20080423-IR-905080196ARA RE: LSA Document Number 08-196  


    Administrative Rules Oversight Committee Notice
    60 Day Requirement (IC 4-22-2-19)
    LSA Document #08-196

    April 9, 2008

    Honorable Representative Scott Pelath, Chairperson
    Administrative Rules Oversight Committee
    Indiana Legislative Services Agency
    200 W. Washington St., Suite 201
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
    Attn: Allen Morford

    RE: LSA Document Number 08-196

    Dear Representative Pelath:

    This is to notify you that pursuant to IC 4-22-2-19, the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (ATC) will not begin the rulemaking process within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the statute that authorizes the rule. IC 7.1-3-17.5-5 mandates adoption of rules to carry out IC 7.1-3-17.5 concerning gaming site permits. The ATC did not have adequate staff and resources to commence the rulemaking process. The ATC is now prepared to move forward and we expect to start the rule promulgation process immediately. The Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule was posted on the Indiana Register site on March 19, 2008.

    If you have any further concerns or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 317-234-4737 or mcoxey@atc.in.gov. Thank you for your consideration.

    Very truly yours,

    Melissa L. Coxey
    Staff Attorney

    Posted: 04/23/2008 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20080423-IR-905080196ARA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:23:36AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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