20110202-IR-470100243CHA Change in Notice of Public Hearing LSA Document #10-243  


    Change in Notice of Public Hearing
    LSA Document #10-243

    The Division of Family Resources gives notice that the date of the public hearing for LSA Document #10-243, posted at 20101103-IR-470100243PRA, has been changed. The changed Notice of Public Hearing appears below:

    Notice of Public Hearing

    Under IC 4-22-2-24, notice is hereby given that on March 4, 2011, at 1:00 p.m., at the Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Conference Center Room 1, Indianapolis, Indiana, the Division of Family Resources will hold a public hearing on a proposed rule concerning food stamps.
    The purpose of the proposed rule is to amend 470 IAC 6-2-1 to allow simplified reporting for elderly/disabled households; amend 470 IAC 6-2-13 to remove requirements of specific certification periods based on type of household; amend 470 IAC 6-3-1 to implement a 30 day food stamp application processing time; provide clarification of the denial process for food stamps applications in accordance with federal regulations; and allow for the food stamp interview to be delayed in expedited cases; amend 470 IAC 6-4.1-1 to allow implementation of a mandatory standard utility allowance in addition to removing reference that those households who share utility expenses cannot use the standard allowance; amend 470 IAC 6-4.1-4 to remove reference to specific certification periods affecting reporting requirements; amend 470 IAC 6-4.2-1 to implement broad based categorical eligibility; amend 470 IAC 6-5-3 to allow the implementation of a voluntary employment and training program; and repeal 470 IAC 6-4.1-6. The proposed rule amendments would not impose any requirements or costs under IC 4-22-2-24(d)(3).
    Anyone who wishes to comment on the proposed rule may attend the public hearing or submit written comments to: FSSA – Division of Family Resources, Attention: Dave Smalley, 402 West Washington Street, Room W363 MS09, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Correspondence should be identified in the following manner: COMMENTS RE: LSA DOCUMENT #10-243 PROPOSED FOOD STAMP RULE.
    All written comments concerning the rule received by DFR and the proposed rule will be available for public inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, in Room W451 (Legal Division), Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
    If an accommodation is required to allow an individual with a disability to participate in this public hearing, please contact DFR Attorney, René Wyatt-Foston, at (317) 232-4640 at least 72 hours prior to the hearing.
    Copies of these rules are now on file at the Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Room W451 and Legislative Services Agency, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N201, Indianapolis, Indiana and are open for public inspection.

    Mike Carr, Interim Director, Division of Family Resources
    Office of the Secretary of Family and Social Services

    Posted: 02/02/2011 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20110202-IR-470100243CHA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:05:57AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.