20131225-IR-045130556NRA Departmental Notice #2 December 2013  


    Departmental Notice #2
    December 2013

    SUBJECT: Prepayment of Sales Tax on Gasoline

    DISCLAIMER: This document is not a "statement" required to be published in the Indiana Register under IC 4-22-7-7. However, under IC 6-2.5-7-14, the Department is required to publish the prepayment rate in the June and December issues of the Indiana Register. The purpose of this notice is to inform each refiner, terminal operator, and qualified distributor known to the Department to be required to collect prepayments of sales tax on gasoline of the "prepayment rate" effective for the next six-month period. A prepayment rate is calculated twice a year by the Department and is effective for the period January 1 through June 30, or, July 1 through December 31, as appropriate.

    Statutory Calculation of Prepayment Rate

    The prepayment rate is defined by IC 6-2.5-7-1 and IC 6-2.5-7-14 as the product of:
    Step 1
    1) The statewide average retail price per gallon of gasoline (excluding the Indiana gasoline tax, the federal gasoline tax, and the Indiana gross retail tax); multiplied by
    2) The state gross retail tax rate (7%); multiplied by
    3) Eighty percent (80%); rounded to
    4) The nearest one-tenth of one cent ($0.001)
    Step 2
    1) Determine the lesser of the results in Step 1 or
    2) The product of:
    (i) The prepayment rate in effect on the day immediately preceding the day on which the prepayment rate is redetermined; multiplied by
    (ii) One hundred twenty-five percent (125%); rounded to
    3) The nearest one-tenth of one cent ($0.001)
    Using the most recent retail price of gasoline available (as required by IC 6-2.5-7-14(b)), the department has determined the statewide average retail price per gallon of gasoline to be two dollars ninety-nine and four-tenths cents ($2.994) for the month of August 2013. The data is derived from www.IndianaGasPrices.com.
    Based on the provisions of Step 1 and Step 2, the calculations are as follows:
    Step 1     
    Statewide average retail price per gallon:  2.994   
    Multiplied by the state retail tax:  x .07   
    Multiplied by 80%:  x 0.8   
    Rounded to the nearest one-tenth of one cent:  0.168   
    Step 2     
    Previous 6-month prepayment rate:  0.177   
    Multiplied by 125%:  x 1.25   
    Rounded to the nearest $0.001:  0.221   

    Prepayment Rate
    Based on the previous calculations, Step 1 will be used to determine the prepayment rate. The prepayment rate of sales tax on gasoline for the 6-month period beginning January 1, 2014, is sixteen and eight-tenths cents ($0.168) per gallon.
    Michael J. Alley
    Indiana Department of State Revenue

    The prepayment rates for periods beginning July 1, 1994, are established below:
      Period      Rate Per Gallon 
      July 1, 1994  to  December 31, 1994  2.9 cents 
      January 1, 1995  to  June 30, 1995  3.7 cents 
      July 1, 1995  to  December 31, 1995  3.3 cents 
      January 1, 1996  to  June 30, 1996  3.3 cents 
      July 1, 1996  to  December 31, 1996  3.4 cents 
      January 1, 1997  to  June 30, 1997  4.0 cents 
      July 1, 1997  to  December 31, 1997  3.9 cents 
      January 1, 1998  to  June 30, 1998  4.0 cents 
      July 1, 1998  to  December 31, 1998  2.9 cents 
      January 1, 1999  to  June 30, 1999  3.0 cents 
      July 1, 1999  to  December 31, 1999  2.4 cents 
      January 1, 2000  to  June 30, 2000  3.6 cents 
      July 1, 2000  to  December 31, 2000  4.6 cents 
      January 1, 2001  to  June 30, 2001  4.9 cents 
      July 1, 2001  to  December 31, 2001  4.9 cents 
      January 1, 2002  to  June 30, 2002  4.9 cents 
      July 1, 2002  to  December 31, 2002  3.2 cents 
      January 1, 2003  to  June 30, 2003  5.3 cents 
      July 1, 2003  to  December 31, 2003  6.6 cents 
      January 1, 2004  to  June 30, 2004  6.5 cents 
      July 1, 2004  to  December 31, 2004  6.6 cents 
      January 1, 2005  to  June 30, 2005  7.6 cents 
      July 1, 2005  to  December 31, 2005  7.8 cents 
      January 1, 2006  to  June 30, 2006  11.2 cents 
      July 1, 2006  to  December 31, 2006  9.5 cents 
      January 1, 2007  to  June 30, 2007  11.9 cents 
      July 1, 2007  to  December 31, 2007  9.9 cents 
      January 1, 2008  to  June 30, 2008  12.4 cents 
      July 1, 2008  to  December 31, 2008  15.5 cents 
      January 1, 2009  to  January 31, 2009  19.4 cents 
      February 1, 2009  to  June 30, 2009  9.9 cents 
      July 1, 2009  to  December 31, 2009  8.9 cents 
      January 1, 2010  to  June 30, 2010  11.1 cents 
      July 1, 2010  to  December 31, 2010  11.8 cents 
      January 1, 2011  to  June 30, 2011  12.3 cents 
      July 1, 201  to  December 31, 2011  15.1 cents 
      January 1, 2012  to  June 30, 2012  17.2 cents 
      July 1, 2012  to  December 31, 2012  16.3 cents 
      January 1, 2013  to  June 30, 2013  18.3 cents 
      July 1, 2013  to  December 31, 2013  17.7 cents 
      January 1, 2014  to  June 30, 2014  16.8 cents 

    Posted: 12/25/2013 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20131225-IR-045130556NRA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:42:58AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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