20091028-IR-326070088FRA Amends 326 IAC 6-6-5 and 326 IAC 7-4-14 concerning operations at ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC. NOTE: Under IC 13-14-9-11, LSA Document #07-88, posted at 20071031-IR-326070088PRA, was resubmitted fo...  


    Final Rule
    LSA Document #07-88(F)


    Amends 326 IAC 6-6-5 and 326 IAC 7-4-14 concerning operations at ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC. NOTE: Under IC 13-14-9-11, LSA Document #07-88, posted at 20071031-IR-326070088PRA, was resubmitted for publication and reposted at 20090513-IR-326070088PRA. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.

    First Notice: February 21, 2007, Indiana Register (DIN: 20070221-IR-326070088FNA).
    Second Notice: August 8, 2007, Indiana Register (DIN: 20070808-IR-326070088SNA).
    Notice of First Hearing: August 8, 2007, Indiana Register (DIN: 20070808-IR-326070088PHA).
    Date of First Hearing: October 3, 2007.
    Proposed Rule: October 31, 2007, Indiana Register (DIN: 20071031-IR-326070088PRA)
    Notice of Second Hearing: October 31, 2007, Indiana Register (DIN: 20071031-IR-326070088PHA).
    Change in Notice of Public Hearing: January 16, 2008, Indiana Register (DIN: 20080116-IR-326070088CHA).
    Change in Notice of Public Hearing: December 3, 2008, Indiana Register (DIN: 20081203-IR-326070088CHA).
    Change in Notice of Public Hearing: February 25, 2009, Indiana Register (DIN: 20090225-IR-326070088CHA).
    Date of Second Hearing: April 1, 2009.
    Proposed Rule: May 13, 2009, Indiana Register (DIN: 20090513-IR-326070088PRA).
    Notice of Third Hearing: May 13, 2009, Indiana Register (DIN: 20090513-IR-326070088PHA).
    Date of Third Hearing: July 1, 2009.


    326 IAC 6-6-5 ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC fugitive particulate matter emission control plan

    Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17

    Sec. 5. (a) In order to implement its nontraditional fugitive dust control program, Bethlehem shall purchase a high pressure water flushing truck and a tractor sweeper with broom and install a water filling station for the flusher truck and a tank for the storage and dispensing of liquid chemical dust retardant. The following control measures shall then be implemented at the Burns Harbor Plant at the specified frequency.
    (1) A total of twenty-four (24) miles of paved and unpaved roads as shown in Figure 1 shall be controlled as described below:
    (A) A total of 12.7 miles of paved roads shall be cleaned three (3) times per week by water washing using a flusher truck except as indicated in subsection (a)(4) of this section. In addition, at least twice per week, 7.9 miles of these roads in the primary facilities area will also be wet swept using a tractor mounted broom following the flusher truck. Road shoulders on the 12.7 miles of paved roads will be graded as required and treated with a chemical dust retardant at the same frequency specified below for unpaved roads. Accumulated material on road shoulders will be removed at least once per month.
    (B) A total of 11.3 miles of unpaved roads shall be controlled. This will consist of forming a uniform road surface by road grading to remove large material, and the application of a two (2) to four (4) inch layer of fine slag where necessary. Surfaces shall be sprayed with dust suppressant solution at an application rate consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations. The dust suppressant material and application rate shall be such that a crust will be formed on the road surface that is amenable to cleaning via flushing and sweeping. Road surfaces shall be cleaned twice per week with a flusher truck followed by a tractor mounted broom. Road surfaces shall be resprayed with chemical dust suppressant as necessary to maintain a cleanable surface. The solution strength and application rate will be determined prior to application based upon the condition of the surfaces.
    (2) Bethlehem shall control its low volatile coal storage piles by spraying them at least once per week with a chemical dust retardant.
    (3) Records of all fugitive dust control activities shall be maintained. At a minimum, records shall contain the following information:
    (A) number of miles and location of the paved roads cleaned;
    (B) number of miles of unpaved roads which were treated including the type, quantity, and dilution ratio of dust retardant used;
    (C) the type, quantity, and dilution ratio of dust retardant sprayed on low volatile coal storage piles.
    This information shall be summarized into progress reports and submitted to the board quarterly.
    (4) This nontraditional fugitive dust control program can be adjusted on a daily basis as needed to take into account preceding day and forecasted meteorological conditions (for example, rainfall and temperature), and visual observations of the roadways scheduled to be cleaned.

