20120201-IR-511110327FRA Amends 511 IAC 6-7.1-1 concerning definitions. Amends 511 IAC 6-7.1-4 to require students to earn two credits in either mathematics or mathematical reasoning courses during their junior or senior yea...  


    Final Rule
    LSA Document #11-327(F)


    Amends 511 IAC 6-7.1-1 concerning definitions. Amends 511 IAC 6-7.1-4 to require students to earn two credits in either mathematics or mathematical reasoning courses during their junior or senior year. Amends 511 IAC 6-7.1-5 to require six mathematics credits be earned after a student begins high school and to require students take mathematics or mathematical reasoning courses each year of high school. Amends 511 IAC 6-7.1-6 to require students take mathematics or mathematical reasoning courses each year of high school, to require six mathematics credits be earned after a student begins high school, to require a minimum score of 1750 on the SAT and minimum section scores of 530, and to require completion of written segment of the ACT. Amends 511 IAC 6-7.1-7 to require six mathematics credits be earned after a student begins high school, to require students take mathematics or mathematical reasoning courses each year of high school, and regarding requirements of the Core 40 Technical Honors diploma. Effective July 1, 2012.


    511 IAC 6-7.1-1 Definitions

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-30-5; IC 20-30-10-2

    Sec. 1. (a) The definitions in this section apply throughout this rule.

    (b) "Board" means the Indiana state board of education.

    (c) "Career-academic sequence" "College and career pathway" means a flexible sequence of career-technical career and academic courses that:
    (1) help a student explore and prepare for a specific career area or group of related occupations; and
    (2) are selected and defined by school corporations; and
    (3) include progressive exposure to the world of work, with some leading to a certificate recognized by business and industry or to dual credits.
    As a student progresses in a sequence pathway and learns more about a specific career area, the student may remain in the same career area throughout high school, explore an additional career area, or enroll in a multicredit career-technical program designed to help the student develop knowledge and skills related to a specific occupation.

    (d) "Credit" means demonstration of proficiency against the academic standards in a course that meets the following requirements:
    (1) The course is an approved course and complies with the approved course description.
    (2) For those courses for which Indiana academic standards are defined, the course is consistent with Indiana academic standards.
    (3) For those courses for which there is a Core 40 end of course assessment, the required proficiency is at or greater than that required to pass the assessment.
    Multiple credit may not be awarded for the same course unless the approved course description permits multiple credits to be awarded.

    (e) "High school diploma" means a certificate of graduation issued by the governing body of a school corporation certifying that the student has satisfied the minimum requirements for graduation from a high school of the school corporation.

    (f) "Semester" means one-half (1/2) of a regular school year.

    (g) A "quantitative reasoning" course is a high school course that advances a student's ability to apply mathematics in real-world situations and contexts. A mathematical reasoning course deepens a student's understanding of high school mathematics standards. Designation of a non-Core 40 mathematics course as a quantitative reasoning course is subject to approval by the department.

    (h) "Priority course list" means the list of priority dual credit liberal arts courses or the list of priority dual credit career and technical education courses published by the Indiana commission for higher education.

    (i) "Dual credit courses" are courses in which high school students have the opportunity to earn both high school and college credits. It is recommended that schools offering dual credit courses on the high school campus use a dual credit provider from the preferred provider list as developed by the commission for higher education.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6-7.1-1; filed Oct 20, 2005, 11:30 a.m.: 29 IR 801; filed Dec 21, 2010, 10:17 a.m.: 20110119-IR-511090384FRA; filed Jan 6, 2012, 10:24 a.m.: 20120201-IR-511110327FRA, eff Jul 1, 2012)


    511 IAC 6-7.1-4 Minimum required and elective credits

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-30-5; IC 20-30-10-2
    Affected: IC 20-30-5-9

    Sec. 4. (a) For a student who enters high school in the 2006-2007 school year or a subsequent school year, a minimum of forty (40) credits is necessary for high school graduation. Thirty-four (34) of the credits shall be earned in the areas of study specified in subsection (b), and six (6) of the credits shall be earned from courses in these and other approved areas of study.

