20090408-IR-675090139PRA Amends 675 IAC 14-4.3-3, 675 IAC 14-4.3-79, 675 IAC 14-4.3-120, 675 IAC 14-4.3-155.5, 675 IAC 14-4.3-209, 675 IAC 14-4.3-215, 675 IAC 14-4.3-227, 675 IAC 14-4.3-227.5, 675 IAC 14-4.3-231, 675 IAC 14-...  


    Proposed Rule
    LSA Document #09-139


    Amends 675 IAC 14-4.3-3, 675 IAC 14-4.3-79, 675 IAC 14-4.3-120, 675 IAC 14-4.3-155.5, 675 IAC 14-4.3-209, 675 IAC 14-4.3-215, 675 IAC 14-4.3-227, 675 IAC 14-4.3-227.5, 675 IAC 14-4.3-231, 675 IAC 14-4.3-232, 675 IAC 14-4.3-233, 675 IAC 14-4.3-234, 675 IAC 14-4.3-244.5, 675 IAC 14-4.3-247, and 675 IAC 14-4.3-249 and adds 675 IAC 14-4.3-212.1, 675 IAC 14-4.3-212.2, 675 IAC 14-4.3-215.2, 675 IAC 14-4.3-220.4, 675 IAC 14-4.3-221.5, 675 IAC 14-4.3-228.9, 675 IAC 14-4.3-231.2, 675 IAC 14-4.3-233.1, 675 IAC 14-4.3-233.4, 675 IAC 14-4.3-236.1, 675 IAC 14-4.3-239.3, 675 IAC 14-4.3-239.6, 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.1, 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.2, 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.3, 675 IAC 14-4.3-249.3, 675 IAC 14-4.3-249.4, and 675 IAC 14-4.3-254.8, concerning the 2005 Indiana Residential Code, so as not to be in conflict with provisions of the 2009 Indiana Electrical Code, 675 IAC 17-1.8. Repeals 675 IAC 14-4.3-233.3 and 675 IAC 14-4.3-246. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.