    (b) Bethlehem Steel Corporation nontraditional fugitive dust control roads is shown as follows (Figure 1):

    (a) ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall submit a fugitive particulate matter emission control plan for the Burns Harbor Plant (Plant ID 127-00001) located at U.S. Highway 12 meeting the requirements of this section to the department within three (3) months after the effective date of this rule, notwithstanding section 3 of this rule. The plan shall be in accordance with and subject to the following requirements:
    (2) Emission factors and control efficiencies in 326 IAC 6-5-1(d)(1) through 326 IAC 6-5-1(d)(3).
    (3) ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC may petition the commissioner to use emission factors and control efficiencies other than those referenced in subdivision (2) if adequate support documentation is submitted demonstrating that the submitted emission factors and control efficiencies provide equivalent protection for human health and the environment.

    (b) The following definitions apply throughout this section:
    (1) "As needed basis" means the frequency of application necessary to minimize visible particulate matter emissions as defined in the control plan.
    (2) "Fugitive particulate matter emissions" means particulate matter that is emitted from any source by means other than through a stack.
    (3) "Open aggregate pile" means the unenclosed storage of coal, which is finer than two hundred (200) mesh size equal to or greater than one percent (1%) by weight. Open aggregate material mesh size shall be determined by the "American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Test Method T27-74"*, or other procedures equivalent in reliability as approved by the commissioner.
    (4) "Paved road" means any asphalt or concrete surfaced thoroughfare or right-of-way:
    (A) designed or used for vehicular traffic; and
    (B) located on the property of, or owned by, ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC.
    (5) "Potential emissions" means fugitive particulate matter emissions calculated after the application of air pollution control:
    (A) measures; or
    (B) equipment.
    (6) "RACM" means reasonably available control measure.
    (7) "Unpaved roads" means any surfaced thoroughfare or right-of-way, other than a paved road as defined in subdivision (4), that is:
    (A) designed or used for vehicular traffic; and
    (B) located on the property of, or owned by, ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC.

    (c) The contents and record keeping requirements for the fugitive particulate matter emissions control plan are as follows:
    (1) The control plan shall be in writing and include, at a minimum, the following information:
    (A) The name and address of the owner or operator responsible for the implementation of the control plan.
    (B) Identification of all:
    (i) open aggregate pile areas;
    (ii) paved roads; and
    (iii) unpaved roads;
    that have the potential to emit fugitive particulate matter emissions in accordance with subsection (d).
    (C) A map of the ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC property showing the following:
    (i) Open aggregate pile areas.
    (ii) Access areas around the open aggregate piles.
    (iii) Unpaved roads.
    (iv) Paved roads.
    (D) The quantity and types of vehicular activity occurring on the following:
    (i) Paved roads.
    (ii) Unpaved roads.
    (E) Quantity of open aggregate piles that have the potential to emit fugitive particulate matter emissions.
    (F) The equipment used to maintain open aggregate piles.
    (G) A description of the control measures to be implemented to control fugitive particulate matter emissions resulting from potential emission points identified in clause (B).
    (H) A specification of the dust suppressant material that will be used, such as oil or chemical, including the estimated frequency and rates of application, rates, and concentrations of the dust suppressant.
    (I) A specification of the particulate matter collection equipment that will be used as a fugitive particulate matter emission control measure.
    (J) A schedule of compliance with the provisions of the control plan. The schedule shall specify the amount of time the source requires to:
    (i) award any necessary contracts; and
    (ii) commence and complete construction, installation, or modification of the fugitive particulate matter emission control measures.
    (K) Other relevant data that may be requested by the commissioner to evaluate the effectiveness of the control plan.
    (2) Records that document all control measures and activities to be implemented in accordance with the approved control plan shall be:
    (A) kept and maintained at ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC;
    (B) retained for at least five (5) years; and
    (C) made available upon the request of the commissioner.

    (d) All control measures specified in this subsection shall be considered RACM. The frequency of application for all control measures shall be detailed in the control plan. No control plan shall contain control measures that violate the applicable provisions of state statutes or rules. Fugitive particulate matter emissions from the emission points specified in this section shall be controlled as follows:
    (1) Paved roads and unpaved roads as follows:
    (A) Paved roads by the use of one (1) or more of the following measures:
    (i) Cleaning by vacuum sweeping.
    (ii) Flushing.
    (iii) An alternate RACM that is equivalent in effectiveness to either item (i) or (ii).
    (B) Unpaved roads by the use of one (1) or more of the following measures:
    (i) Paving with a material such as asphalt or concrete.
    (ii) Treating with a suitable and effective commercially available petroleum based dust suppressant or water based dust suppressant. The frequency of application shall be on an as needed basis.
    (iii) Spraying with water. The frequency of application shall be on an as needed basis.
    (iv) Double chip and seal the road surface and maintain on an as needed basis.
    (v) An alternate RACM that is equivalent in effectiveness to one (1) or more of the above measures.
    (2) Open aggregate piles by the use of one (1) or more of the following measures:
    (A) Cleaning the area around the perimeter of the aggregate piles.
    (B) Applying a suitable and effective oil or other dust suppressant on an as needed basis.
    (C) An alternate RACM that is equivalent in effectiveness to one (1) or more of the above measures.