    (b) The thirty-four (34) required credits consist of the following:
      (1) Language arts  8 credits 
      (2) Social studies  4 credits 
      (3) Mathematics  4 credits 
      (4) Science  4 credits 
      (5) Health and wellness  1 credit 
      (6) Physical education I and II, adapted as necessary  2 credits 
      (7) Career-academic sequence College and career pathway  6 credits 
      (8) Flex credits  5 credits 

    (c) Courses that may be counted toward the required credits prescribed in subsection (b) are subject to the following provisions:
    (1) Language arts credits must include a balance of literature, composition, and speech. A minimum of six (6) credits of the language arts requirement must be from the English language arts area of study. Two (2) credits may be from:
    (A) business technology;
    (B) family and consumer sciences;
    (C) technology education; or
    (D) career-technical;
    courses having predominately language arts content. For a student who successfully completes a Level III world language course, the student's school may waive two (2) credits of the language arts requirement.
    (2) Social studies credits must include the following:
    (A) Two (2) credits in United States history.
    (B) One (1) credit in United States government.
    (C) One (1) credit in another social studies course, global economics, or consumer economics.
    (3) Four (4) mathematics credits must be earned after the student enters high school. Mathematics credits earned prior to entering grade 9 may meet specific course requirements but not the credit requirements for graduation. Such credits are considered elective mathematics credits. The purpose of taking mathematics courses before entering grade 9 is to give the student the opportunity to take an additional mathematics course in high school or take a challenging mathematics course in high school over an extended period of time. If the student completes any of the required mathematics courses before entering high school, the student must complete additional mathematics courses in high school. Mathematics credits must include two (2) credits in algebra I or integrated mathematics I unless a student has completed algebra I or integrated mathematics I before entering high school. A minimum of two (2) credits of the mathematics requirement shall be from the mathematics area of study. Two (2) credits may be from:
    (A) business technology;
    (B) family and consumer sciences;
    (C) technology education; or
    (D) career-technical;
    courses having predominately mathematics content.
    (4) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must earn two (2) mathematics or quantitative reasoning credits during the student's junior or senior year.
    (4) (5) Subject to subdivisions (5) (6) through (7), (8), the health and wellness credit shall be from a course in the health education area of study that has comprehensive health education content.
    (5) (6) The health and wellness credit requirement may be waived for a student if the student's program includes one (1) of the following:
    (A) Three (3) credits from the following family and consumer sciences courses:
    (i) Child development and parenting.
    (ii) Human development and family wellness.
    (iii) Interpersonal relationships.
    (iv) Nutrition and wellness.
    (v) Orientation to life and careers or adult roles and responsibilities. Preparing for college and or careers.
    (B) Two (2) credits from the following health careers education courses offered through career-technical programs:
    (i) Integrated health sciences I.
    (ii) Integrated health sciences II.
    (6) (7) One (1) credit substitution of either a science, family and consumer sciences, or health and physical education credit may be used to fulfill the health and wellness credit requirement for a student who qualifies under the religious objection provision of IC 20-30-5-9 (hygiene instruction).
    (7) (8) Science credits must include two (2) credits in biology I. The four (4) credits of science shall include content from more than one (1) of the major science discipline categories, which are the following:
    (A) Life science.
    (B) Physical science.
    (C) Earth and space science.
    Two (2) credits may be from family and consumer sciences or career-technical courses having predominately science content.
    (8) (9) Flex credits must include five (5) credits in any combination from the following:
    (A) Additional courses to extend the career-academic sequence. college and career pathway.
    (B) Courses involving workplace learning, which may include the following courses:
    (i) Career exploration internship.
    (ii) Career planning and success skills (internship). Preparing for college and or careers.
    (iii) Business cooperative experiences.
    (iv) Cooperative family and consumer sciences.
    (v) Industrial cooperative training.
    (vi) Interdisciplinary cooperative education.
    (vii) Marketing field experience.
    (C) Advanced career-technical education, college credit.
    (D) Additional courses in:
    (i) language arts;
    (ii) social studies;
    (iii) mathematics;
    (iv) science;
    (v) world languages; or
    (vi) fine arts.