    675 IAC 14-4.3-3 Section R202; definitions

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 3. Change Section R202, Definitions, as follows:
    (1) Change the definition of ACCESSORY STRUCTURE to read as follows: In one and two family dwellings and for the purpose of APPENDIX E, structures not more than 3 stories high with separate means of egress, and the use of which is incidental to that of the main building and which is located on the same lot.
    (2) Change the definition of ALTERATION by deleting "other than repair".
    (3) Change APPROVED to read as follows: APPROVED means, as to materials, equipment, appliances, methods of design, and types of construction, acceptance by the building official by one (1) of the following methods:
    (1) investigation or tests conducted by recognized authorities;
    (2) investigation or tests conducted by technical or scientific organizations; or
    (3) accepted principles.
    The investigation, tests, or principles shall establish that the materials, equipment, appliances, methods of design, and types of construction are safe for their intended purpose.
    (4) Change the definition of BUILDING, EXISTING to read as follows: BUILDING, EXISTING. Existing building is a building or structure erected prior to the adoption of this code.
    (5) Change the definition of BUILDING OFFICIAL to read as follows: BUILDING OFFICIAL, as used in this code, shall be the local official or officials as designated in local ordinance, except it shall be the state building commissioner for Industrialized Building Systems under 675 IAC 15 and IC 22-15 and for plan review for townhouses under 675 IAC 12 and IC 22-15.
    (6) Delete the definition of CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS and substitute to read as follows: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. For construction documents, see the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12) for Class 1 structures and local ordinance for Class 2 structures.
    (7) Delete, from the definition of ESSENTIALLY NONTOXIC TRANSFER FLUIDS, "; and FDA-approved boiler water additions for steam boilers".
    (8) Change the definition of EXISTING INSTALLATIONS to read as follows: Any system regulated by this code that was legally installed prior to the effective date of this code.
    (9) Add a definition of FAMILY after the definition of FACTORY-BUILT CHIMNEY to read as follows: FAMILY means an individual or 2 or more persons related by blood or marriage and/or a group of not more than 10 persons (excluding servants) who need not be related by blood or marriage living together in a dwelling unit.
    (10) Change the definition of FIREBLOCKING to read as follows: Building materials, or materials labeled for use as fireblocking, installed to resist the free passage of flame to other areas of the building through concealed spaces.
    (11) Add, in the definition of FOAM PLASTIC INSULATION, "of" between "consisting" and "open".
    (12) Add a definition of FOUNDATION WALL after FOAM PLASTIC INSULATION to read as follows: FOUNDATION WALL means the supporting element(s) that extend from the top of the footing to the bottom of the sill plate.
    (13) Delete, in the definition of HEATING DEGREE DAY (HDD), "acceptable to the code" and substitute "approved by the building".
    (14) Add the following definitions after INSULATING SHEATHING:
    INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE means the Indiana Building Code (675 IAC 13).
    ICC ELECTRICAL CODE means the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
    INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE means the Indiana Fire Code (675 IAC 22).
    INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE means the Indiana Fuel Gas Code (675 IAC 25).
    INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE means the Indiana Mechanical Code (675 IAC 18).
    INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE means the Indiana Plumbing Code (675 IAC 16).
    (15) Delete the definition of KITCHEN and substitute to read as follows: An area with a sink and permanent facilities for food preparation and cooking.
    (15) (16) Delete the definition of LABELED and substitute to read as follows: LABELED. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization engaged in product evaluation that maintains periodic inspection or of production of labeled equipment or materials and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.
    (16) (17) Delete the definition of LISTED AND LISTING and substitute to read as follows: LISTED AND LISTING. Equipment or materials included in a list published by an organization engaged in product evaluation that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials and whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner.
    (17) (18) Add a definition of MONO-PITCH TRUSS after MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF COVERING to read as follows: MONO-PITCH TRUSS means a truss with a top chord having a single uninterrupted slope of more than 1.5/12.
    (18) (19) Add a definition of NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE after MULTIPLE STATION SMOKE ALARM to read as follows: NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE means the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
    (19) (20) Add a definition of NFPA 70 after NATURAL DRAFT SYSTEM to read as follows: NFPA 70 means the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
    (20) (21) Delete the definition of PERMIT.
    (21) (22) Delete, in the definition of PLUMBING, ", repairs, maintenance".
    (22) (23) Delete, in the definition of PLUMBING APPURTENANCE, ", maintenance, servicing, economy".
    (23) (24) Delete the definition of POTABLE WATER and substitute to read as follows: POTABLE WATER. Water that at the point of use is acceptable for human consumption under drinking water standards adopted by the Water Pollution Control Board at 327 IAC 8.
    (24) (25) Change the definition of RECESSED LIGHT after RECEPTOR to read as follows: RECESSED LUMINAIRE. For purposes of Chapter 11, RECESSED LUMINAIRE means a luminaire that by design penetrates the thermal boundary of the building.
    (25) (26) Add a definition for REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL to read as follows: REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL means an architect who is registered under IC 25-4 or a professional engineer who is registered under IC 25-31.
    (26) (27) Delete the definition of ROOF REPAIR.
    (27) (28) Add a definition of SILL PLATE after the definition of SIDE VENT to read as follows: SILL PLATE means in frame construction the bottom rough structural member that rests on the foundation.
    (28) (29) Add a definition of SLAB-ON-GRADE FLOOR INSULATION after SKYLIGHT AND SLOPED GLAZING to read as follows: SLAB-ON-GRADE FLOOR INSULATION means insulation around the perimeter of the floor slab or its supporting foundation.
    (29) (30) Add a definition of SOLE PLATE after the definition of SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT (SHGC) to read as follows: SOLE PLATE means in frame construction the horizontal member of a frame wall or partition that rests on any type floor.
    (30) (31) Add a definition of SMOKE ALARM after SLOPE to read as follows: SMOKE ALARM an alarm device that is responsive to smoke.
    (31) (32) Add a definition of TACTILE NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE after SWEEP to read as follows: TACTILE NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE a notification appliance that alerts by sense of touch or vibration.
    (32) (33) Add to the definition of TOWNHOUSE, between "units" and "in", "separated by property lines".
    (33) (34) Change, in the definition for UNUSUALLY TIGHT CONSTRUCTION, 3, to read as follows: 3. Caulking or sealants are applied to joints and openings in the thermal envelope of the building such as: joints around window and door frames; between supporting structure and sill and sole plates; wall-ceiling joints; and at penetrations for plumbing, electrical and gas lines.
    (34) (35) Add a definition of WORKMANSHIP after the definition of WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL to read as follows: WORKMANSHIP means the installation, application, or construction of materials, equipment, or fixtures as they are intended to be incorporated into a one-or-two-family dwelling as mandated by this code, the manufacturer, or industry standards. Items that are aesthetic in nature and that do not affect the livability, intended use, or the safety of a structure are excluded.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-3; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3257, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State; filed Mar 6, 2008, 11:13 a.m.: 20080402-IR-675070483FRA)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-79 Section R408.2; openings for under-floor ventilation

