subsections (h) and (i), points shall be added to or deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One (1.00) point shall be added if at least forty-two and five-tenths percent (42.5%) of the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) of students taking the ISTEP+ English/language arts test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated high growth.
    (B) One (1.00) point shall be added if at least thirty-six and two-tenths percent (36.2%) of the top seventy-five percent (75%) of students taking the ISTEP+ English/language arts test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated high growth.
    (C) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if at least thirty-nine and eight-tenths percent (39.8%) of all students taking the ISTEP+ English/language arts test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated low growth.
    (D) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students performing in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) on the prior year's ISTEP+ English/language arts assessment were tested on the English/language arts component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.
    (E) One point (1.00) shall be deducted if:
    (i) there are at least forty (40) students performing in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) on the prior year's ISTEP+ English/language arts assessment; and
    (ii) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students not included in that lowest twenty-five percent (25%) subgroup were tested on the English/language arts component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.
    (F) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if:
    (i) no points were deducted pursuant to clauses [clause] (D) or (E); and
    (ii) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students enrolled in the school were tested on the English/language arts component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.

    (h) Points shall not be added or deducted as described in subsection (g)(2)(A), (g)(2)(B), or (g)(2)(C) if a school has fewer than ten (10) students who were:
    (1) enrolled for at least 162 days in the year being assessed;
    (2) tested in English/language arts on ISTEP+;
    (3) not excluded pursuant to subsection (e); and
    (4) assessed for growth.

    (i) Points shall not be deducted as described in subsection (g)(2)(D), (g)(2)(E), or (g)(2)(F) if the identified group has fewer than forty (40) students.

    (j) The school's English/language arts grade shall be determined by the final score resulting from the application of subsection (g) in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.

    (k) To obtain a preliminary mathematics score, the school must have at least thirty (30) students who:
    (1) were enrolled for at least 162 days in the school year being assessed;
    (2) were tested in math on ISTEP+, IMAST, or ISTAR;
    (3) were not excluded pursuant to subsection (e); and
    (4) obtained a valid test result.

    (l) A school's mathematics grade shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary score is established, based on the combined ISTEP+, IMAST, and ISTAR mathematics test passing percentages for the students described in subsection (d) in accordance with the scale in subsection (g)(1).
    (2) Except as provided in subsections (m) and (n) points shall be added to or deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One (1.00) point shall be added if at least forty-four and nine-tenths percent (44.9%) of the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) of students taking the ISTEP+ mathematics test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated high growth.
    (B) One (1.00) point shall be added if at least thirty-nine and two-tenths percent (39.2%) of the top seventy-five percent (75%) of students taking the ISTEP+ mathematics test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated high growth.
    (C) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if at least forty-two and four-tenths percent (42.4%) of all students taking the ISTEP+ math test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated low growth.
    (D) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students performing in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) on the prior year's ISTEP+ mathematics assessment were tested on the mathematics component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.
    (E) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if:
    (i) there are at least forty (40) students performing in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) on the prior year's ISTEP+ mathematics assessment; and
    (ii) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students not included in that lowest twenty-five percent (25%) subgroup were tested on the mathematics component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.
    (F) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if:
    (i) no points were deducted under clause (D) or (E); and
    (ii) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students enrolled in the school were tested on the mathematics component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.

    (m) Points shall not be added or deducted as described in subsection (l)(2)(A), (l)(2)(B), or (l)(2)(C) if a school has fewer than ten (10) students who were:
    (1) enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed;
    (2) tested in mathematics on ISTEP+;
    (3) not excluded under subsection (e); and
    (4) assessed for growth.

    (n) Points shall not be deducted as described in subsection (l)(2)(D), (l)(2)(E), or (l)(2)(F) if the identified group has fewer than forty (40) students.

    (o) The school's mathematics grade shall be determined by the final score resulting from the application of subsection (l) in accordance with the scale in subsection (j).