    (e) The approval of the control plan shall be in accordance with the following:
    (1) Within three (3) months of receiving a control plan, the commissioner shall notify ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC of:
    (A) the approval of the control plan;
    (B) modifications that the commissioner deems necessary to the control plan; or
    (C) disapproval of the control plan.
    (2) If the commissioner finds a control plan to be incomplete, ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall provide the commissioner with the required additional information.
    (3) In determining if an alternate control measure represents a RACM as specified in this section, ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall submit and the commissioner shall consider information pertaining to factors, including, but not limited to, the following:
    (A) The impact on the environment in terms of any increase in water, air, or solid waste pollution emissions.
    (B) The energy requirements of the selected control measure.
    (C) The:
    (i) capital expenditure;
    (ii) impact on production; and
    (iii) operating costs;
    to implement the selected control measure.
    (D) The impact of these costs.
    (4) If a control plan is disapproved by the commissioner, ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall have up to thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the disapproval letter to request, in writing, a hearing on the matter. In the event a hearing is requested:
    (A) it shall be held in accordance with the requirements set forth in IC 4-21.5; and
    (B) the burden of proof shall lie with ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC to demonstrate why the control plan is appropriate.
    (5) The control plan approved by the commissioner shall become part of ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC's operating permit.
    (6) Changes may be made to the control plan without reopening the operating permit by submitting a revised control plan to the commissioner for approval in accordance with this subsection.

    (f) The control plan shall be updated at the time of reapplication for the source's operating permit or as required in 326 IAC 2.

    *These documents are incorporated by reference. The documents are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
    (Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 6-6-5; filed Mar 10, 1988, 1:20 p.m.: 11 IR 2510; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:20 p.m.: 24 IR 1477; filed Sep 29, 2009, 3:00 p.m.: 20091028-IR-326070088FRA)


