20140416-IR-312130446EIA Economic Impact Statement LSA Document #13-446  


    Economic Impact Statement
    LSA Document #13-446

    IC 4-22-2.1-5 Statement Concerning Rules Affecting Small Businesses
    Estimated Number of Small Businesses Subject to this Rule:
    It is estimated that between 92 and 113 small businesses will be indirectly affected by implementation of this proposed rule. This number is based on the number of Indiana wildlife food product processors that will receive reimbursement from the not-for-profit entities that will be eligible for funding under IC 14-9-5-4.

    Estimated Average Annual Reporting, Record Keeping, and Other Administrative Costs Small Businesses Will Incur for Compliance:
    The affected Indiana wildlife food product processors will incur only small direct costs for complying with the proposed rules. These costs will be realized through purchase of a specialty stamp for processed wildlife food products, photocopying costs, postal service costs and administrative business records paperwork. The total estimated annual costs incurred by the Indiana wildlife food product processors should not exceed $50.

    Estimated Total Annual Economic Impact on Small Businesses to Comply:
    The total estimated economic impact on each Indiana wildlife food product processors should be positive in the overall annual estimation. Each processor will be supplied with a predetermined amount of monetary reimbursement for each deer processed under this proposed rule (traditionally $50 to $60 per deer). The total reimbursement per processor will vary depending on the number of deer donated to that processor and agreed to with the supporting not-for-profit under this program.

    Justification Statement of Requirement or Cost:
    The only requirement imposed upon a processor beyond requirements met under other Indiana statutes pertaining to wildlife processing for consumption by Indiana citizens is the requirement to provide an inking stamp for the packaging of processed food products produced under this rule denoting "Indiana Sportsmen's Benevolence Fund – Not for Sale".

    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis of Alternative Methods:
    There exist no alternative methods for the implementation of this rule. The proposed rule attempts to meet the requirements of IC 14-9-5-4 with the minimum amount of oversight and regulation, in an attempt to provide as much service to the needy citizens of Indiana in the most cost effective manner.

    Posted: 04/16/2014 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20140416-IR-312130446EIA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:46:13AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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