20091223-IR-816090865EIA Economic Impact Statement LSA Document #09-865  


    Economic Impact Statement
    LSA Document #09-865

    IC 4-22-2.1-5 Statement Concerning Rules Affecting Small Businesses
    Estimated Number of Small Businesses Affected:

    NAICS 611511  Barber Colleges  16   
    NAICS 812111  Barber Shops  1,528   
    The types of small businesses most likely to be affected by the proposed rule are barber schools and barber shops.

    Estimated Administrative Costs Imposed on Small Businesses:
    The proposed rules do not impose any new reporting, record keeping, or other administrative costs on small businesses.

    Estimated Total Annual Economic Impact on Small Businesses:
    The following figures are based upon the number of applications for licensure and renewal applications received in 2008*.

    Applications for licensure  Current application fee  Proposed application fee  Yearly revenue  Proposed revenue  Difference 
    School (2)  $300  $300  $600  $600  $0 
    Shops (137)  $40  $40  $5,480  $5,480  $0 

    Applications for renewal  Current renewal  Proposed renewal fee  Yearly revenue  Proposed revenue  Difference 
    School*: Two year license (7 renewed in 2008)  $300  $300  $2,100  $2,100  $0 
    Shops: Four year license (151 renewed in 2008)  $40  $40  $6,040  $6,040  $0 

    Justification of Requirements or Costs:
    Pursuant to IC 25-1-8-2, fees shall not be less than are required to pay all of the costs, both direct and indirect, of the operation of the barber board. In 2005, the General Assembly enacted SEA 139 (P.L.194-2005) to give the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency and the boards, commissions, and committees it serves the authority to set fees by rule that had previously been set by statute. The proposed rule changes will not increase or decease the number of small businesses already affected by the current regulations.

    Consideration of Alternative Methods of Achieving the Purpose of the Proposed Rule:
    Since the rule provides no change in the amount of fees to be assessed to barber schools or barber shops, the consideration of alternate compliance or reporting requirements or other operational standards was not appropriate. There are no new reporting or record keeping requirements for small businesses as a result of the proposed rule.

    Explanation of Determination:
    The Board sought to set fees at the minimum levels needed in order to comply with IC 25-1-8-2.

    Supporting Data, Studies, or Analyses:
    The agency used the following data (from 2008) in determining the fiscal impact of the rule:
    The board conducted a comparison of fees assessed in surrounding states. The following states were surveyed: Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The current application fee for barber schools in Indiana is $300. This fee is not being amended. The average application fee in the surveyed states is $338.66. The current renewal fee for Indiana barber schools is $300 every two years. This fee is not being amended. The average annual renewal fee in the surveyed states is $265.16 or $530.32 every two years.

    The current application fee for Indiana barber shops is $40. This fee is not being amended. The average application fee in the states surveyed is $55.58. The renewal fee for each barber shop is $40 every four years ($10 per year). This fee is not being amended. The average yearly renewal fee in the states surveyed is $40.41 or $242.46 every four years.

    Posted: 12/23/2009 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20091223-IR-816090865EIA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:49:02AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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