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 79. Make the following changes to Section R408.2:
    (1) Delete the first two (2) sentences of R408.2 without substitution.
    (2) Change Exception 1 to read as follows: Ventilation openings to the outdoors are not required if ventilation openings to the interior are provided.
    (3) Amend Delete Exception 5 as follows: Delete "Section N1102.1.7" and substitute "Chapter 11 of this code". without substitution and renumber the remaining exceptions.
    (4) Add Exception 6 5 to read as follows: 6. 5. Ventilation openings are not required when the under-floor space is insulated in accordance with Chapter 11 of this code, the insulation materials comply with Sections R314 and R316 of this code and the ground surface is covered with an approved vapor retarder that extends to the exterior walls and all penetrations are sealed. The vapor retarder shall have a minimum thickness of 0.006 inch and shall be installed so that any joints are lapped at least 6 inches. (152 mm). Mechanical ductwork shall be uninsulated and shall have no openings into the under-floor space. A hard surface pad with dimensions of at least 16 inches (407 mm) by 16 inches, (407 mm), and an electrical a 15-ampere or 20-ampere, 125-volt receptacle shall be installed to allow for the installation of dehumidification equipment in the event of high humidity conditions in the under-floor spaces. Openings into conditioned space shall be permitted.
    (5) Add Exception 7 6 to read as follows: 7. 6. Ventilation openings are not required when the under-floor space is insulated in accordance with Chapter 11 of this code, the insulation materials comply with Sections R314 and R316 of this code and there is a concrete floor at least 2 inches (51 mm) thick installed on the ground surface of the under-floor space. A vapor retarder, at least 0.006 inch (.152 mm) thick and extending to the exterior walls and with all penetrations sealed, shall be installed under the concrete floor. Conditioned air shall be circulated through the under-floor space at a rate of at least 1 cfm (10 m2) for each 50 square feet (1.02 L/s) of under-floor space.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-79; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3274, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State; filed Mar 6, 2008, 11:13 a.m.: 20080402-IR-675070483FRA)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-120 Section R703.7.4.3; mortar or grout filled

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 120. (a) Amend Delete Section R703.7.4.3 by deleting "1 inch (25.4 mm)" and inserting "3/4 inch (19 mm)." without substitution.