    (d) The career-academic sequence college and career pathway is recommended, but not required, if a student, after completing grade 11:
    (1) transfers to a school accredited by the board from a school not accredited by the board, including a school outside Indiana; or
    (2) initially begins course work under the Core 40 diploma and changes to the requirements of this section.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6-7.1-4; filed Oct 20, 2005, 11:30 a.m.: 29 IR 802; filed Dec 21, 2010, 10:15 a.m.: 20110119-IR-511090383FRA; filed Jan 6, 2012, 10:24 a.m.: 20120201-IR-511110327FRA, eff Jul 1, 2012)


    511 IAC 6-7.1-5 Core 40 diploma

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-30-5; IC 20-30-10-2

    Sec. 5. (a) To be eligible for a Core 40 diploma, a student who enters high school in the 2006-2007 school year or a subsequent school year must complete a minimum of forty (40) high school credits. Thirty-four (34) of the credits shall be earned in the areas of study specified in subsection (b), and six (6) of the credits shall be earned from courses in these and other approved areas of study.

    (b) The thirty-four (34) required credits consist of the following:
      (1) Language arts  8 credits 
      (2) Social studies  6 credits 
      (3) Mathematics  6 credits 
      (4) Science  6 credits 
      (5) Health and wellness  1 credit 
      (6) Physical education I and II, adapted as necessary  2 credits 
      (7) Directed elective credits  5 credits 

    (c) Courses that may be counted toward the required credits prescribed in subsection (b) are subject to the following provisions:
    (1) Only courses that officially have been designated as Core 40 courses may be counted.
    (2) Language arts credits must include a balance of the following:
    (A) Literature.
    (B) Composition.
    (C) Speech.
    (3) Social studies credits must include the following:
    (A) Two (2) credits in United States history.
    (B) One (1) credit in United States government.
    (C) One (1) credit in economics.
    (D) Two (2) credits in world history and civilization or two (2) credits in geography and history of the world.
    (4) The mathematics requirement is subject to the following:
    (A) Mathematics credits must include one (1) of the following course sequences:
    (i) Algebra I, geometry, and algebra II.
    (ii) Integrated mathematics I, integrated mathematics II, and integrated mathematics III.
    (B) The student is strongly recommended to earn two (2) mathematics credits during the student's last year in high school. A student who takes mathematics in the senior year is better prepared for mathematics placement exams upon entering a postsecondary education program, an apprenticeship program, or the military. A student who takes mathematics in the senior year is:
    (i) less likely to require remedial mathematics courses following high school; and
    (ii) more likely to complete a postsecondary program.
    (C) The A student who enters high school prior to the 2012-2013 school year must earn either:
    (i) two (2) mathematics credits; or
    (ii) two (2) credits in physics;
    during the student's last two (2) years in high school.
    (D) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must earn six (6) mathematics credits after entering high school. Mathematics credits earned prior to entering grade nine (9) may meet specific course requirements and may count towards the credit requirements for a diploma, but six (6) mathematics credits must be earned while in high school.
    (E) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must be enrolled in a mathematics or quantitative reasoning course each year the student is enrolled in high school.
    (5) Science credits must include the following:
    (A) Two (2) credits in biology.
    (B) Two (2) credits in chemistry, physics, or integrated chemistry-physics.
    (C) Two (2) additional credits in Core 40 science courses.
    (6) Directed elective credits must include five (5) credits in any combination from the following:
    (A) World languages.
    (B) Fine arts.
    (C) Career-technical.