    (p) Except as provided in section 4 of this rule, the school's final performance and improvement category grade assigned by the board shall be determined by the average of the school's English/language arts and mathematics final scores in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.1; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.2 Elementary and middle schools open three years or less; performance and improvement category grade determination

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), this section applies to elementary and middle schools, beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, that have:
    (1) been open three (3) years or less; and
    (2) not elected application of section 5.1(a)(2) of this rule.

    (b) This section does not apply to a feeder school or a small school.

    (c) The results of the mandatory annual assessments of the students described in section 5.1(d) of this rule shall be used in determining the school's English/language arts and math grades.

    (d) To obtain an English/language arts grade, a school must have at least thirty (30) students who were:
    (1) enrolled for at least 162 days in the year being assessed;
    (2) tested in English/language arts on ISTEP+;
    (3) not excluded under section 5.1(e) of this rule; and
    (4) assessed for growth.

    (e) A school's English/language arts grade shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary English/language arts score is established, based on the percentage of students showing high growth on the ISTEP+ English/language arts test in accordance with the following:
    40.7 - 100% = 4.00 points
    34.6 - 40.6% = 3.00 points
    29.4 - 34.5% = 2.00 points
    00.0 - 29.3% = 1.00 point
    (2) Except as provided in subsection (f), points shall be deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if both of the following apply:
    (i) At least thirty-nine and eight-tenths percent (39.8%) of the top seventy-five percent (75%) of students taking the ISTEP+ English/language arts test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated low growth.
    (ii) At least thirty-nine and nine-tenths percent (39.9%) of the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) of students taking the ISTEP+ English/language arts test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated low growth.
    (B) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students performing in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) of the prior year's ISTEP+ English/language arts assessment were tested on the English/language arts component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.
    (C) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if:
    (i) there are at least forty (40) students performing in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) on the prior year's ISTEP+ English/language arts assessment; and
    (ii) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students not included in that lowest twenty-five percent (25%) were tested on the English/language arts component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.
    (D) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if:
    (i) no points were deducted under clauses [clause] (B) or (C); and
    (ii) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students enrolled in the school were tested on the English/language arts component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.

    (f) Points shall not be deducted as described in subsection (e)(2)(B), (e)(2)(C), or (e)(2)(D) if the identified group has fewer than forty (40) students.

    (g) The school's English/language arts grade shall be determined by the final score resulting from the application of subsection (e) and in accordance with the scale in section 5.1(j) of this rule.

    (h) To obtain a mathematics grade, the school must have at least thirty (30) students who were:
    (1) enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed;
    (2) tested in mathematics on ISTEP+;
    (3) not excluded under section 5.1(e) of this rule; and
    (4) assessed for growth.

    (i) A school's mathematics grade shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary math score is established, based on the percentage of students showing high growth on the ISTEP+ math test, in accordance with the following:
    44.1 - 100% = 4.00 points
    34.0 - 44.0% = 3.00 points
    25.8 - 34.8% = 2.00 points
    00.0 - 25.7% = 1.00 point
    (2) Except as provided in subsection (j), points shall be deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if both of the following apply:
    (i) At least forty-two and four-tenths percent (42.4%) of the top seventy-five (75%) of students taking the ISTEP+ mathematics test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated low growth.
    (ii) At least forty percent (40.0%) of the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) of students taking the ISTEP+ mathematics test and obtaining a valid test result demonstrated low growth.
    (B) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students performing in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) of the prior year's ISTEP+ mathematics assessment were tested on the mathematics component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.
    (C) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if:
    (i) there are at least forty (40) students performing in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) on the prior year's ISTEP+ mathematics assessment; and
    (ii) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students not included in that lowest twenty-five percent (25%) were tested on the mathematics component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.
    (D) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if:
    (i) no points were deducted under clause (B) or (C); and
    (ii) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students enrolled in the school were tested on the mathematics component of the mandatory annual assessments in the year being assessed.