    (b) Change the first sentence of Section R703.7.4.3 to read as follows: As an alternate method to apply stone and masonry veneer, mortar or grout shall be permitted to fill the air space when the requirements of this Section R703.7.4.3 are met.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-120; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3280, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State; filed Mar 4, 2009, 1:57 p.m.: 20090401-IR-675080604FRA)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-155.5 Section G2411.1; gas pipe bonding

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 155.5. Delete the text of Section G2411.1 and add text to read as follows: All metal gas piping upstream from the equipment shutoff valve(s) shall be electrically continuous and shall be bonded to an effective ground-fault current path in accordance with Section E3509.7. Except where connected to appliances and at bonding connections, corrugated stainless steel piping shall be isolated from other metal gas piping, metal water piping, metal air ducts, metal structural framing, and all electrical wiring methods by a space separation of at least 2 inches. Table E3503.1, or the piping system listing requirements, shall be used to size the bonding conductor used to bond corrugated stainless steel gas tubing (CSST) to the electrical system.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-155.5; filed Oct 21, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 29 IR 806; filed Mar 6, 2008, 11:13 a.m.: 20080402-IR-675070483FRA)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-209 Section E3301.2; scope

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 209. Change Section E3301.2 to read as follows: Chapters 1, 2, and 33 through 42 shall cover the installation of electrical systems, equipment, and components for the permanent heating, ventilating, air conditioning, electrical, plumbing, sanitary, emergency detection, emergency communication, or fire or explosion suppression systems that are part of a Class 1 structure-townhouse or Class 2 structure-one and two family dwelling.

    Services within the scope of this code shall be limited to 120/240-volt, 0 to 400 ampere, single-phase systems.

    The omission from these chapters of any material or method of construction provided for in the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17) shall not be construed as prohibiting the use of such material or method of construction. Electrical systems, equipment, or components not specifically addressed in these chapters shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).

    Compliance with the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17) is allowed instead of compliance with this code.
    EXCEPTION: This section does not require the installation of an electrical system in Class 2 structures.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-209; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3296, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State)

    SECTION 6. 675 IAC 14-4.3-212.1 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-212.1 Section E3304.4; protection of equipment

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 212.1. Delete the text of Section E3304.4 and substitute to read as follows: Unless identified for use in the operating environment, no conductors or equipment shall be located in damp or wet locations; where exposed to gases, fumes, vapors, liquids, or other agents that have a deteriorating effect on the conductors or equipment; or where exposed to excessive temperatures.

    Equipment not identified for outdoor use and equipment identified only for indoor use, such as "dry location", "indoor use only", "damp location", or enclosure Types 1, 2, 5, 12, 12K, and/or 13 shall be protected against permanent damage from the weather during building construction.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-212.1)

    SECTION 7. 675 IAC 14-4.3-212.2 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-212.2 Section E3304.5

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 212.2. Change the first sentence of Section E3304.5 to read as follows: Unused openings, other than those intended for the operation of equipment, those intended for mounting purposes, or those permitted as part of the design for listed equipment, shall be closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-212.2)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-215 Section E3401; general

