20121226-IR-410120156ACA Agency Correction LSA Document #12-156(AC)  


    Agency Correction
    LSA Document #12-156(AC)

    Under IC 4-22-2-38, corrects the following typographical, clerical, or spelling errors in LSA Document #12-156(F), posted at 20121114-IR-410120156FRA:
    (1) In 410 IAC 6-8.3-55(f)(4), add "or revocation" after "denial".
    (2) In 410 IAC 6-8.3-73, Table VI, delete:
    Table VI - Table for On-Site Sewage System Selection 
    Site Requirements  Subsurface Trench On-Site Sewage Systems  Elevated Sand Mound On-Site Sewage Systems (Sec. 72) 
    Gravity Flow1 (Sec. 70, 71)  Flood Dosing or Alt. Fields1 (Sec. 70, 71)  Flood Dosing1 (Sec. 70, 71)  Pressure Dist. (Sec. 70, 71) 
    Slope  < 15%  < 15%  <15%  <15%  < 6% 
    Design Daily Flow  > 450  < 450  Any  Any  Any  Any 
    Acceptable Loading Rate Range  > 0.25  > 0.25  > 0.25  > 0.25  > 0.25  > 0.25 
    < 0.75  < 0.75  < 0.75  < 0.75  < 1.20  < 1.20 
    Distance from Trench Bottom to Layer That Is Greater than or Less than the Permitted Loading Rate for the On-Site Sewage System Type  > 30  > 24  > 24 (> 30 may be gravity, all other factors acceptable)  > 24  > 24  > 20 below the ground surface 
    Distance from Trench Bottom to a Soil Horizon Developed from Wisconsin Glacial Till That Shows Effervescence3  > 30  > 24  > 24 (> 30 may be gravity, all other factors acceptable)  > 24  > 24  > 20 below the ground surface 
    Distance from Trench Bottom to Soil Horizon with < 20% Clay and > 35% Coarse Fragments by Volume  > 30  > 24  > 24 (> 30 may be gravity, all other factors acceptable)  > 24  > 24  > 20 below the ground surface 
    Distance from Trench Bottom to Soil Horizon with > 20% Clay and > 60% Coarse Fragments by Volume  > 30  > 24  > 24 (> 30 may be gravity, all other factors acceptable)  > 24  > 24  > 20 below the ground surface 
    Distance from Trench Bottom to Seasonal High Water Table2  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 20 below the ground surface 
    Total Lineal Feet of Trench  < 500  < 500  < 500 for Alt. Fields  Any  Any  N/A 
    1These conditions are also suitable for subsurface trench pressure distribution on-site sewage systems. 
    2For subsurface trench systems, if the distance from trench bottom to seasonal high water table is less than twenty-four (24) inches, drainage must be installed in accordance with section 59 of this rule. For elevated sand mound systems, if the depth of the seasonal high water table is less than twenty (20) inches below the ground surface, drainage must be installed in accordance with section 59 of this rule. 
    3See Sections 58(a)(2)(E), 70(b)(6), 71(b)(3)(B), 71(c)(3)(B), 71(d)(2)(B) and 72(b)(5). 
    This chart does not include considerations such as the specific landscape features that must be met, the size of the soil absorption system, the size of the area necessary for construction of the soil absorption system on the contour with necessary setback and separation distances, dispersal area, the diversion of surface drainage, the feasibility of subsurface drainage, the ability to obtain easements, etc. 
    This chart does not take into consideration the necessity to pump the effluent to overcome differences in elevation (when a subsurface trench gravity system might otherwise be constructed). 
    and insert:
    Table VI - Table for On-Site Sewage System Selection Based on Requirements of 410 IAC 6-8.3 
    Site Requirements  Subsurface Trench On-Site Sewage Systems  Elevated Sand Mound On-Site Sewage Systems (Sec. 72) 
    Gravity Flow1 (Sec. 70, 71)  Flood Dosing or Alt. Fields1 (Sec. 70, 71)  Flood Dosing1 (Sec. 70, 71)  Pressure Dist. (Sec. 70, 71) 
    Slope  < 15%  < 15%  <15%  <15%  < 6% 
    Design Daily Flow  > 450  < 450  Any  Any  Any  Any 
    Acceptable Loading Rate Range for Determining System Size  > 0.25  > 0.25  > 0.25  > 0.25  > 0.25  > 0.25 
    < 0.75  < 0.75  < 0.75  < 0.75  < 1.20  < 1.20 
    Distance from Trench Bottom (Ground Surface for Mounds) to Layer with a Soil Loading Rate < 0.25 gpd/ft2  > 30  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 20 
    Distance from Trench Bottom (Ground Surface for Mounds) to Layer with a Soil Loading Rate > 1.20 gpd/ft2  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 20 
    Distance from Trench Bottom (Ground Surface for Mounds) to Layer with a Soil Loading Rate = 1.20 gpd/ft2  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  Press. Dist. required for SLR = 1.20  >
    Distance from Trench Bottom (Ground Surface for Mounds) to a Soil Horizon Developed from Wisconsin Glacial Till That Shows Effervescence3  > 30  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 20 
    Distance from Trench Bottom (Ground Surface for Mounds) to Soil Horizon with < 20% Clay and > 35% Coarse Fragments by Volume  > 30  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 20 
    Distance from Trench Bottom (Ground Surface for Mounds) to Soil Horizon with > 20% Clay and > 60% Coarse Fragments by Volume  > 30  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 20 
    Distance from Trench Bottom (Ground Surface for Mounds) to Seasonal High Water Table2  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 24  > 20 
    Total Lineal Feet of Trench  < 500  < 500  < 500 for Alt. Fields  Any  Any  N/A 
    1These conditions are also suitable for subsurface trench pressure distribution on-site sewage systems. 
    2For subsurface trench systems, if the distance from trench bottom to seasonal high water table is less than twenty-four (24) inches, drainage must be installed in accordance with section 59 of this rule. For elevated sand mound systems, if the depth of the seasonal high water table is less than twenty (20) inches below the ground surface, drainage must be installed in accordance with section 59 of this rule. 
    3See Sections 58(a)(2)(E), 70(b)(6), 71(b)(3)(B), 71(c)(3)(B), 71(d)(2)(B) and 72(b)(5). 
    This chart does not include considerations such as the specific landscape features that must be met, the size of the soil absorption system, the size of the area necessary for construction of the soil absorption system on the contour with necessary setback and separation distances, dispersal area, the diversion of surface drainage, the feasibility of subsurface drainage, the ability to obtain easements, etc. 
    This chart does not take into consideration the necessity to pump the effluent to overcome differences in elevation (when a subsurface trench gravity system might otherwise be constructed). 

    Filed with Publisher: December 12, 2012, 2:16 p.m.
    Under IC 4-22-2-38(g)(2), this correction takes effect 45 days from the date and time filed with the Publisher.

    Posted: 12/26/2012 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20121226-IR-410120156ACA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:31:48AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.