    (j) Points shall not be deducted as described in subsection (i)(2)(B), (i)(2)(C), and (i)(2)(D) if the identified group has fewer than forty (40) students.

    (k) The school's mathematics grade shall be determined by the final score resulting from the application of subsection (i) and in accordance with scale in section 5.1(j) of this rule.

    (l) Except as provided in section 4 of this rule, the school's final performance and improvement category grade assigned by the board shall be determined by the average of the school's English/language arts and mathematics scores in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.2; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.3 High schools; end of course assessment scores; graduation rate scores; college and career readiness scores; performance and improvement category grade

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.3. (a) This section does not apply to a feeder school or a small school.

    (b) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), a high school's performance and improvement grade shall be based on the following:
    (1) English 10 end of course assessment score.
    (2) Algebra 1 end of course assessment score.
    (3) Graduation rate score.
    (4) College and career readiness score.

    (c) The performance and improvement category grade of a high school that does not include grade 12 shall be based solely on the English 10 and Algebra 1 end of course assessment scores as determined under this section. Each score shall be weighted with a multiplier of 0.50. The grade assigned by the board shall be determined by the sum of the two (2) weighted scores in accordance with the scale in subsection (y).

    (d) The performance and improvement category grade of a high school that includes only grades 11 and 12 shall be based solely on the graduation rate and college and career readiness scores as determined under this section. The graduation rate score shall be weighted with a multiplier of 0.70. The college and career readiness score shall be weighted with a multiplier of 0.30. The grade assigned by the board shall be determined by the sum of the two (2) weighted scores in accordance with the scale in subsection (y).

    (e) Except as provided in subsection (f), the end of course assessment and ISTAR results of students in the grade 10 cohort who were enrolled in the school for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days of the school year being assessed shall be used in determining a school's English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessment scores. The results of the end of course assessments administered during the summer testing window will be included only in the school year subsequent to that administration.

    (f) The test results for Limited English Proficient students who have been enrolled in schools in the United States for less than 12 months shall not be included.

    (g) To obtain an English 10 end of course assessment score, the school must have at least thirty (30) students in the grade 10 cohort who:
    (1) were enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the school year being assessed;
    (2) were tested on the English 10 end of course assessment;
    (3) were not excluded under subsection (f); and
    (4) obtained a valid test result.

    (h) A school's English 10 end of course assessment score shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary score is established, based on the percentage of students passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10, in accordance with the following:
    90.0 - 100.0% = 4.00 points
    85.0 - 89.9% = 3.50 points
    80.0 - 84.9% = 3.00 points
    75.0 - 79.9% = 2.50 points
    70.0 - 74.9% = 2.00 points
    65.0 - 69.9% = 1.50 points
    60.0 - 64.9% = 1.00 points
    0.00 - 59.9% = 0.00 points.
    (2) Subject to subsections (i) and (j), points shall be added to or deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One-half (0.50) point shall be added if the percentage of students passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR is at least 10.3 percentage points higher than the passing percentage for the same students on the grade 8 English/language arts test who meet all of the following:
    (i) Were enrolled in the school for at least 162 days during the year being assessed.
    (ii) Were not excluded under section 5.1(e) of this rule.
    (iii) Have valid English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR results for the current year or passed the English 10 end of course assessment in a prior year.
    (iv) Have valid 8th grade English/language arts test results.
    (B) One-half (0.50) point shall be deducted if the percentage of students passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR is at least one-tenth (0.1) percentage point lower than the same students on the grade 8 English/language arts test who meet the criteria in clause (A).
    (C) One-half (0.50) point shall be added if:
    (i) at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort are identified as not passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10; and
    (ii) at least fifty-nine and three-tenths percent (59.3%) of the students in the graduation cohort identified as not passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10 passed the assessments by the time the cohort graduates from high school.

    (i) Points shall not be added or deducted as described in subsection (h) if a school has fewer than ten (10) students in the grade 10 cohort who were:
    (1) enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed;
    (2) assessed on the English 10 end of course assessment;
    (3) not excluded under subsection (f); and
    (4) assessed for improvement.