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 215. Change Section E3401 as follows:
    (1) Delete the definition of APPROVED and substitute to read as follows: See the definition of APPROVED in Section R202.
    (2) Delete the definition of BONDING and substitute to read as follows: Connected to establish electrical continuity and conductivity.
    (2) (3) Delete the definition of BRANCH CIRCUIT, GENERAL PURPOSE and substitute: A branch circuit that supplies two or more receptacles or outlets for lighting and appliances.
    (4) After the definition of BRANCH CIRCUIT, MULTIWIRE, add the definition of BRANCH-CIRCUIT OVERCURRENT DEVICE to read as follows: A device capable of providing protection for service, feeder, and branch circuits and equipment over the full range of overcurrents between its rated current and its interrupting rating. Branch-circuit overcurrent protective devices are provided with interrupting ratings appropriate for the intended use but no less than 5,000 amperes.
    (5) After the definition of CIRCUIT BREAKER, add the definition of CLOTHES CLOSET to read as follows: A nonhabitable room or space intended primarily for storage of garments and apparel.
    (6) After the definition of DEMAND FACTOR, add the definition of DEVICE to read as follows: A unit of an electrical system that carries or controls electric energy as its principal function.
    (7) Change the definition of DWELLING UNIT to read as follows: A single unit, providing complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
    (8) In the definition of ENERGIZED, after "to", insert "or is,".
    (9) In the definition of EQUIPMENT, after "apparatus", insert "machinery".
    (10) After the definition of FITTING, add the definition of GARAGE to read as follows: A building or portion of a building in which one or more self-propelled vehicles can be kept for use, sale, storage, rental, repair, exhibition, or demonstration purposes.
    (11) Delete the definition of GROUND and substitute: The earth.
    (3) (12) Change the definition of Grounding Conductor, Equipment to read as follows: The conductor used conductive path installed to connect the normally noncurrent-carrying metal parts of equipment raceways, and other enclosures together and to the system grounded conductor or to the grounding electrode conductor, or both. at the service equipment or at the source of a separately derived system.
    (13) After the definition of GROUNDING CONDUCTOR, EQUIPMENT, add the definition of GROUNDING ELECTRODE to read as follows: A conducting object through which a direct connection to earth is established.
    (4) (14) Change the definition of Grounding Electrode Conductor to read as follows: The A conductor used to connect the grounding electrode(s) system grounded conductor or the equipment to the equipment a grounding conductor electrode or to a point on the grounded conductor, or to both, at the service equipment, at each building or structure where supplied by a feeder(s) or branch circuit(s), or at the source of a separately derived grounding electrode system.
    (15) After the definition of IDENTIFIED, add the definition of IN SIGHT FROM (WITHIN SIGHT FROM, WITHIN SIGHT) to read as follows: Where this code specifies that one equipment shall be "in sight from", "within sight from", or "within sight of", and so forth, another equipment, the specified equipment is to be visible and not more than 50 feet distant from the other.
    (16) After the definition of INTERRUPTING RATING, add the definition of INTERSYSTEM BONDING TERMINATION to read as follows: A device that provides a means for connecting communications system(s) grounding conductor(s) and bonding conductor(s) at the service equipment or at the disconnecting means for buildings or structures supplied by a feeder or branch circuit.
    (5) (17) Delete the definition of LABELED and substitute as follows: See the definition of LABELED in Section R202.
    (6) (18) Delete the definition of LISTED and substitute to read as follows: See the definition of LISTED AND LISTING in Section R202.
    (19) In the definition of LOCATION, WET, before "locations exposed to weather", insert ", in unprotected".
    (20) Delete the definition of LUMINAIRE and substitute to read as follows: A complete lighting unit consisting of a light source, such as a lamp or lamps, together with the parts designed to position the light source and connect it to the power supply. It may also include parts to protect the light source or the ballast or to distribute the light. A lampholder itself is not a luminaire.
    (21) After the definition of MULTIOUTLET ASSEMBLY, add the definition of NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR to read as follows: The conductor connected to the neutral point of a system that is intended to carry current under normal conditions.
    (22) After the definition of NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR, add the definition of NEUTRAL POINT to read as follows: The common point on a wye-connection in a polyphase system or midpoint on a single-phase, 3-wire system, or midpoint of a single-phase portion of a 3-phase delta system, or a midpoint of a 3-wire, direct-current system.
    (23) Delete the first paragraph of the definition of PREMISES WIRING SYSTEM and substitute to read as follows: Interior and exterior wiring, including power, lighting, control, and signal circuit wiring together with all their associated hardware, fittings, and wiring devices, both permanently and temporarily installed. This includes (a) wiring from the service point or power source to the outlets or (b) wiring from and including the power source to the outlets where there is no service point.
    (24) Delete the definition of QUALIFIED PERSON and substitute to read as follows: One who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.
    (25) After the definition of SERVICE POINT, add the definition of SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING to read as follows: The prospective symmetrical fault current at a nominal voltage to which an apparatus or system is able to be connected without sustaining damage exceeding defined acceptance criteria.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-215; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3297, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State; filed Oct 21, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 29 IR 807; filed Mar 6, 2008, 11:13 a.m.: 20080402-IR-675070483FRA)

    SECTION 9. 675 IAC 14-4.3-215.2 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-215.2 Section E3501.2; number of services

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 215.2. (a) In E3501.2, delete "dwelling unit" and substitute "building or structure".

