WHEREAS, IC 10-19-2-1 established the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS);

    WHEREAS, IC 10-14-3 provides for emergency management under the IDHS and requires the IDHS to develop a state emergency operations plan;

    WHEREAS, the State, its political subdivisions and citizens are subject to natural disasters on a regular basis including, but not limited to, floods, tornadoes, severe winter storms, earthquakes, and droughts;

    WHEREAS, the State, its political subdivisions, and citizens are subject to disasters caused by humans or technology including, but not limited to, hazardous material spills, widespread contamination, explosions, fires, major power failures, transportation accidents, and acts of terrorism;

    WHEREAS, the State, its political subdivisions, and citizens could be subject to disasters and emergencies related to our national security, including military attack and terrorist activity;

    WHEREAS, in order to protect the public health, welfare, and safety and preserve the lives and property of the people of this State from such emergencies and disasters, the IDHS, under the provisions of IC 10-14-2-4, is charged with the responsibility for coordinating the State's comprehensive emergency management program under the direction of the Governor; and

    WHEREAS, it is appropriate and necessary to confirm, establish and clarify the duties and responsibilities of all state agencies in order that a comprehensive emergency management program can be successfully implemented.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Michael R. Pence, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Indiana, do hereby order that:

    1. The Governor's Emergency Advisory Group is reestablished and continued. The Governor's Emergency Advisory Group is composed of the following members:
    a. Superintendent of the Indiana State Police Department;
    b. Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management;
    c. Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Transportation;
    d. Director of the Department of Natural Resources;
    e. State Fire Marshal;
    f. Indiana Adjutant General;
    g. Director of the IDHS;
    h. Commissioner of the Indiana State Department of Health;
    i. Director of the Indiana Counterterrorism and Security Council; and
    j. Governor's Liaison for Public Safety Issues.

    2. The Director of the IDHS shall act as chairperson of the Emergency Advisory Group. Each member of the Emergency Advisory Group may designate a deputy to serve as an alternate in the event that the principal member is unavailable to participate in meetings of the Emergency Advisory Group.

    3. The Director of the IDHS shall reestablish and continue the Indiana State Hazard Mitigation Council.
    a. The Council shall:
    i. Assist in the development, maintenance, and implementation of a state hazard mitigation plan;
    ii. Assist in the development, maintenance and implementation of guidance and informational materials to support hazard mitigation efforts of local and state government and private entities;
    iii. Solicit, review and identify hazard mitigation projects for funding under section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, P.L. 93-288, as amended, and sections 553 and 554 of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act, P.L. 103-325; and
    iv. Foster and promote, where appropriate, hazard mitigation principles and practices within local and state government and the general public.
    b. The Governor, with the advice of the IDHS, shall appoint members to serve on the Council. Each member of the Council shall serve without compensation or reimbursement for expenses, except that each member of the Council who is a state employee is entitled to reimbursement from his or her employing agency for travel expenses and other expenses actually incurred in connection with the member's duties as provided in state policies and procedures.
    c. The Director of the IDHS shall serve as chairperson of the Council.

    4. In accordance with IC 10-14-3-9 and IC 10-14-3-19, the Director of the IDHS shall create and establish mobile support units to reinforce emergency management and disaster organizations in stricken areas and with due consideration of the plans of the federal government and of other states.

    5. Whenever the Director of the IDHS exercises his or her authority under IC 10-14, he or she shall be authorized to use and allocate the services, facilities, equipment, personnel, and resources of any state agency, on the Governor's behalf, as reasonably necessary in the preparation for, response to or recovery from any emergency or disaster situation that threatens, or has occurred in, this State. Upon the Director of IDHS' request for such assistance from a state agency, all officers of that agency shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible. This authority to use and allocate state agency resources extends to their use before a formal declaration of a State Disaster Emergency, as provided for under IC 10-14-3-12, and is subject to the Governor's subsequent approval. The cost of providing such services, facilities, equipment, personnel, and resources shall be borne by the providing state agency, unless otherwise notified that federal and/or other state funding reimbursement is determined to be available or other payment arrangements are made.

    6. In order to expedite emergency response and recovery operations, one or more state agencies may be designated as lead agencies by the Director of the IDHS for various portions of the overall state response and recovery efforts. All actions of such designated lead state agencies shall be coordinated with, and through, the Director of IDHS. Additionally, state agencies may be required to participate in the training, exercising and actual deployment of mobile support teams.

    7. Each agency of state government shall report any threatened or actual occurrences of natural, technological, human-caused, or national security emergencies that may require the resources of more than one agency of state government to the Director of the IDHS by the fastest means available. In the event of a threatened or actual occurrence of an emergency or disaster, the Director of the IDHS shall consult with the Governor, or with the Governor's Chief of Staff in the Governor's absence, as soon as possible.

    8. In the event of a threatened or actual occurrence of an emergency or disaster, and upon the request of the Director of the IDHS, each agency of state government shall promptly require the agency's designated emergency management coordinator or designee to monitor and analyze information and participate as its representative in performing all tasks relating to the State's response to the incident.