    (j) The maximum English 10 end of course assessment score is four (4.00) points.

    (k) The score resulting from the application of subsection (h) constitutes the school's English 10 end of course assessment score.

    (l) To obtain an Algebra I end of course assessment score, the school must have at least thirty (30) students in the grade 10 cohort who:
    (1) were enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the school year being assessed;
    (2) were assessed on the Algebra I end of course assessment;
    (3) were not excluded under subsection (f); and
    (4) obtained a valid test result.

    (m) A school's Algebra I end of course assessment score shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary score is established, based on the percentage of students passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of the grade 10, in accordance with section 5.3(h)(1) of this rule [subsection (h)(1)].
    (2) Subject to subsections (n) and (o), points shall be added to or deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One-half (0.50) point shall be added if the percentage of students passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR is at least seventeen and one-tenth (17.1) percentage points higher than the passing percentage for the same students on the grade 8 mathematics test who meet all of the following:
    (i) Were enrolled in the school at least 162 days during the year being assessed.
    (ii) Were not excluded under section 5.1(e) of this rule.
    (iii) Have valid Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR results for the current year or passed the Algebra I end of course assessment in a prior year.
    (iv) Have valid grade 8 mathematics test results.
    (B) One-half (0.50) point shall be deducted if the percentage of students passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR is at least one-tenth (0.1) percentage point lower than the same students on the grade 8 mathematics test who meet the criteria in clause (A).
    (C) One-half (0.50) point shall be added if:
    (i) at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort are identified as not passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10; and
    (ii) at least sixty-two and eight-tenths percent (62.8%) of the graduation cohort identified as not passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR passed the assessments by the time the cohort graduates.

    (n) Points shall not be added or deducted as described in subsection (m) if a school has fewer than ten (10) students in the grade 10 cohort who were:
    (1) enrolled for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days in the year being assessed;
    (2) assessed on the Algebra I end of course assessment;
    (3) not excluded under subsection (f);
    (4) assessed for improvement.

    (o) The maximum Algebra I end of course assessment score is four (4.00) points.

    (p) The score resulting from the application of subsection (m) constitutes the school's Algebra I end of course assessment score.

    (q) The graduation cohort shall be used in determining a school's graduation rate score. To obtain a graduation rate score, a school must have at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort.

    (r) A school's graduation rate score shall be determined by the following:
    (1) A preliminary score is established, based on the percentage of students that graduated from high school in four (4) years, in accordance with the following:
    90.0 - 100.0% = 4.00 points
    85.0 - 89.9% = 3.50 points
    80.0 - 84.9% = 3.00 points
    75.0 - 79.9% = 2.50 points
    70.0 - 74.9% = 2.00 points
    65.0 - 69.9% = 1.50 points
    60.0 - 64.9% = 1.00 points
    0.0 - 59.9% = 0.00 points.
    (2) Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, points shall be added to or deducted from the preliminary score based on the following:
    (A) One (1.00) point shall be added if at least thirty-four and four-tenths percent (34.4%) of four-year graduates received one (1) of the following nonwaiver diplomas:
    (i) Academic honors.
    (ii) Technical honors.
    (iii) Academic and technical honors.
    (iv) International Baccalaureate.
    (B) One (1.00) point shall be deducted if at least thirty-two and eight-tenths percent (32.8%) of four-year graduates received either a general diploma or a waiver diploma, unless the percentage of four-year graduates receiving a general or waiver diploma concurrently with an industry certification is equal to or greater than the percentage established by the board under section 4 of this rule.
    (C) One (1.00) point shall be added if:
    (i) at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort failed to graduate in four (4) years; and
    (ii) at least thirteen and two-tenths percent (13.2%) of the students in the graduation cohort who failed to graduate in four (4) years graduated in five (5) years in accordance with the graduation rate calculations.

    (s) The maximum graduation rate score is four (4.00) points.