    (b) Add an exception to E3501.2 to read as follows: Exception: A building with more than one occupancy (two-family dwelling) shall be permitted to have one set of service-entrance conductors for each service, run to each occupancy.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-215.2)

    SECTION 10. 675 IAC 14-4.3-220.4 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-220.4 Section E3507.3.2; grounded conductor

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 220.4. Before the first sentence of Section E3507.3.2, insert "For existing premises wiring systems only".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-220.4)

    SECTION 11. 675 IAC 14-4.3-221.5 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-221.5 Section E3601.6; grouping

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 221.5. Add a title and the text of Section E3601.6 to read as follows: E3601.6 Grouping. The ungrounded and grounded conductors of each multiwire branch circuit shall be grouped by wire ties or similar means in at least one location within the panelboard or other point of origin unless the circuit enters from a cable or raceway unique to the circuit that makes the grouping obvious.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-221.5)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-227 Section E3604.4; feeder neutral load and E3605.4.4; conductors of Type NM cable and E3605.7; location of overcurrent devices in or on premises

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 227. (a) Add a sentence to the end of Section 3604.4 to read as follows: "A further demand factor of 70 percent shall be permitted for that portion of the unbalanced load in excess of 200 amps.".

    (b) At the end of Section E3605.4.4, add two (2) new paragraphs to read as follows:
    Where more than two NM cables containing two or more current-carrying conductors are installed, without maintaining spacing between the cables, through the same opening in wood framing that is to be fire- or draft-stopped using thermal insulation, caulk, or sealing foam, the allowable ampacity of each conductor shall be adjusted in accordance with Table E3605.3.
    Where more than two NM cables containing two or more current-carrying conductors are installed in contact with thermal insulation without maintaining spacing between cables, the allowable ampacity of each conductor shall be adjusted in accordance with Table E3605.3.

    (c) To the list of items under Section E3605.7, add Item 5 with text to read as follows: "Not be located over steps of a stairway".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-227; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3299, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-227.5 Section E3702.4; in unfinished basements and crawlspaces

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 227.5. At the end of Section E3702.4, add the following: NM cable used installed on a the wall of an unfinished basement shall be permitted to be installed in a listed conduit or tubing or shall be protected in accordance with E3702.3. Conduit or tubing shall utilize be provided with a nonmetallic suitable insulating bushing or adapter at the point the cable enters the raceway. The NM cable sheath shall extend through the conduit or tubing and into the outlet or device box not less than 1/4 inch. The cable shall be secured within 12 inches of the point where the cable enters the conduit or tubing. Metal conduit, and tubings tubing, and metal outlet boxes shall be grounded. connected to an equipment grounding conductor.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-227.5; filed Oct 21, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 29 IR 808)

    SECTION 14. 675 IAC 14-4.3-228.9 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-228.9 Section E3801.4; countertop receptacles

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 228.9. In the text of Section E3801.4, after "kitchens", insert "pantries, breakfast rooms," and, after "dining rooms", insert ", and similar areas".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-228.9)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-231 Section E3801.6; bathrooms

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 231. (a) In Section E3801.6, delete the second sentence and substitute: The receptacle outlet shall be located on a wall or partition that is adjacent to the basin or basin countertop or

    (b) Add an exception to Section E3801.6 to read as follows: Exception: The receptacle shall not be required to be mounted in the wall or partition where it is installed on the side or face of the basin cabinet not more than 12 inches below the countertop.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-231; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3299, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State; filed Oct 21, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 29 IR 809)

    SECTION 16. 675 IAC 14-4.3-231.2 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-231.2 Section E3801.7; outdoor outlets

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 231.2. After the text of Section E3801.7, add a second paragraph to read as follows: Balconies, decks, and porches with a usable area of 20 square feet or more that are accessible from inside the dwelling unit shall have at least one receptacle outlet installed within the perimeter of the balcony, deck, or porch. The receptacle shall not be located more than 6 feet, 6 inches above the balcony, deck, or porch surface.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-231.2)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-232 Section E3801.9; basements and garages

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 232. (a) In the first sentence of Section E3801.9, delete "laundry" and substitute "specific".