    9. In accordance with IC 10-14-3-9, the IDHS shall ensure that the State's Emergency Operations Plan and all accompanying annexes, appendices and standard operation procedures are kept current. Additionally, these plans and procedures are to be developed in coordination with similar plans and procedures developed by the federal government. In order to accomplish these tasks, all state agencies shall assist in the development, preparation, and revision of the portions of these plans and procedures that relate to each individual agency's mission, responsibility and capability.

    10. Upon the request of the Director of the IDHS, all state agencies shall participate to the fullest extent possible in emergency management training programs, as well as in exercises of the comprehensive emergency management system, or portions thereof.

    11. Each state agency shall develop and keep current a continuity of operations plan to ensure that its essential functions are performed during any emergency or situation that may disrupt normal operation. This plan shall be developed and maintained consistent with the guidelines of, and in cooperation with, the IDHS and shall be submitted to the IDHS and the Governor. Each agency emergency management coordinator shall participate in plan reviews, training and exercises organized by the IDHS and shall conduct internal training and exercises of appropriate agency employees to ensure that the plan can be implemented with little or no notice.

    12. The United States Department of Homeland Security has adopted a National Incident Management System that establishes standardized incident management processes, protocols, and procedures that all responders -- Federal, state, tribal, and local -- will use to coordinate and conduct response actions. Said National Incident Management System is hereby reestablished and continued as the state standard for incident management.

    13. In order to assist the IDHS in carrying out its responsibilities, the following state agencies shall immediately designate one or more senior officials to act as the agency's emergency management coordinator for all emergency and disaster matters and shall submit the name of the coordinator to the Director of the IDHS:
    a. Alcohol and Tobacco Commission created by IC 7.1-2-1-1;
    b. Budget Agency created by IC 4-12-1-3;
    c. Bureau of Motor Vehicles created by IC 9-14-1-1;
    d. Civil Rights Commission created by IC 22-9-1-4;
    e. Commission on Public Records created by IC 5-15-5.1-3;
    f. Counterterrorism and Security Council created by IC 10-19-8;
    g. Department of Correction created by IC 11-8-2-1;
    h. Department of Education created by IC 20-19-3-1;
    i. Department of Environmental Management created by IC 13-13-1-1;
    j. Department of Financial Institutions created by IC 28-11-1-1;
    k. Department of Insurance created by IC 27-1-1-1;
    l. Department of Labor created by IC 22-1-1-1;
    m. Department of Local Government Finance created by IC 6-1.1-30-1.1;
    n. Department of Natural Resources created by IC 14-9-1-1;
    o. Department of State Revenue created by IC 6-8.1-2-1;
    p. Department of Workforce Development created by IC 22-4.1-2-1;
    q. Governor's Council for People with Disabilities created by IC 4-23-29-7;
    r. Indiana Department of Administration created by IC 4-13-1-2;
    s. Indiana Department of Transportation created by IC 8-23-2-1;
    t. Indiana Gaming Commission created by IC 4-33-3-1;
    u. Indiana Grain Buyers and Warehouse Licensing Agency created by IC 26-3-7-1;
    v. Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority created by IC 5-20-1-3;
    w. Indiana Port Commission created by IC 8-10-1-3;
    x. Indiana Professional Licensing Agency created by IC 25-1-6-3;
    y. Indiana State Board of Animal Health created by IC 15-17-3-1;
    z. Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission created by IC 8-1-1-2;
    aa. Law Enforcement Training Board created by IC 5-2-1-3;
    bb. Military Department of the State created by IC 10-16-2-1;
    cc. Office of Attorney General created by IC 4-6-1-2;
    dd. Office of Auditor of State created by Article VI, Section 1 of the Indiana Constitution;
    ee. Office of the Secretary of Family and Social Services created by IC 12-8-1.5-1;
    ff. Office of Secretary of State created by Article VI, Section 1 of the Indiana Constitution;
    gg. Office of Treasurer of State created by Article VI, Section 1 of the Indiana Constitution;
    hh. Office of Utility Consumer Counselor created by IC 8-1-1.1-2;
    ii. Division of Professional Standards created by IC 20-28-2-1.5;
    jj. State Board of Accounts created by IC 5-11-1-1;
    kk. State Department of Health created by IC 16-19-1-1;
    ll. Indiana Finance Authority created by IC 4-4-11-4;
    mm. State Police Department created by IC 10-11-2-4; and
    nn. Worker's Compensation Board created by IC 22-3-1-1.

    14. All state agencies, departments, commissions, bureaus, institutions and other authorities in state government shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible with this Executive Order.

    IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, Michael R. Pence, have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Indiana on this 14th day of January 2013.

    Michael R. Pence
    Governor of Indiana

    ATTEST: Connie Lawson
    Secretary of State

    Posted: 02/06/2013 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20130206-IR-GOV130037EOA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:33:58AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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