20070321-IR-326050118FRA Amends 326 IAC 7-4-2 concerning sulfur dioxide emission limitations at Citizens Gas & Coke Utility, located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.  


    Final Rule
    LSA Document #05-118(F)


    Amends 326 IAC 7-4-2 concerning sulfur dioxide emission limitations at Citizens Gas & Coke Utility, located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.

    First Notice: June 1, 2005, Indiana Register (28 IR 2819).
    Second Notice and Notice of First Hearing: September 1, 2005, Indiana Register (28 IR 3672).
    Change in Notice of First Hearing: April 1, 2006, Indiana Register (29 IR 2252).
    Change in Notice of First Hearing: June 1, 2006, Indiana Register (29 IR 3037).
    Date of First Hearing: June 7, 2006.
    Proposed Rule, Notice of Public Hearing and Third Comment Period: July 1, 2006, Indiana Register (29 IR 3408).
    Change in Notice of Hearing: July 5, 2006 (DIN: 20060705-IR-326050118CHA).
    Change in Notice of Hearing: September 6, 2006 (DIN: 20060906-IR-326050118CHA).
    Date of Second Hearing: October 19, 2006.


    326 IAC 7-4-2 Marion County sulfur dioxide emission limitations

    Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4

    Sec. 2. The following sources and facilities located in Marion County shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations in pounds per million Btu (lbs/MMBtu) and pounds per hour (lbs/hr), unless otherwise specified, and other requirements:
          Emission Limitations 
      Source  Facility Description  lbs./MMBtu  lbs./hr. 
      (1) Acustar  Boiler 1  2.82  109.98 
        Boiler 2  2.82  109.98 
        Boiler 3  2.82  109.98 
      (2) Allison Gas Turbine-  Boiler 1  3.99  299.4 
      Plant 5  Boiler 2  3.99  299.4 
        Boiler 3  3.99  299.4 
        Boiler 4  3.99  299.4 
      (3) Amtrak  Boilers 61 and 62  3.30  208.15 
      (4) Bridgeport Brass  Boiler 1  3.55  135.8 
        Boiler 2  3.55  135.8 
        Boiler 3  3.55  135.8 
      (5) Central Soya  Boiler  4.32  272.0 
      (6) Central State  Boiler 3  3.39  111.8 
        Boiler 7  3.39  169.5 
        Boiler 8  3.39  169.5 
      (7) Citizens Gas  Batteries E & H (each)  0.79 pounds per ton  31.16 
        Battery 1  0.23 pounds per ton  15.70 
      (8) (7) Detroit Diesel Allison-  Boiler 1  1.88  67.6 
      Plant 3  Boiler 2  1.88  67.6 
        Boiler 3  1.88  90.2 
        Boiler 4  1.88  135.2 
        Boiler 5  1.88  180.3 
      (9) (8) Diamond Bathurst  #2 Furnace  1.40 pounds per ton  20.22 
      (10) (9) Ford  Boiler 1  2.43  177.38 
        Boiler 2  2.43  354.77 
        Boiler 3  2.43  354.77 
      (11) (10) Fort Harrison  Boiler 1  2.92  151.84 
        Boiler 2  2.92  151.84 
        Boiler 3  2.92  151.84 
        Boiler 4  2.92  151.84 
      (12) (11) G.M. Truck & Bus  Boiler 1  2.31  187.1 
      Group  Boiler 2  2.31  187.1 
        Boiler 3  2.31  106.3 
      (13) (12) Indiana Girls School  Boiler  6.00  46.9 
      (14) (13) IPL-Perry W  Boiler 17  6.0  1,320.0 
        Boiler 18  6.0  1,320.0 
      (15) (14) Indianapolis Sludge  Incinerator 1  2.0 pounds per ton  14.19 
      Incinerator  Incinerator 2  2.0 pounds per ton  14.19 
        Incinerator 3  2.0 pounds per ton  14.19 
        Incinerator 4  2.0 pounds per ton  14.19 
        Incinerator 5  2.0 pounds per ton  14.19 
        Incinerator 6  2.0 pounds per ton  14.19 
        Incinerator 7  2.0 pounds per ton  14.19 
        Incinerator 8  2.0 pounds per ton  14.19 
      (16) (15) Marathon Petroleum-  H-H1  1.92  36.46 
      Indiana Refining Division  H-H2  1.92  36.46 
        H-H3  1.92  38.38 
        P-H1  1.92  89.03 
        P-H2  1.92  82.12 
        P-H3  1.92  30.32 
        P-H4  1.92  33.19 
        P-H5  1.92  9.98 
        Alky Reboiler  1.92  53.15 
        Crude Heater  1.92  268.05 
        Vacuum Heater  1.92  99.20 
        Sulfur Recovery  189.0 pounds per ton sulfur  88.17 
        FCC (Proc)  3.92 pounds per ton  506.37 
        CO Boiler  1.92  228.72 
        FCC Chg. Htr.  1.92  88.26 
        GH-1  1.92  81.36 
      (17) (16) Navistar  Boiler 1  2.98  193.72 
        Boiler 2  2.98  193.72 
        Boiler 3  2.98  193.72 
      (18) (17) Quaker Oats  Boiler 1  2.79  195.3 
        Boiler 2  2.79  195.3 
        Murray Boiler  0.50  50.1 
      (19) (18) Quemetco  Reverberatory Furnace  24.6 pounds per ton  617.0 
      (20) (19) Refined Metals  Blast Furnace  10.8 pounds per ton  64.8 
      (21) (20) Reilly Industries  2722 W  1.25  114.75 
        2726 S  1.25  49.1 
        186 N  1.25  46.0 
        2707 V  1.25  20.0 
        112 E  0.0**  0.0** 
        2710 P  0.0**  0.0** 
        Riley  1.25  64.75 
        B & W  1.25  49.1 
        2724 W  1.25  26.3 
        2714 V  1.25  18.8 
        2729 Q  1.25  3.8 
        2740 Q  1.25  7.5 
        732714  1.25  45.0 
        2728 S  1.25  7.5 
        Still  0.0**  0.0** 
        Kettle  0.0**  0.0** 
        2607 T  0.0**  0.0** 
        702611  0.0**  0.0** 
        722804  0.0**  0.0** 
        2706 Q  0.0**  0.0** 
        2713 W  0.0**  0.0** 
        2714 W  0.0**  0.0** 
        2720 W  0.0**  0.0** 
      (22) (21) Rexnord-Link Belt  Boiler A  3.28  101.7 
      Bearing  Boiler B  3.28  101.7 
        Boiler C  0.0*  0.0* 
      (23) (22) Rexnord-Link Belt  Boiler 1  3.68  117.8 
      Chain  Boiler 2  3.68  117.8 
