20081217-IR-327060280FRA Amends 327 IAC 2-11-6 to reduce the numeric criterion for arsenic as a health protective goal for untreated ground water used as drinking water, which is also the maximum permissible level of a conta...  


    Final Rule
    LSA Document #06-280(F)


    Amends 327 IAC 2-11-6 to reduce the numeric criterion for arsenic as a health protective goal for untreated ground water used as drinking water, which is also the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in drinking water class ground water. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.

    First Notice of Comment Period: August 9, 2006, Indiana Register (DIN: 20060809-IR-327060280FNA).
    Second Notice of Comment Period: October 25, 2006, Indiana Register (DIN: 20061025-IR-327060280SNA).
    Notice of First Hearing: October 25, 2006, Indiana Register (DIN: 20061025-IR-327060280PHA).
    Change in Notice of First Hearing: September 5, 2007, Indiana Register (DIN: 20070905-IR-327060280CHA).
    Date of First Hearing: September 12, 2007.
    Proposed Rule: August 6, 2008, Indiana Register (DIN: 20080806-IR-327060280PRA).
    Notice of Second Hearing: August 6, 2008, Indiana Register (DIN: 20080806-IR-327060280PHA).
    Date of Second Hearing: September 10, 2008.


    327 IAC 2-11-6 Criteria for drinking water class ground water

    Authority: IC 13-18

    Sec. 6. (a) The following numeric criteria are health protective goals for untreated ground water used as drinking water and are the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in drinking water class ground water:
    (1) The following are the numeric criteria for select inorganic contaminants:
    Contaminant  Criterion (mg/l unless noted)1 
    Antimony  0.006 
    Arsenic  0.05 0.010 
    Asbestos  7 MFL2 
    Beryllium  0.004 
    Cadmium  0.005 
    Chromium (total)  0.1 
    Combined beta/photon emitters  4 mrem/yr3 
    Cyanide (free)  0.2 
    Gross alpha particle activity (including radium 226 but excluding radon and uranium)  15 pCi/L4 
    Lead  0.015 
    Mercury (inorganic)  0.002 
    Nitrate (as N)  10 
    Nitrite (as N) 
    Radium 226 and 228 (combined)  5 pCi/L 
    Selenium  0.05 
    Thallium  0.002 
    1mg/l is milligrams per liter. 
    2MFL is million fibers per liter greater than 10 micrometers in length. 
    3mrem/yr is millirems per year. 
    4pCi/L is picocuries per liter. 
    (2) The following are the numeric criteria for select organic contaminants:
    Table 6(a)(2) 
    Numeric Criteria for Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water Class Ground Water 
    Chemical Abstract Registry Numbers  Contaminant  Criterion (mg/l unless noted) 
    15972-60-8  Alachlor  0.002 
    1912-24-9  Atrazine  0.003 
    71-43-2  Benzene  0.005 
    50-32-8  Benzo(a)pyrene  0.0002 
    1563-66-2  Carbofuran  0.04 
    56-23-5  Carbon tetrachloride  0.005 
    57-74-9  Chlordane  0.002 
    94-75-7  2,4-D  0.07 
    75-99-0  Dalapon  0.2 
    103-23-1  Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate  0.4 
    96-12-8  Dibromochloropropane (DBCP)  0.0002 
    95-50-1  Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-  0.6 
    106-46-7  Dichlorobenzene, 1,4-  0.075 
    107-06-2  Dichloroethane, 1,2-  0.005 
    75-35-4  Dichloroethylene, 1,1-  0.007 
    156-59-2  Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-  0.07 
    156-60-5  Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-  0.1 
    75-09-2  Dichloromethane or methylene chloride  0.005 
    78-87-5  Dichloropropane, 1,2-  0.005 
    117-81-7  Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate  0.006 
    88-85-7  Dinoseb  0.007 
    85-00-7  Diquat  0.02 
    145-73-3  Endothall  0.1 
    72-20-8  Endrin  0.002 
    100-41-4  Ethylbenzene  0.7 
    106-93-4  Ethylene dibromide (EDB)  0.00005 
    1071-83-6  Glyphosate  0.7 
    76-44-8  Heptachlor  0.0004 
    1024-57-3  Heptachlor epoxide  0.0002 
    118-74-1  Hexachlorobenzene  0.001 
    77-47-4  Hexachlorocyclopentadiene  0.05 
    58-89-9  Lindane (gamma-BHC)  0.0002 
    72-43-5  Methoxychlor  0.04 
    108-90-7  Monochlorobenzene  0.1 
    23135-22-0  Oxamyl (vydate)  0.2 
    87-89-5  Pentachlorophenol  0.001 
    1918-02-1  Picloram  0.5 
    1336-36-3  Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)  0.0005 
    122-34-9  Simazine  0.004 
    100-42-5  Styrene  0.1 
    1746-01-6  2,3,7,8-TCDD (Dioxin)  0.00000003 
    127-18-4  Tetrachloroethylene  0.005 
    108-88-3  Toluene 
    8001-35-2  Toxaphene  0.003 
    93-72-1  2,4,5-TP (Silvex)  0.05 
    120-82-1  Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-  0.07 
    71-55-6  Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-  0.2 
    79-00-5  Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-  0.005 
    79-01-6  Trichloroethylene  0.005 
    75-01-4  Vinyl chloride  0.002 
    1330-20-7  Xylenes (total)  10 
    (3) A drinking water class numeric criterion may be added to the criteria established in this subsection if adopted according to IC 4-22-2 and IC 13-14-9.