    326 IAC 7-4-14 Porter County sulfur dioxide emission limitations

    Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17
    Affected: IC 13-15

    Sec. 14. The following sources and facilities located in Porter County shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations in pounds per million Btu (lbs/MMBtu) and pounds per hour (lbs/hr), unless otherwise specified, and other requirements:
    (1) Bethlehem Steel ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor Works LLC shall comply with the following:
    (A) The following facilities shall burn natural gas only:
    (i) BOF Shop FM Boiler.
    (ii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Hardening and Annealing Heat Treatment Furnace.
    (iii) 160 inch Plate Mill Boilers No. 2 and 4.
    (iv) Batch Annealing Furnaces (24).
    (v) Continuous Heat Treat Line – Preheat, Heating and Soaking, and Reheat.
    (B) The following facilities shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations and other requirements:
        Emission Limitations 
      Facility Description  lbs/MMBtu  lbs/hr 
      (i) Blast Furnace C Stoves  0.83  545 
      (ii) Blast Furnace D Stoves  0.83  545 
      (iii) Blast Furnace Flare  0.07   
      (iv) (iii) Sinter Plant Windbox  1.0 pound per ton process material  400 
      (v) (iv) No. 1 Coke Battery Underfire  1.73  803 
      (vi) (v) No. 2 Coke Battery Underfire  1.96  911 
      (vii) (vi) Slab Mill Soaking Pits:     
    (AA) No Not more than nine (9) of thirty-two (32) horizontally discharged soaking pits may be fired on coke oven gas at the same time with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed four hundred eighty-two (482) pounds per hour.
    (BB) The remaining twenty-three (23) of thirty-two (32) horizontally discharged soaking pits may burn blast furnace and/or or natural gas, or both, with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed twenty-four (24) pounds per hour.
    (CC) The four (4) vertically discharged soaking pits may burn blast furnace and/or or natural gas, or both, with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed four (4) pounds per hour.
      (viii) (vii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Reheat Furnace No. 1 and Boiler No. 1  1.96  299 
      (ix) (viii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Reheat Furnace No. 2 and Boiler No. 3  1.96  299 
      (x) (ix) 80 inch Hot Strip Mill Furnace No. 1, 2, and 3  1.96  79 each 
      (xi) (x) 110 inch Plate Mill Furnaces No. 1 and 2  1.96  441 
      (xii) (xi) 110 inch Plate Mill Normalizing Furnace  1.07  88 
      (xiii) (xii) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 4 and 5  1.96  274 
      (xiv) (xiii) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 6 and 7  1.96  274 
      (xv) (xiv) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnace No. 8  1.96  176 
      (xvi) (xv) Power Station Boiler No. 7  0.8  520 
      (xvii) (xvi) Power Station Boilers No. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12  1.45  2,798 
    (C) As an alternative to the sulfur dioxide emission limitations specified in clause (B), Bethlehem Steel ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations and other requirements as follows:
        Emission Limitations 
      Facility Description  lbs/MMBtu  lbs/hr 
      (i) Blast Furnace C Stoves  0.75  498 
      (ii) Blast Furnace D Stoves  0.75  498 
      (iii) Blast Furnace Flare  0.07   
      (iv) (iii) Sinter Plant Windbox  1.0 pound per ton process material  400 
      (v) (iv) No. 1 Coke Battery Underfire  1.57  730 
      (vi) (v) No. 2 Coke Battery Underfire  1.78  828 
      (vii) (vi) Slab Mill Soaking Pits:     
    (AA) No Not more than six (6) of thirty-two (32) horizontally discharged soaking pits may be fired on coke oven gas at the same time with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed two hundred ninety-two (292) pounds per hour.
    (BB) The remaining twenty-six (26) of thirty-two (32) horizontally discharged soaking pits may burn blast furnace and/or or natural gas, or both, with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed twenty-seven (27) pounds per hour.
    (CC) The four (4) vertically discharged soaking pits may burn blast furnace and/or or natural gas, or both, with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed four (4) pounds per hour.
      (viii) (vii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Reheat Furnace No. 1 and Boiler No. 1  1.78  293 
      (ix) (viii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Reheat Furnace No. 2 and Boiler No. 3  1.78  293 
      (x) (ix) 80 inch Hot Strip Mill Furnace No. 1, 2, and 3  1.78  483 each 
      (xi) (x) 110 inch Plate Mill Furnaces No. 1 and 2  1.78  401 
      (xii) (xi) 110 inch Plate Mill Normalizing Furnace  1.07  88 
      (xiii) (xii) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 4 and 5  1.78  249 
      If 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 6 and/or or 7, or both, are in operation on a fuel other than natural gas, Furnaces No. 4 and 5 shall not operate or shall burn natural gas only. 
      (xiv) (xiii) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 6 and 7  1.78  249 
      If 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 4 and/or or 5, or both, are in operation on a fuel other than natural gas, Furnaces No. 6 and 7 shall not operate or shall burn natural gas only. 
      (xv) (xiv) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnace No. 8  1.78  160 
      (xvi) (xv) Power Station Boilers No. 7  0.8  520 
      (xvii) (xvi) Power Station Boilers No. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12  1.45 total  2,500 total 
    (xviii) Bethlehem Steel (xvii) ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall notify the department at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to reliance on the alternative set of limits specified in items (i) through (xvii) Bethlehem Steel (xvi). ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall maintain records of fuel type and operational status of facilities listed in items (xii) and (xiii) and (xiv) and shall make the records available to the department upon request.