    (b) In the last sentence of Section E3801.9, delete "in the unfinished portion" and substitute "in each separate unfinished portion".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-232; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3299, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-233 Section E3801.11; HVAC outlet

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 233. (a) In the first sentence of Section E3801.11, delete "located in attics and crawl spaces" without substitution.

    (b) Change the last sentence of Section E3801.11 to read as follows: The receptacle outlet shall not be connected to the load side of the HVAC equipment disconnecting means. and crawlspace receptacles shall be protected in accordance with Section E3802.4.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-233; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3299, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State; filed Oct 21, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 29 IR 809; filed Mar 6, 2008, 11:13 a.m.: 20080402-IR-675070483FRA)

    SECTION 19. 675 IAC 14-4.3-233.1 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-233.1 Section E3802.2; garage and accessory building receptacles

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 233.1. Delete the exceptions to E3802.2 without substitution.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-233.1)

    SECTION 20. 675 IAC 14-4.3-233.4 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-233.4 Section E3802.5; unfinished basement receptacles

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 233.4. Delete exceptions 1 and 2 without substitution.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-233.4)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-234 Section E3802.8; boathouse receptacles

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 234. Change Section 3802.8 to read as follows: All 125-volt, single phase, 15- or 20-ampere receptacles and outlets not exceeding 240 volts that supply boat hoists and boathouses installed in dwelling unit locations shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-234; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3299, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State; filed Oct 21, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 29 IR 810; filed Mar 6, 2008, 11:13 a.m.: 20080402-IR-675070483FRA)

    SECTION 22. 675 IAC 14-4.3-236.1 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-236.1 Section E3803.3; additional locations

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 236.1. In the last sentence of Section E3803.3, after "floor level", insert ", and landing level that includes an entryway,".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-236.1)

    SECTION 23. 675 IAC 14-4.3-239.3 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-239.3 Section E3805.9.1; utilization equipment

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 239.3. After Section E3805.9, add a new Section E3805.9.1 entitled "utilization equipment" and add text and an exception to read as follows: Boxes used for the support of utilization equipment other than ceiling-suspended (paddle) fans shall meet the requirements of E3805.6 and E3805.7 for the support of a luminaire that is the same size and weight. Exception: Utilization equipment weighing not more than 6 pounds shall be permitted to be supported on other boxes or plaster rings that are secured to other boxes, provided the equipment or its supporting yoke is secured to the box with no fewer than two No. 6 or larger screws.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-239.3)

    SECTION 24. 675 IAC 14-4.3-239.6 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-239.6 Section E3805.12.2.4; device or equipment fill

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 239.6. At the end of Section E3805.12.2.4, add a new sentence to read as follows: A device or utilization equipment wider than a single 2-inch device box as described in Table E3805.12.2.1 shall have double volume allowances provided for each gang required for mounting.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-239.6)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-244.5 Section E3808.8.3; nonmetallic sheathed cable

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 244.5. (a) In Change the first sentence of Section E3808.8.3 delete "be permitted to" without substitution. to read as follows: In addition to the insulated conductors, the cable shall have an insulated, covered, or bare equipment grounding conductor.

    (b) Delete the second sentence of Section E3808.8.3 without substitution.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-244.5; filed Oct 21, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 29 IR 810)

    SECTION 26. 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.1 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-245.1 Section E3901.7; wet locations

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 245.1. (a) Change the title of Section E3901.7 to "damp or wet locations".

