20111019-IR-329110090PHA Notice of Public Hearing LSA Document #11-90  


    Notice of Public Hearing
    LSA Document #11-90

    Notice of Public Hearing

    Under IC 4-22-2-24, IC 13-14-8-6, and IC 13-14-9, notice is hereby given that on December 13, 2011, at 1:30 p.m., at the Indiana Government Center South, 302 West Washington Street, Conference Center Room C, Indianapolis, Indiana, the Solid Waste Management Board will hold a public hearing on amendments to rules at 329 IAC 3.1 concerning updates to the hazardous waste management rules.
    The purpose of this hearing is to receive comments from the public prior to final adoption of these rules by the board. All interested persons are invited and will be given reasonable opportunity to express their view concerning the proposed amendments. Oral statements will be heard, but, for the accuracy of the record, all comments should be submitted in writing.
    Additional information regarding this action may be obtained from Steve Mojonnier, Rules Development Branch, Office of Legal Counsel, (317) 233-1655 or (800) 451-6027 (in Indiana).
    Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations for participation in this event should contact the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator at:
    Attn: ADA Coordinator
    Indiana Department of Environmental Management
    100 North Senate Avenue
    Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
    or call (317) 233-1785 (V). Speech and hearing impaired callers may contact IDEM via the Indiana Relay Service (711) or (800) 743-3333. Please provide a minimum of 72 hours notification.
    Copies of these rules are now on file at the Office of Legal Counsel, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Thirteenth Floor and Legislative Services Agency, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N201, Indianapolis, Indiana and are open for public inspection.

    Nancy King, Chief
    Rules Development Branch
    Office of Legal Counsel

    Posted: 10/19/2011 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20111019-IR-329110090PHA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:15:25AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.

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