    (xix) (xviii) For the purposes of 326 IAC 7-2-1(c)(2), compliance shall be determined based on separate calendar month averages for the set of requirements specified in this clause and for the set of requirements specified in clause (B).
    (D) Coke oven gas usage at facilities other than the No. 1 and 2 Coke Battery Underfire Stacks shall be restricted to no not more than seventy-five (75) million cubic feet per day. Total sulfur dioxide emissions from the facilities listed in clause (B)(i) through (B)(iv), (B)(vii)(AA) through (B)(vii)(BB), (B)(viii) through (B)(xi) (B)(iii), (B)(vi)(AA) through (B)(vi)(BB), (B)(vii) through (B)(x), and (B)(xiii) through (B)(xvii) (B)(xii) through (B)(xvi) shall not exceed four thousand four hundred twenty-nine (4,429) pounds per hour. During periods in which the limits contained in clause (C) are in effect, coke oven gas usage at facilities other than the No. 1 and 2 Coke Battery Underfire Stacks shall be restricted to no not more than seventy (70) million cubic feet per day, and total sulfur dioxide emissions from the facilities listed in clause (C)(i) through (C)(iv), (C)(vii)(AA) through (C)(vii)(BB) (C)(viii) through (C)(xi) (C)(iii), (C)(vi)(AA) through (C)(vi)(BB), (C)(vii) through (C)(x), and (C)(xiii) through (C)(xvii) (C)(xii) through (C)(xvi) shall not exceed four thousand six hundred thirty (4,630) pounds per hour.
    (E) Bethlehem Steel ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall achieve compliance with the requirements specified in clause (B) or (C) prior to December 31, 1988. Thereafter, Bethlehem Steel ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall submit a report to the department within thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar quarter containing the following information:
    (i) Records of the total coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, fuel oil, and natural gas usage for each day at each facility listed in clauses (B) through and (C).
    (ii) Records of the:
    (AA) average sulfur content and heating value as determined per the procedures specified in clause (F) for each fuel type used during the calendar quarter; and of the
    (BB) maximum number of slab mill soaking pits burning coke oven gas at any given time during each day.
    (iii) The calculated sulfur dioxide emission rate in the applicable emission units (pounds per hour, pounds per million Btu, and/or or pounds per ton) for each facility for each day and the average sulfur dioxide emissions from the facilities listed in clause (C)(i) through (C)(iv), (C)(vii)(AA) through (C)(vii)(BB), (C)(viii) through (C)(xi) (C)(iii), (C)(vi)(AA) through (C)(vi)(BB), (C)(vii) through (C)(x), and (C)(xiii) through (C)(xvii) (C)(xii) through (C)(xvi) for each day in pounds per hour during the calendar quarter.
    (F) Bethlehem Steel ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall submit a sampling and analysis protocol to the department by December 31, 1988. The protocol shall:
    (i) contain a description of planned procedures for:
    (AA) sampling of sulfur-bearing fuels and materials; for
    (BB) analysis of the sulfur content; and for
    (CC) any planned direct measurement of sulfur dioxide emissions vented to the atmosphere; The protocol shall and
    (ii) specify the frequency of sampling, analysis, and/or and measurement for each:
    (AA) fuel and material; and for each
    (BB) facility.
    The department shall incorporate the protocol into the source's operation permit per procedures specified in 326 IAC 2. The department may revise the protocol as necessary to establish acceptable sampling, analysis, and/or and measurements procedures and frequency. The department may also require that a source conduct a stack test at any facility listed in this subdivision within thirty (30) days of written notification by the department.
    (2) Northern Indiana Public Service Company Bailly Station shall comply with the following:
        Emission Limitations 
      Facility Description  lbs/MMBtu 
      (A) Boilers 7 and 8  6.0 each 
      Boilers 7 and 8 shall be fired with coal, fuel oil, or natural gas. 
      (B) Gas Turbine 10  natural gas only  
    (3) Midwest Steel shall comply with the following:
        Emission Limitations 
      Facility Description  lbs/MMBtu 
      Babcock and Wilcox Boiler 1 and Erie City Boilers No. 1, 2, and 3  1.33 each  
    Only two (2) of four (4) boilers may burn fuel oil with a sulfur dioxide emission rate greater than three-tenths (0.3) pounds per million Btu at the same time. Midwest Steel shall maintain records of fuel type for each boiler for each hour. The records of fuel type shall be made available to the department upon request.
    (4) Air Products and Chemical shall comply with the following:
      Facility Description  Emission Limitations 
      All boilers and the No. 3 Hydrogen Reformer  natural gas only  
    (Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 7-4-14; filed Aug 28, 1990, 4:50 p.m.: 14 IR 78; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:20 p.m.: 24 IR 1477; errata filed Dec 12, 2002, 3:35 p.m.: 26 IR 1568; filed Sep 29, 2009, 3:00 p.m.: 20091028-IR-326070088FRA)

    LSA Document #07-88(F)
    Hearing Held: July 1, 2009
    Approved by Attorney General: September 23, 2009
    Approved by Governor: September 29, 2009
    Filed with Publisher: September 29, 2009, 3:00 p.m.
    Documents Incorporated by Reference: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Test Method T27-74
    Small Business Regulatory Coordinator: Alison Surface, IDEM Compliance and Technical Assistance Program - OPPTA, MC 60-04 IGCS W041, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251, (317) 232-8172 or (800) 988-7901, ctap@idem.in.gov
    Small Business Assistance Program Ombudsman: Brad Baughn, IDEM Small Business Assistance Program Ombudsman, MC 50-01 IGCN 1307, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251, (317) 234-3386, bbaughn@idem.in.gov

    Posted: 10/28/2009 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20091028-IR-326070088FRA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 12:46:27AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.