        Boiler 3  3.68  117.8 
      (24) (23) Thomson Consumer  Boiler 1  1.95  39.0 
      Electronics  Boiler 2  1.95  39.0 
        Boiler 3  1.95  146.3 
        Boiler 4  1.95  146.3 
      (25) (24) Union Carbide  Boiler 1  3.85  92.4 
        Boiler 2  3.85  106.6 
        Boiler 3  3.85  148.2 
      (26) (25) Western Select  Boiler 2  2.52  189.06 
      Properties  Boiler 3  2.52  189.06 
        Boiler 4  2.52  189.06 
        Boiler 5  2.52  252.07 
      (27) (26) Wishard  Boiler 1  4.04  105.0 
        Boiler 2  4.04  105.0 
        Boiler 3  4.04  105.0 
      **Less than 0.05       
    (28) (27) Allison Gas Turbine Operations Plant 8 shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations provided in clause (A) or (B) and other requirements as follows:
    (A) Boilers 2 through 11 may burn natural gas at any time.
    (B) Babcock and Wilcox Boilers 2 through 6 and Combustion Engineering Boilers 7 through 11 may burn fuel oil with a sulfur dioxide emission limitation of two and one-tenth (2.1) lbs/MMBtu each during periods when one (1) of the following conditions is met:
    (i) Fuel oil is burned in no more than three (3) Babcock and Wilcox boilers, and fuel oil is not burned in any combustion engineering boiler.
    (ii) Fuel oil is burned in no more than two (2) Babcock and Wilcox boilers and no more than two (2) combustion engineering boilers.
    (iii) Fuel oil is burned in no more than one (1) Babcock and Wilcox boiler and no more than three (3) combustion engineering boilers.
    (C) A log of hourly operational status and fuel type for each boiler shall be maintained at the plant and made available to the department upon request. A daily summary of operating status and fuel type for each boiler for each day of a calendar quarter shall be submitted to the department on a quarterly basis.
    (D) Allison Gas Turbine Operations Plant 8 shall erect a twenty (20) foot stack extension with a diameter at the extension outlet of four (4) feet for each stack serving Boilers 2 through 6 in accordance with the following schedule:
    (i) Complete design, specifications, and construction drawings and award contracts by August 2, 1988.
    (ii) Complete installation of stack extensions by December 2, 1988.
    (29) (28) Indianapolis Power and Light Perry K shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations in lbs/MMBtu and other requirements as follows:
      Boiler Number  Emission Limitations 
      (A) 17 and 18  0.3 
      (B) 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16  2.1 
    (C) As an alternative to the emission limitations in clause (B), sulfur dioxide emissions from Boilers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 may comply with any one (1) of the sets of emission limitations in lbs/MMBtu as follows:
      Boiler Number  Emission Limitations 
      (i)  13, 14, 15, and 16  0.0 
        11 and 12  4.4 
      (ii)  11, 12, 15, and 16  0.0 
        13 and 14  4.4 
      (iii)  11, 12, 13, and 14  0.0 
        15 and 16  4.4 
      (iv)  11, 12, 15, and 16  3.0 
        13 and 14  0.3 
      (v)  11 and 12  0.3 
        13, 14, 15, and 16  3.0  
    (D) The department or the Indianapolis Air Pollution Control Division shall be notified prior to the reliance by Indianapolis Power and Light on any one (1) of the sets of alternative emission limitations specified in clause (C).
    (E) A log of hourly operating status for each boiler shall be maintained and made available to the department upon request. A daily summary indicating which boilers were in service during the day shall be submitted to the department quarterly. In addition, records of the daily average sulfur content, heat content, and sulfur dioxide emission rate for each day in which an alternative set of emission limitations specified in clause (C) is used shall be submitted to the department quarterly.
    (F) For the purposes of 326 IAC 7-2-1(c)(1), during thirty (30) day periods in which Indianapolis Power and Light relies on more than one (1) set of emission limitations specified in clauses (B) through (C), a separate thirty (30) day rolling weighted average for each set of limitations shall be determined. Each thirty (30) day rolling weighted average shall be based on data from the previous thirty (30) operational days within the last ninety (90) days for that set of limitations. If Indianapolis Power and Light does not operate thirty (30) days under any one (1) set of limitations within the last ninety (90) days, the rolling weighted average shall be based on all operational days within the last ninety (90) days for that set of limitations.
    (G) Boilers 11 through 16 shall be limited to six and zero-tenths (6.0) lbs/MMBtu each until Boilers 11 through 16 achieve compliance with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations specified in clauses (B) through (C). Compliance with the emission limitations specified in clauses (B) through (C) shall be achieved according to the following schedule:
    (i) Complete engineering analysis of modifications by April 2, 1988.
    (ii) Complete testing and design of modifications and place orders for necessary equipment by May 2, 1989.
    (iii) Complete installation of necessary equipment and achieve compliance with emission limitations specified in clauses (B) through (C) by June 2, 1990.