    (t) For the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 school years, the preliminary score under subsection (r)(1) constitutes the school's graduation rate score. Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, the score resulting from the application of subsection (r)(2) constitutes the school's graduation rate score.

    (u) The graduation cohort, exclusive of any students who did not graduate in four (4) years or less shall be used in determining a school's college and career readiness score. To obtain a college and career readiness score, as school must have at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort described in this subsection.

    (v) A school's college and career readiness score shall be based on the percentage of students described in subsection (u) who accomplished any of the following:
    (1) Passed an AP exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5.
    (2) Passed an IB exam with a score of 4, 5, 6, or 7.
    (3) Earned three (3) college credits as defined in section 0.5 of this rule.
    (4) Obtained an industry certification as defined in section 0.5 of this rule.
    (5) Any other benchmarks approved by the board and published in accordance with section 4 of this rule.

    (w) A school's college and career readiness score shall be determined by the percentage of students described in subsection (v) in accordance with the following:
    25.0 - 100% = 4.00 points
    18.4 - 24.9% = 3.00 points
    11.7 - 18.3% = 2.00 points
    5.0 - 11.6% = 1.00 points
    0.0 - 4.9% = 0.00 points.

    (x) The end of course assessment, graduation rate, and college and career readiness scores shall be weighted in accordance with the following:
    (1) The English 10 end of course assessment score multiplied by thirty-hundredths (0.30).
    (2) The Algebra I end of course assessment score multiplied by thirty-hundredths (0.30).
    (3) The graduation rate score multiplied by thirty-hundredths (0.30).
    (4) The college and career readiness score multiplied by ten-hundredths (0.10).

    (y) Except as provided in section 4 of this rule, the high school's final performance and improvement category grade assigned by the board shall be determined by the sum of the four (4) weighted scores in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.3; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.4 Elementary feeder schools; performance and improvement category grade

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.4. (a) This section applies to elementary feeder schools.

    (b) A feeder school's English/language arts and mathematics grades shall be based on the English/language arts and mathematics grades of the receiving schools.

    (c) If more than five (5) receiving schools are identified for the feeder school, the five (5) schools with the highest census of feeder school students will be used to determine the feeder school's performance and improvement category grade.

    (d) A feeder school's English/language arts grade is the average of the sum of the scores used as the basis of the receiving schools' English/language arts grades.

    (e) A feeder school's mathematics grade is the average of the sum of the scores used as the basis of the receiving schools' mathematics grades.

    (f) A feeder school's final performance and improvement category grade, as assigned by the board, shall be determined by the average of the feeder school's English/language arts and mathematics scores in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.4; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.5 High school feeder schools; performance and improvement category grade

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.5. (a) This section applies to high school feeder schools.

    (b) A feeder school's performance and improvement category grade shall be based solely on end of course assessment scores.

    (c) A feeder school's English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessment scores shall be based on the English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessment scores of the receiving schools.

    (d) If more than five (5) receiving schools are identified for the feeder school, the five (5) schools with the highest census of feeder school students will be used to determine the feeder school's performance and improvement category grade.

    (e) A feeder school's English 10 end of course assessment score is the average of the sum of the receiving schools' English 10 end of course assessment scores.

    (f) A feeder school's Algebra I end of course assessment score is the average of the sum of the receiving schools' Algebra I end of course assessment scores.

    (g) A feeder school's end of course assessment scores shall each be weighted with a multiplier of 0.50.

    (h) A feeder school's final performance and improvement category grade, as assigned by the board, shall be determined by the average of the feeder school's end of course assessment scores in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.5; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.6 Small elementary and middle schools; performance and improvement category grade

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.6. (a) This section applies to small elementary and middle schools as defined in this rule.

    (b) A small school shall not receive an English/language arts grade until it has at least thirty (30) students who meet the criteria in section 5.1(f) of this rule.

    (c) A small school shall not receive a mathematics grade until it has at least thirty (30) students who meet the criteria in section 5.1(k) of this rule.

