20141217-IR-318140479ONA Public Notice of Draft NPDES General Permits Public Notice No: 2014 – 12G - RD Response Date Due: February 6, 2015  


    Public Notice of Draft NPDES General Permits
    Public Notice No: 2014 – 12G - RD
    Response Date Due: February 6, 2015

    The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) proposes to issue five NPDES General Permits in a new format. These administrative NPDES general permits will supersede and replace the requirements for these discharges that are currently regulated under Article 15 of Title 327 of the Indiana Administrative Code. These include the following types of discharges to surface waters of the state:

    Groundwater Petroleum Remediation Systems. The purpose of this permit is to establish requirements for point source discharges from any conveyance used for collecting and conveying wastewater that is directly related to ground water petroleum remediation systems or activities, but specifically those which involve gasoline contamination of the ground water.

    Hydrostatic Testing of Commercial Pipelines. The purpose of this permit is to establish requirements for point source discharges of waters used for the hydrostatic testing of commercial pipelines that are used for the transportation of natural gas, crude oil, and liquid or gaseous petroleum.

    Once Through Noncontact Cooling Water. The purpose of this permit is to establish requirements for point source discharges of cooling water that is used for the sole purpose of removing unwanted heat from a process; only makes one pass through a unit that exchanges heat between the process and the cooling water (generally a heat exchanger); and does not come into contact with any raw material or manufactured product.

    Petroleum Products Terminals. The purpose of this permit is to establish requirements for discharges from these facilities of specific point sources that include: hydrostatic test waters from storage tanks and on-site pipelines that have been used for the storage and/or transfer or conveyance of crude oil or liquid petroleum hydrocarbons; discharges of storm water runoff specifically from the diked containment areas of these storage tanks; and discharges of tank bottom water from these storage tanks.

    Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone, and Dimensional Stone Operations. The purpose of this permit is to establish requirements for point source discharges of wastewater from sedimentation treatment basins at sand, gravel, crushed stone, and dimensional stone operations. This includes sites that utilize sedimentation basin treatment for pit dewatering, channel machines, broaching, jet piercing, scrubber water from wet scrubbers used for air pollution control, dust suppression spray water, wash water from spray bars for final screening operations, and noncontact cooling water for cooling of crusher bearings, drills, saws, dryers, pumps, and air compressors.

    Each general permit contains specific eligibility requirements. Ineligible discharges will require an individual NPDES permit or an alternate general permit (if available). Only facilities existing within the boundaries of Indiana may obtain NPDES general permit coverage.

    Interested persons are invited to submit written comments regarding the draft NPDES general permits. All comments or requests for a public hearing should be sent to: IDEM Office of Water Quality, Attn: General NPDES Permits, IGCN Room 1255, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2251 and must be received by IDEM no later than February 6, 2015. Any request for a public hearing shall be made in writing and shall include: the name and address of the person making the request, the interest of the person making the request, persons represented by the person making the request, the reason for the request, and the issues proposed for consideration at the hearing. The department will determine whether to hold a public hearing based upon the comments and the rationale for the request. All written comments received during the Public Notice period will be considered in the formulation of the final NPDES general permits. Please direct any comments submitted by e-mail to: owqwwper@idem.in.gov.

    Additional Information: The draft NPDES general permits and related documents are posted on IDEM's web site at http://www.in.gov/idem/5338.htm. The draft NPDES general permits are available for review at the IDEM Central Office, Indiana Government Center North, Room 1255, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., M - F, excluding state holidays (copies 10¢ per page). Copies of the draft permit documents are also available at the local health departments and at IDEM's Regional Offices. The documents are also available via e-mail request. Please tell others whom you think would be interested in this matter. See these sites for information concerning your rights and responsibilities: http://www.in.gov/idem/5474.htm and http://www.in.gov/idem.5903.htm.

    Questions may be directed to any of the following IDEM staff: C. Anne Burget at (317) 234-8745, Sheri Jordan at (317) 232-8703, or Catherine Hess at (317) 232-8704. Please send any e-mail inquiries to owqwwper@idem.in.gov.

    Notice of Final Permit Determination: IDEM will provide notice of the final determination on these permits to all persons who submit written comments or who submit a written request for notification to owqwwper@idem.in.gov.

    Posted: 12/17/2014 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20141217-IR-318140479ONA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:57:44AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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