    (30) (29) Indianapolis Power and Light Stout shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations in lbs/MMBtu and other requirements as follows:
      Boiler/Turbine Number  Emission Limitations 
      (A)  Boiler 70  5.3 
      (B)  Boilers 50 and 60  4.7 
        Boilers 1 through 8  0.0 
        Boilers 9 and 10 and Gas Turbines 1, 2, and 3  0.35 
    (C) As an alternative to the emission limitations in clause (B), sulfur dioxide emissions from Boilers 50, 60, and 1 through 10 and Gas Turbines 1, 2, and 3 may comply with any one (1) of the sets of emission limitations in lbs/MMBtu as follows:
      Boiler/Turbine Number  Emission Limitations 
      (i)  Boilers 50 and 60  5.2 
        Boilers 1 through 10 and Gas Turbines 1, 2, and 3  0.0 
      (ii)  Boilers 50 and 60  5.0 
        Boilers 1 through 10  0.0 
        Gas Turbines 1, 2, and 3  0.4 
      (iii)  Boilers 50 and 60  4.1 
        Boilers 1 through 8  0.26 
        Boilers 9 and 10  0.35 
        Gas Turbines 1, 2, and 3  0.3 
      (iv)  Boilers 50 and 60  3.9 
        Boilers 1 through 8  0.34 
        Boilers 9 and 10 and Gas Turbines 1, 2, and 3  0.35 
    (D) The department or the Indianapolis Air Pollution Control Division shall be notified prior to the reliance by Indianapolis Power and Light on any one (1) of the sets of alternative emission limitations specified in clause (C).
    (E) A log of hourly operating status for each boiler shall be maintained and made available to the department upon request. A daily summary indicating which boilers were in service during the day shall be submitted to the department quarterly. In addition, records of the daily average sulfur content, heat content, and sulfur dioxide emission rate for each day in which an alternative set of emission limitations specified in clause (C) is used shall be submitted to the department quarterly.
    (F) For the purposes of 326 IAC 7-2-1(c)(1), during thirty (30) day periods in which Indianapolis Power and Light relies on more than one (1) set of emission limitations specified in clauses (B) through (C), a separate thirty (30) day rolling weighted average for each set of limitations shall be determined. Each thirty (30) day rolling weighted average shall be based on data from the previous thirty (30) operational days within the last ninety (90) days for that set of limitations. If Indianapolis Power and Light does not operate thirty (30) days under any one (1) set of limitations within the last ninety (90) days, the rolling weighted average shall be based on all operational days within the last ninety (90) days for that set of limitations.
    (G) Indianapolis Power and Light shall install a stack diameter restriction for the stack serving Boilers 50 and 60. The stack diameter restriction shall reduce the diameter to six and one-half (6½) feet at the tip of the stack. The installation of the stack diameter restriction shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
    (i) Complete preliminary design of modifications by December 2, 1988.
    (ii) Place orders for necessary modification by July 2, 1989.
    (iii) Complete installation by February 2, 1990.
    (30) Citizens Gas & Coke Utility shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations, depending on which battery or combination of batteries are in operation, as follows:
      Description  Emission Limitations (lbs/ton of coal)  Emission Limitations (lbs/hour) 
      (A)  Batteries 1, E, & H  0.67  78.02 
      (B)  Battery 1  0.23  15.70 
      (C)  Batteries 1 & E  0.49  46.86 
      (D)  Batteries 1 & H  0.50  46.86 
      (E)  Batteries E & H  0.79  62.32 
      (F)  Battery E  0.79  31.16 
      (G)  Battery H  0.79  31.16 
    (H) The department and the Indianapolis office of environmental services shall be notified in writing prior to the reliance by Citizens Gas & Coke Utility on an emission limitation other than clause (A).
    (I) Gas used for underfiring Battery 1 shall not exceed twenty (20) grains of H2S per one hundred (100) standard cubic feet.
    (J) Citizens Gas & Coke Utility shall desulfurize the coke oven gas produced by Batteries 1, E, and H.
    (K) Citizens Gas & Coke Utility shall monitor the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) content of the coke oven gas used for underfiring each battery by sampling and analyzing the coke oven gas for H2S content at least once per day. The H2S content of the gas shall be sampled using Determination of Hydrogen Sulphide Content, Cadmium Acetate Method, Method Number DIN 51855 Part 4 (January 1979)*.
    (L) Sulfur dioxide emissions in pounds per tons of coal (lbs/ton of coal) and pounds per hour (lbs/hr) shall be calculated using the data on H2S content and organic sulfur content in the coke oven gas. The total sulfur dioxide emissions shall include all sulfur compounds. Citizens Gas & Coke Utility shall submit to the department and the Indianapolis office of environmental services within thirty (30) days of the end of each calendar quarter the calculated sulfur dioxide emission rate in pounds per tons of coal (lbs/ton of coal) and pounds per hour (lbs/hr) for each day during the calendar quarter.
    (M) All monitoring and testing data and results shall be recorded, and all records shall be kept for a period of three (3) years. Citizens Gas & Coke Utility shall submit the monitoring and testing records to the department upon request.