    (b) An agency shall determine if further action is necessary to comply with the narrative criteria established in section 5 of this rule if the following indicator levels are exceeded in drinking water class ground water:
    (1) Chloride at two hundred fifty (250) milligrams per liter.
    (2) Sulfate at two hundred fifty (250) milligrams per liter.
    (3) Total dissolved solids at five hundred (500) milligrams per liter.
    (4) Total coliform bacteria at nondetect.

    (c) If the commissioner determines that a site-specific numeric criterion for a contaminant without a drinking water class numeric criterion established in subsection (a) is necessary to protect human health, any natural resource, or the environment, a risk analysis shall be used to establish a numeric criterion for that contaminant and must:
    (1) receive approval from the commissioner; and
    (2) be based upon appropriate toxicological data.

    (d) The naturally occurring concentration of a contaminant in drinking water class ground water shall be the numeric criterion if that contaminant occurs at a concentration greater than the drinking water numeric criterion established in subsection (a) or (c) or an indicator level established in subsection (b).

    (e) If drinking water class ground water at a facility, practice, or activity is determined to have one (1) or more contaminant concentrations above the numeric criteria established in this section that are not attributable to the facility, practice, or activity under consideration, an agency shall manage the facility, practice, or activity or implement programs such that:
    (1) the facility, practice, or activity causes no further increase in the concentration of the contaminant determined to be above the numeric criterion established in this section; and
    (2) any design standard or management requirements that apply to the facility, practice, or activity are at least as stringent as the design standard and management requirements that would be applied to a facility, practice, or activity where ground water does not have one (1) or more contaminant concentrations above the numeric criteria established in this section.

    (f) The commissioner may, for a ground water contamination assessment or remediation at a facility, practice, or activity under the jurisdiction of the department of environmental management, allow an appropriate site-specific, risk-based numeric criterion different from the numeric criterion established in subsection (a) or (d) to be applied to drinking water class ground water within the boundary of the ground water management zone established according to section 9 of this rule.
    (Water Pollution Control Board; 327 IAC 2-11-6; filed Feb 4, 2002, 11:00 a.m.: 25 IR 1879; readopted filed Jun 4, 2008, 11:07 a.m.: 20080702-IR-327080207BFA; filed Nov 24, 2008, 12:30 p.m.: 20081217-IR-327060280FRA)

    LSA Document #06-280(F)
    Proposed Rule: 20080806-IR-327060280PRA
    Hearing Held: September 10, 2008
    Approved by Attorney General: November 12, 2008
    Approved by Governor: November 17, 2008
    Filed with Publisher: November 24, 2008, 12:30 p.m.
    Documents Incorporated by Reference: None Received by Publisher
    Small Business Regulatory Coordinator: Alison Surface, Senior Environmental Manager, IDEM Compliance and Technical Assistance Program, OPPTA - MC60-04, 100 North Senate Avenue, W041, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251, 317-232-8177 or (800) 988-7901, CTAP@idem.in.gov
    Small Business Assistance Program Ombudsman: Megan Tretter, IDEM Small Business Assistance Program Ombudsman, MC50-01 - IGCN 1301, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251, 317-234-3386, mtretter@idem.in.gov

    Posted: 12/17/2008 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20081217-IR-327060280FRA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:33:16AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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