    (b) Delete the text of Section E3901.7 and insert text to read as follows: A surface-mounted switch or circuit breaker in a damp or wet location shall be enclosed in a weatherproof enclosure or cabinet that shall comply with E3807.2. A flush-mounted switch or circuit breaker in a damp or wet location shall be equipped with a weatherproof cover. Switches shall not be installed within wet locations in tub or shower spaces unless installed as part of a listed tub or shower assembly.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.1)

    SECTION 27. 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.2 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-245.2 Section E3901.11.1; faceplate grounding

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 245.2. Delete the text of Section E3901.11.1 and substitute to read as follows: Snap switches, including dimmer and similar control switches, shall be connected to an equipment grounding conductor and shall provide a means to connect metal faceplates to the equipment grounding conductor, whether or not a metal faceplate is installed. Snap switches shall be considered to be part of an effective ground-fault current path if either of the following conditions is met:
    (1) The switch is mounted with metal screws to a metal box or metal cover that is connected to an equipment grounding conductor or to a nonmetallic box with integral means for connecting to an equipment grounding conductor.
    (2) An equipment grounding conductor or equipment bonding jumper is connected to an equipment grounding termination of the snap switch.
    Exception: Where no means exists within the snap switch enclosure for connecting to the equipment grounding conductor or where the wiring method does not include or provide an equipment grounding conductor, a snap switch without a connection to an equipment grounding conductor shall be permitted for replacement purposes only. A snap switch wired under the provisions of this exception and located within reach of earth, grade, conducting floors, or other conducting surfaces shall be provided with a faceplate of nonconducting, noncombustible material or shall be protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.2)

    SECTION 28. 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.3 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-245.3 Section E3902.8: damp locations

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 245.3. At the end of Section E3902.8, add a sentence to read as follows: All 15-ampere and 20-ampere, 125-volt and 250-volt nonlocking receptacles shall be a listed weather-resistant type.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-245.3)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-247 Section E3902.10; exterior wet locations

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 247. (a) Delete the title of Section E3902.10 and substitute "Exterior wet locations". without substitution.

    (b) In the first sentence of Section E3902.10, delete "other than outdoors" without substitution.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-247; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3301, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State; filed Oct 21, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 29 IR 811)


    675 IAC 14-4.3-249 Section E3903.11; fixtures in clothes closets

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 249. (a) In the second paragraph of Section E3903.11, at the end of the first sentence, insert ", and surface-mounted fluorescent or LED luminaires identified as suitable for installation within the storage area".

    (b) In Item 1 of Section E3903.11, after "incandescent", insert "or LED".

    (c) In Item 3 of Section E3903.11, after "incandescent", insert "or LED".

    (d) In Section E3903.11, in Item 4, delete "on".

    (e) After Item 4 of Section E3903.11, add Item 5 to read as follows: Surface-mounted fluorescent or LED luminaires shall be permitted to be installed within the storage space where identified for this use.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-249; filed Jun 13, 2005, 3:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3301, eff 90 days after filing with the Secretary of State)

    SECTION 31. 675 IAC 14-4.3-249.3 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-249.3 Section E4001.5; disconnecting means

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 249.3. At the end of Section E4001.5, add two (2) new sentences to read as follows: The disconnecting means shall have an ampere rating not less than 125 percent of the total load of the motors and heaters. The provision for locking or adding a lock to the disconnecting means shall be installed on or at the switch or circuit breaker used as the disconnecting means and shall remain in place with or without the lock installed.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-249.3)

    SECTION 32. 675 IAC 14-4.3-249.4 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-249.4 Section E4103.1.2; where required

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 249.4. In the first sentence of Section E4103.1.2, delete "10 feet (3048mm)" and substitute "6 feet".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-249.4)

    SECTION 33. 675 IAC 14-4.3-254.8 IS ADDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

    675 IAC 14-4.3-254.8 Section E4109.1; ground-fault circuit-interrupters

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 254.8. In the second sentence of Section E4109.1, delete "5 feet (1524mm)" and substitute "6 feet".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 14-4.3-254.8)

    SECTION 34. THE FOLLOWING ARE REPEALED: 675 IAC 14-4.3-233.3; 675 IAC 14-4.3-246.

    Posted: 04/08/2009 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20090408-IR-675090139PRA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:37:34AM EDT
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