    *These documents are incorporated by reference. Copies are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
    (Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 7-4-2; filed Aug 28, 1990, 4:50 p.m.: 14 IR 65; filed Feb 9, 1999, 4:22 p.m.: 22 IR 1959; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:20 p.m.: 24 IR 1477; filed Feb 20, 2007, 3:15 p.m.: 20070321-IR-326050118FRA)

    LSA Document #05-118(F)
    Proposed Rule: July 1, 2006; 29 IR 3408
    Hearing Held: October 19, 2006
    Approved by Attorney General: February 5, 2007
    Approved by Governor: February 16, 2007
    Filed with Publisher: February 20, 2007, 3:15 p.m.
    Documents Incorporated by Reference: Determination of Hydrogen Sulphide Content, Cadmium Acetate Method, Method Number DIN 51855 Part 4 (January 1979)
    Small Business Regulatory Coordinator: Sandra El-Yusuf, IDEM Compliance and Technical Assistance Program, OPPTA - MC60-04, 100 N. Senate Avenue, W-041, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251, 317-232-8578, selyusuf@idem.in.gov
    Small Business Assistance Program Ombudsman: Eric Levenhagen, IDEM Small Business Assistance Program Ombudsman, External Affairs - MC50-01, 100 N. Senate Avenue, IGCN 1301, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251, 317-234-3386, elevenha@idem.in.gov

    Posted: 03/21/2007 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20070321-IR-326050118FRA
    Composed: Oct 31,2016 11:39:57PM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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