    (d) If a school does not have at least thirty (30) students who meet the criteria in section 5.1(f) or 5.1(k) of this rule in the school year being assessed, the school's English/language arts and mathematics grades will be based on the results of the mandatory annual assessments of a cumulative aggregate of students who meet the criteria.

    (e) The cumulative aggregate shall be comprised of students who meet the criteria in the school year being assessed and in each school year immediately preceding the year being assessed until the cumulative aggregate is equal to or greater than thirty (30) students.

    (f) A small school's English/language arts preliminary score shall be based on the combined ISTEP+, IMAST, and ISTAR passing percentages for the cumulative aggregate in accordance with the following:
    90.0 - 100.0% = 4.00 points
    80.0 - 89.9% = 3.00 points
    70.0 - 79.9% = 2.00 points
    60.0 - 69.9% = 1.00 points
    0.00 - 59.9% = 0.00 points.

    (g) One (1.00) point shall be deducted from a small school's preliminary English/language arts score if:
    (1) the cumulative aggregate described in subsection (f) includes at least forty (40) students; and
    (2) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students in the cumulative aggregate were tested on the English/language arts component of the mandatory annual assessments.

    (h) A small school's English/language arts grade shall be determined by the final score resulting from the application of subsections (f) and (g) in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.

    (i) A small school's preliminary mathematics score shall be based on the combined ISTEP+, IMAST, and ISTAR passing percentages for the cumulative aggregate in accordance with the scale in subsection (f).

    (j) One (1.00) point shall be deducted from a small school's preliminary mathematics score if:
    (1) the cumulative aggregate described in subsection (f) includes at least forty (40) students; and
    (2) fewer than ninety-five percent (95%) of the students in the cumulative aggregate were tested on the mathematics component of the mandatory annual assessments.

    (k) A small school's mathematics grade shall be determined by the final score resulting from the application of subsections (i) and (j) in accordance with the scale in subsection (h).

    (l) The board shall assign the small school's performance and improvement category grade as determined by one (1) of the following:
    (1) The grade in the subject area if only one (1) subject area is graded.
    (2) The average of the sum of the points for the English/language arts and mathematics grades in accordance with the following:
    3.51- 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.6; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.7 Small high schools; performance and improvement category grade

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.7. (a) This section applies to small high schools as defined in this rule.

    (b) The performance and improvement category grade of a small high school shall be based on student performance on English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessments.

    (c) A small school shall not receive an English 10 or Algebra 1 end of course assessment score until it has at least thirty (30) students in the grade 10 cohort who meet the criteria in section 5.3(g) of this rule.

    (d) If a school does not have at least thirty (30) students who meet the criteria in section 5.3(g) of this rule in the school year being assessed, the school's end of course assessment scores will be based on the end of course assessment and ISTAR results of a cumulative aggregate of students who meet the criteria.

    (e) The cumulative aggregate shall be comprised of students who meet the criteria in the school year being assessed and in each school year immediately preceding the year being assessed until the cumulative aggregate is equal to or greater than thirty (30) students.

    (f) A small high school's English 10 end of course assessment score shall be based on the percentage of the cumulative aggregate of students passing the English 10 end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10, in accordance with the following:
    90.0 - 100.0% = 4.00 points
    80.0 - 89.9% = 3.00 points
    70.0 - 79.9% = 2.00 points
    60.0 - 69.9% = 1.00 points
    0.00 - 59.9% = 0.00 points.

    (g) A small high school's Algebra I end of course assessment score shall be based on the percentage of the cumulative aggregate of students passing the Algebra I end of course assessment or ISTAR by the end of grade 10, in accordance with the scale in subsection (f).

    (h) A small high school's performance and improvement category grade, as assigned by the board, shall be determined by the average of the small high school's English 10 and Algebra I end of course assessment scores, in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.7; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.8 School corporations; performance and improvement category grade

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.8. (a) The board shall assign each school corporation:
    (1) an elementary and middle school performance and improvement category grade;
    (2) a high school performance and improvement category grade; and
    (3) a corporation performance and improvement category grade.

