20160203-IR-511140508ACA Agency Correction LSA Document #14-508(AC)  


    Agency Correction
    LSA Document #14-508(AC)

    Under IC 4-22-2-38, corrects the following typographical, clerical, or spelling errors in LSA Document #14-508(F), posted at 20151230-IR-511140508FRA:
    (1) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-1(1), after "set forth in", delete "in [sic]".
    (2) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-1(8), after "Five", insert "(5)".
    (3) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-1(9), after "Four", insert "(4)".
    (4) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-1(13), after ""IB Exam"", delete "has the meaning set forth in 511 IAC 6.2-6-0.5" and insert "means the examination created and administered by International Baccalaureate, a nonprofit educational foundation headquartered at Route des Morillons 15, Grand-Saconnex, Geneve, CH-1218, Switzerland".
    (5) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-3, after "Affected:", delete "IC 20-24-7-13" and insert "IC 20-24-7-13.5".
    (6) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-3(c), after "number of students reported for purposes of", delete "IC 20-24-7-13(b)(1)" and insert "IC 20-24-7-13.5(b)(1)".
    (7) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-3(c), after "multiplied by four (4)", delete "." and insert "and as follows:".
    (8) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-3(d), delete "(1)" before "STEP ONE:".
    (9) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-3(d), delete "(2)" before "STEP TWO:".
    (10) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-3(d), delete "(3)" before "STEP THREE:".
    (11) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-4(d)(3), after "three (3) college credits", delete "as defined by 511 IAC 6.2-6-0.5." and insert ", defined as credits awarded by a regionally accredited postsecondary institution in a department approved liberal arts or career or technical education dual credit course verifiable by a transcript.".
    (12) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-4(d)(5), after "published with the same process in" insert "511 IAC".
    (13) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-4(f), delete "hundered" and insert "hundred", and after "divided" insert "by".
    (14) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-5(c), after "pursuant to 511 IAC 6.2-10", delete "." and insert "as follows:".
    (15) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-5(c)(2), delete "isued" and insert "issued".
    (16) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-5(d), after "Both shall be available for audit during", insert "the", and after "initial release of", insert "the".
    (17) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-6(a), after "the school meets the criteria in subsection (b)", delete "of this section".
    (18) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-6(b)(2)(B), after "are over", delete "the age of", and after "at the time the", delete "student was" and insert "students were".
    (19) In 511 IAC 6.3-1-6(c), after "A school grants", delete "GEDs" and insert "General Equivalency Degrees".

    Filed with Publisher: January 15, 2016, 3:33 p.m.
    Under IC 4-22-2-38(g)(2), this correction takes effect 45 days from the date and time filed with the Publisher.

    Posted: 02/03/2016 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20160203-IR-511140508ACA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 2:10:05AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.