    (d) The student is encouraged to complete a career-academic sequence. college and career pathway.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6-7.1-5; filed Oct 20, 2005, 11:30 a.m.: 29 IR 803; filed Dec 21, 2010, 10:15 a.m.: 20110119-IR-511090383FRA; filed Jan 6, 2012, 10:24 a.m.: 20120201-IR-511110327FRA, eff Jul 1, 2012)


    511 IAC 6-7.1-6 Core 40 diploma with academic honors

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-30-5; IC 20-30-10-2

    Sec. 6. (a) To be eligible for a Core 40 diploma with academic honors, a student who enters high school in the 2006-2007 school year or a subsequent school year must complete a minimum of forty-seven (47) high school credits. Depending on the world languages option chosen, thirty-eight (38) thirty-nine (39) or forty (40) forty-one (41) of the credits shall be earned in the areas of study specified in subsection (b), and seven (7) or nine (9) of the additional credits shall be earned from courses in these and other approved areas of study.

    (b) Required credits consist of the following:
      (1) Language arts  8 credits 
      (2) Social studies  6 credits 
      (3) Mathematics  8 credits 
      (4) Science  6 credits 
      (5) Health and wellness  1 credit 
      (6) Physical education I and II, adapted as necessary  2 credits 
      (7) World languages  6 or 8 credits 
      (8) Fine arts  2 credits 

    (c) Courses that may be counted toward the required credits prescribed in subsection (b) are subject to the following provisions:
    (1) Only courses that officially have been designated as Core 40 courses may be counted.
    (2) Language arts credits must include a balance of the following:
    (A) Literature.
    (B) Composition.
    (C) Speech.
    (3) Social studies credits must include the following:
    (A) Two (2) credits in United States history.
    (B) One (1) credit in United States government.
    (C) One (1) credit in economics.
    (D) Two (2) credits in world history and civilization or two (2) credits in geography and history of the world.
    (4) The mathematics requirement is subject to the following:
    (A) Mathematics credits must include one (1) of the following course sequences:
    (i) Algebra I, geometry, algebra II, and two (2) additional credits in Core 40 mathematics courses.
    (ii) Integrated mathematics I, integrated mathematics II, integrated mathematics III, and two (2) additional credits in Core 40 mathematics courses.
    (B) The student is strongly recommended to earn two (2) mathematics credits during the student's last year in high school. A student who takes mathematics in the senior year is better prepared for mathematics placement exams upon entering a postsecondary education program, an apprenticeship program, or the military. A student who takes mathematics in the senior year is:
    (i) less likely to require remedial mathematics courses following high school; and
    (ii) more likely to complete a postsecondary program.
    (C) The A student who enters high school prior to 2012-2013 school year must earn either:
    (i) two (2) mathematics credits; or
    (ii) two (2) credits in physics;
    during the student's last two (2) years in high school.
    (D) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must earn at least six (6) of the requisite eight (8) mathematics credits after entering high school. Mathematics credits earned prior to entering grade nine (9) may meet specific course requirements and may count towards the credit requirements for a diploma, but six (6) mathematics credits must be earned while in high school.
    (E) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must be enrolled in a mathematics or quantitative reasoning course each year the student is enrolled in high school.
    (5) Science credits must include the following:
    (A) Two (2) credits in biology.
    (B) Two (2) credits in chemistry, physics, or integrated chemistry-physics.
    (C) Two (2) additional credits in Core 40 science courses.
    (6) World languages credits must include one (1) of the following:
    (A) Six (6) credits in Core 40 courses in a single world language.
    (B) Four (4) credits in Core 40 courses in each of two (2) different world languages.

    (d) Only courses in which the student earns a grade of "C" or higher may count toward the credits required in subsections (b) and (f).

    (e) The student must have a cumulative grade point average of "B" or above in all courses.