    (b) The results of the mandatory annual assessments of the students in grades 3 through 12 who were enrolled in one (1) or more schools within the school corporation for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days of the school year being assessed shall be used in determining the school's English/language arts and mathematics grades.

    (c) Determinations of proficiency from the ISTAR and IMAST exams shall not exceed the following percentages:
    (1) No more than one percent (1%) of the total tested population of students in the corporation may be counted as proficient on the ISTAR exam.
    (2) No more than two percent (2%) of the total tested population of students in the corporation may be counted as proficient on the IMAST exam.

    (d) A corporation's elementary and middle school English/language arts and mathematics scores and grades shall be determined in accordance with section 5.1 of this rule.

    (e) A corporation's elementary and middle school performance and improvement category grade assigned by the board shall be based on the average of the corporation's English/language arts and mathematics scores in accordance with section 5.1(p) of this rule.

    (f) A corporation's high school performance and improvement grade assigned by the board shall be determined in accordance with section 5.3 of this rule.

    (g) The performance and improvement category grade for a school corporation shall be based on the elementary, middle, and high school scores weighted by the percentages determined by the following:
    (1) The number of students enrolled in grades 3 through 8 as reported for pupil enrollment (PE report) divided by the sum of the number of students reported on the PE report for grades 3 through 8 and the cohorts for grades 9 through 12.
    (2) The number of students in the cohorts for grades 9 through 12 as reported on the PE report divided by the sum of the number of students reported on the PE report for grades 3 through 8 and the cohorts for grades 9 through 12.

    (h) A school corporation's performance and improvement category grade assigned by the board shall be determined by:
    (1) multiplying the average of the English/language arts and mathematics points for the elementary and middle school grade by the percentage in subsection (g)(1);
    (2) multiplying the sum of the four (4) weighted scores for the high school by the percentage in subsection (g)(2); and
    (3) adding the products of subdivisions (1) and (2).

    (i) The board shall assign the performance and improvement category grade for the school corporation based on the final score resulting from the application of subsections (g) and (h) in accordance with the following:
    3.51 - 4.00 points = A
    3.00 - 3.50 points = B
    2.00 - 2.99 points = C
    1.00 - 1.99 points = D
    0.00 - 0.99 points = F.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.8; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)


    511 IAC 6.2-6-5.9 School changes due to opening, reopening, reconfiguring, or redistribution of students; new accountability baselines

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-4-17; IC 20-31-10-1
    Affected: IC 20-31-8

    Sec. 5.9. (a) Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, this section applies to schools that:
    (1) open;
    (2) reopen;
    (3) reconfigure; or
    (4) redistribute students.

    (b) To obtain a new accountability baseline, a school described in subsection (a) must clearly demonstrate all of the following:
    (1) A change of at least seventy percent (70%) of the student population from the previous year, either by elimination or addition.
    (2) A significant change in educational philosophy, curriculum, or staffing.
    (3) A change is not being made to avoid accountability.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-6-5.9; filed Apr 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA)

    SECTION 12. THE FOLLOWING ARE REPEALED: 511 IAC 6.2-6-5; 511 IAC 6.2-6-6.1.

    LSA Document #11-51(F)
    Notice of Intent: 20110126-IR-511110051NIA
    Proposed Rule: 20111214-IR-511110051PRA
    Hearing Held: January 17, 2012
    Approved by Attorney General: April 5, 2012
    Approved by Governor: April 16, 2012
    Filed with Publisher: April 16, 2012, 3:45 p.m.
    Documents Incorporated by Reference: None Received by Publisher
    Small Business Regulatory Coordinator: Becky Bowman, State Board Administrator, Indiana Department of Education, Room 229, State House, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 232-6622, bbowman@doe.in.gov

    Posted: 05/16/2012 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20120516-IR-511110051FRA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:23:34AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.