20131009-IR-864130333EIA Economic Impact Statement LSA Document #13-333  


    Economic Impact Statement
    LSA Document #13-333

    IC 4-22-2.1-5 Statement Concerning Rules Affecting Small Businesses
    The State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers (Board) has determined that this proposed rule will impose minimal requirements or cost on small businesses. The rule will allow continuing education providers, if they show [sic] choose, to obtain a standing approval (considered an approved organization under IC 25-1-4-0.2) which will make it unnecessary to seek approval for every continuing education course; and therefore reducing the overall cost and requirements.

    Estimated Number of Small Businesses Subject to this Rule:
    The types of small businesses most likely to be affected by this proposed rule are continuing education providers. The rule will likely affect those businesses that have already applied to the board for course approval which is approximately 93 providers. Most of which are likely to be small businesses.

    Estimated Average Annual Administrative Costs That Small Businesses Will Incur:
    The small businesses affected by the proposed rule will incur minimal annual record keeping and administrative cost due to the changes of the rule. The proposed rule will eliminate having businesses to submit course approval to the board whenever a new course is developed. The proposed rule allows for a small business to apply for approval as a provider and submit one application. Annually the business will have to develop an annual report that explains how the courses they administered related to and enhanced the practice of engineering for participants. It is also possible for the Board to audit course providers. The costs that may be associated with the provider approval application and annual report is minimal given the requirements currently in place. The Board estimates it may cost between $10-$100 maintain record keeping, adequate administration and developing and sending an annual report to the Board. However, for any provider submitting new courses for approval the actual cost would actually be reduced from the cost that course providers would not have. The total annual economic impact of this proposed rule will have on small business will be the reported record keeping and other administrative cost.

    Statement Justifying Any Requirement or Cost:
    The cost imposed on small businesses is minimal. The cost of submitting an application, developing an annual report and being subject to an audit is minimal compared to the current cost of obtaining approval of each continuing education course, given the current requirements as a continuing education provider. The Board will use the report as a means of determining whether or not the courses developed by a provider are of value to the engineering community. Quality continuing education protects the health, safety, and welfare of the public, which is the intent of continuing education.

    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis of Alternative Methods:
    The proposed rule is the alternative it is designed to have regulatory flexibility to the existing requirements as qualified course providers. The Board has developed its own criteria to allow for more providers to qualify to provide programs without seeking course approval for all courses. The added requirements for an annual report and annual reports ensures records are being maintained and demonstrating to the Board the value of the content of courses and or programs in a less burdensome way that is required for individual course approval.

    Posted: 10/09/2013 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20131009-IR-864130333EIA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:41:28AM EDT
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