    (f) The A student who enters high school prior to the 2012-2013 school year must complete one (1) of the following:
    (1) Four (4) credits in two (2) courses designated as advanced placement under 511 IAC 6.1-5.1 and the corresponding College Board Advanced Placement tests.
    (2) Dual high school and college credit courses from the priority course list resulting in six (6) transferable college credits.
    (3) The following combination of advanced placement courses and tests and college credits:
    (A) Two (2) credits in a course designated as advanced placement under 511 IAC 6.1-5.1 and the corresponding College Board Advanced Placement test.
    (B) Dual high school and college credit courses from the priority course lists resulting in three (3) transferable college credits.
    (4) The SAT test, with a composite score of 1200 or higher.
    (5) The ACT test, with a composite score of 26 or higher.
    (6) The International Baccalaureate diploma.

    (g) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must complete one (1) of the following:
    (1) Four (4) credits in two (2) or more courses designated as advanced placement under 511 IAC 6.1-5.1 and the corresponding College Board Advanced Placement tests.
    (2) Dual high school and college credit courses from the priority course list resulting in six (6) verifiable transcripted college credits.
    (3) Two (2) of following requirements:
    (A) A minimum of three (3) verifiable transcripted college credits from the priority course list.
    (B) Two (2) credits in a course(s) designated as advanced placement under 511 IAC 6.1-5.1 and the corresponding College Board Advanced Placement test(s).
    (C) Two (2) credits in an IB standard level course and corresponding exams.
    (4) The SAT test with a composite score of 1750 or higher and a minimum score of 530 on each section.
    (5) The ACT test with a composite score of 26 or higher and completion of the written section.
    (6) Four (4) credits in courses designated as international baccalaureate courses and complete corresponding international baccalaureate exams.

    (g) (h) The student is encouraged to complete a career-academic sequence. college and career pathway.

    (h) (i) A student who has earned an international baccalaureate diploma is eligible to receive a Core 40 diploma with academic honors.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6-7.1-6; filed Oct 20, 2005, 11:30 a.m.: 29 IR 804; filed Dec 21, 2010, 10:15 a.m.: 20110119-IR-511090383FRA; filed Jan 6, 2012, 10:24 a.m.: 20120201-IR-511110327FRA, eff Jul 1, 2012)


    511 IAC 6-7.1-7 Core 40 diploma with technical honors

    Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-30-5; IC 20-30-10-2

    Sec. 7. (a) To be eligible for a Core 40 diploma with technical honors, a student who enters high school in the 2006-2007 prior to the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must complete a minimum of forty-seven (47) high school credits. Thirty-seven (37) or thirty-nine (39) of the credits shall be earned in the areas of study specified in subsection (b), and eight (8) or ten (10) of the credits shall be earned from courses in these and other approved areas of study.

    (b) For students entering prior to the 2012-2013 school year, required credits consist of the following:
      (1) Language arts  8 credits 
      (2) Social studies  6 credits 
      (3) Mathematics  6 credits 
      (4) Science  6 credits 
      (5) Health and wellness  1 credit 
      (6) Physical education I and II, adapted as necessary  2 credits 
      (7) Career-technical program  8-10 credits 

    (c) To be eligible for a Core 40 diploma with technical honors, a student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must complete a minimum of forty-seven (47) high school credits. Thirty-five (35) of the credits shall be earned in the areas of study specified in subsection (d), and additional credits shall be earned from courses in subsections (e) and (i).

    (d) Required credits consist of the following:
      (1) Language arts  8 credits 
      (2) Social studies  6 credits 
      (3) Mathematics  6 credits 
      (4) Science  6 credits 
      (5) Health and wellness  1 credit 
      (6) Physical education I and II, adapted as necessary  2 credits 
      (7) College and career pathway  6 credits 

    (c) (e) Courses that may be counted toward the required credits prescribed in subsection subsections (b) and (d) are subject to the following provisions:
    (1) Only courses that officially have been designated as Core 40 courses may be counted.
    (2) Language arts credits must include a balance of the following:
    (A) Literature.
    (B) Composition.
    (C) Speech.
    (3) Social studies credits must include the following:
    (A) Two (2) credits in United States history.
    (B) One (1) credit in United States government.
    (C) One (1) credit in economics.
    (D) Two (2) credits in world history and civilization or two (2) credits in geography and history of the world.
    (4) The mathematics requirement is subject to the following:
    (A) Mathematics credits must include one (1) of the following course sequences:
    (i) Algebra I, geometry, and algebra II.
    (ii) Integrated mathematics I, integrated mathematics II, and integrated mathematics III.
    (B) The student is strongly recommended to earn two (2) mathematics credits during the student's last year in high school. A student who takes mathematics in the senior year is better prepared for mathematics placement exams upon entering a postsecondary education program, an apprenticeship program, or the military. A student who takes mathematics in the senior year is:
    (i) less likely to require remedial mathematics courses following high school; and
    (ii) more likely to complete a postsecondary program.
    (C) The A student who enters high school prior to 2012-2013 school year must earn either:
    (i) two (2) mathematics credits; or
    (ii) two (2) credits in physics;
    during the student's last two (2) years in high school.
    (D) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must earn six (6) mathematics credits after entering high school. Mathematics credits earned prior to entering grade nine (9) may meet specific course requirements and may count towards the credit requirements for a diploma, but six (6) mathematics credits must be earned while in high school.
    (E) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must be enrolled in a mathematics or quantitative reasoning course each year the student is enrolled in high school.
    (5) Science credits must include the following:
    (A) Two (2) credits in biology.
    (B) Two (2) credits in chemistry, physics, or integrated chemistry-physics.
    (C) Two (2) additional credits in Core 40 science courses.

    (d) (f) Only courses in which the student earns a grade of "C" or higher may count toward the credits required in subsection (b).

    (e) (g) The student must have a cumulative grade point average of "B" or above in all courses.

    (f) The (h) A student who enters high school prior to 2012-2013 must earn a state-recognized certification or certificate of technical achievement in the career-technical program.

    (i) A student who enters high school in the 2012-2013 school year or a subsequent school year must:
    (1) Earn a minimum of six (6) credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state-approved college & career pathway and earn one (1) of the following:
    (A) Pathway designated industry-based certification or credential; or
    (B) Pathway designated dual high school and college credit courses from the lists of priority courses resulting in six (6) verifiable transcripted college credits.
    (2) Complete one (1) of the following:
    (A) Any of the options listed under 511 IAC 6-7.1-6(g) [section 6(g) of this rule] for the Core 40 with academic honors diploma.
    (B) Earn the following minimum scores on WorkKeys:
    (i) Reading for information, Level 6;
    (ii) Applied mathematics, Level 6; and
    (iii) Locating information, Level 5.
    (C) Earn the following minimum score on Accuplacer:
    (i) Writing, 80;
    (ii) Reading, 90; and
    (iii) Math, 75.
    (D) Earn the following minimum score on Compass:
    (i) Algebra, 66;
    (ii) Writing, 70; and
    (iii) Reading, 80.
    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6-7.1-7; filed Oct 20, 2005, 11:30 a.m.: 29 IR 805; filed Dec 21, 2010, 10:15 a.m.: 20110119-IR-511090383FRA; filed Jan 6, 2012, 10:24 a.m.: 20120201-IR-511110327FRA, eff Jul 1, 2012)

    LSA Document #11-327(F)
    Notice of Intent: 20110608-IR-511110327NIA
    Proposed Rule: 20110907-IR-511110327PRA
    Hearing Held: September 29, 2011
    Approved by Attorney General: December 22, 2011
    Approved by Governor: January 5, 2012
    Filed with Publisher: January 6, 2012, 10:24 a.m.
    Documents Incorporated by Reference: None Received by Publisher
    Small Business Regulatory Coordinator: Becky Bowman, State Board Administrator, Indiana Department of Education, Room 229, State House, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 232-6622, bbowman@doe.in.gov

    Posted: 02/01/2012 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20120201-IR-511110327FRA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:20:22AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.