20101222-IR-675100251FRA Amends 675 IAC 12-4-12 to correct a clerical error. Amends 675 IAC 13-2.5-3, 675 IAC 13-2.5-12, 675 IAC 13-2.5-17, 675 IAC 13-2.5-33, and 675 IAC 13-2.5-34 to add previously omitted sections and make...  


    Final Rule
    LSA Document #10-251(F)


    Amends 675 IAC 12-4-12 to correct a clerical error. Amends 675 IAC 13-2.5-3, 675 IAC 13-2.5-12, 675 IAC 13-2.5-17, 675 IAC 13-2.5-33, and 675 IAC 13-2.5-34 to add previously omitted sections and make substantive and clarifying changes. Amends 675 IAC 18-1.5-3, 675 IAC 18-1.5-5, 675 IAC 18-1.5-6, 675 IAC 18-1.5-7, and 675 IAC 18-1.5-15 to make substantive and clarifying changes. Amends 675 IAC 22-2.4-4 and 675 IAC 22-2.4-34 to make substantive, technical, and clarifying changes. Repeals 675 IAC 23-1-1 through 675 IAC 23-1-10, 675 IAC 23-1-12 through 675 IAC 23-1-19, 675 IAC 23-1-21 through 675 IAC 23-1-61, 675 IAC 23-1-64, and 675 IAC 23-2. Effective 30 days after filing with the Publisher.

    675 IAC 12-4-12; 675 IAC 13-2.5-3; 675 IAC 13-2.5-12; 675 IAC 13-2.5-17; 675 IAC 13-2.5-33; 675 IAC 13-2.5-34; 675 IAC 18-1.5-3; 675 IAC 18-1.5-5; 675 IAC 18-1.5-6; 675 IAC 18-1.5-7; 675 IAC 18-1.5-15; 675 IAC 22-2.4-4; 675 IAC 22-2.4-34; 675 IAC 23-1-1; 675 IAC 23-1-2; 675 IAC 23-1-3; 675 IAC 23-1-4; 675 IAC 23-1-5; 675 IAC 23-1-6; 675 IAC 23-1-7; 675 IAC 23-1-8; 675 IAC 23-1-9; 675 IAC 23-1-10; 675 IAC 23-1-12; 675 IAC 23-1-13; 675 IAC 23-1-14; 675 IAC 23-1-15; 675 IAC 23-1-16; 675 IAC 23-1-17; 675 IAC 23-1-18; 675 IAC 23-1-19; 675 IAC 23-1-21; 675 IAC 23-1-22; 675 IAC 23-1-23; 675 IAC 23-1-24; 675 IAC 23-1-25; 675 IAC 23-1-26; 675 IAC 23-1-27; 675 IAC 23-1-28; 675 IAC 23-1-29; 675 IAC 23-1-30; 675 IAC 23-1-31; 675 IAC 23-1-32; 675 IAC 23-1-33; 675 IAC 23-1-34; 675 IAC 23-1-35; 675 IAC 23-1-36; 675 IAC 23-1-37; 675 IAC 23-1-38; 675 IAC 23-1-39; 675 IAC 23-1-40; 675 IAC 23-1-41; 675 IAC 23-1-42; 675 IAC 23-1-43; 675 IAC 23-1-44; 675 IAC 23-1-45; 675 IAC 23-1-46; 675 IAC 23-1-47; 675 IAC 23-1-48; 675 IAC 23-1-49; 675 IAC 23-1-50; 675 IAC 23-1-51; 675 IAC 23-1-52; 675 IAC 23-1-53; 675 IAC 23-1-54; 675 IAC 23-1-55; 675 IAC 23-1-56; 675 IAC 23-1-57; 675 IAC 23-1-58; 675 IAC 23-1-59; 675 IAC 23-1-60; 675 IAC 23-1-61; 675 IAC 23-1-64; 675 IAC 23-2-1; 675 IAC 23-2-2; 675 IAC 23-2-3; 675 IAC 23-2-4; 675 IAC 23-2-5; 675 IAC 23-2-6; 675 IAC 23-2-7; 675 IAC 23-2-8; 675 IAC 23-2-9; 675 IAC 23-2-10; 675 IAC 23-2-11; 675 IAC 23-2-12; 675 IAC 23-2-13; 675 IAC 23-2-14


    675 IAC 12-4-12 Existing buildings; additions or alterations

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 12. (a) Buildings, structures, and any part of the permanent:
    (1) heating;
    (2) ventilating;
    (3) air conditioning;
    (4) electrical;
    (5) plumbing;
    (6) sanitary;
    (7) emergency detection;
    (8) emergency communication; or
    (9) fire or explosion suppression;
    systems to which additions or alterations are made shall comply with the rules of the commission for new construction except as specifically provided in this section.

    (b) Additions or alterations may be made to any existing building, structure, or any part of the permanent heating, ventilating, air conditioning, electrical, plumbing, sanitary, emergency detection, emergency communication, or fire or explosion suppression systems without requiring the entire existing building, structure, or system to comply with all the requirements of the rules of the commission provided:
    (1) the construction work within the scope of the addition or alteration conforms to the requirements for new construction; and
    (2) subsections (c) through (f) and (h) are not violated.

    (c) No addition or alteration shall cause an existing building, structure, or any part of the permanent:
    (1) heating;
    (2) ventilating;
    (3) air conditioning;
    (4) electrical;
    (5) plumbing;
    (6) sanitary;
    (7) emergency detection;
    (8) emergency communication; or
    (9) fire or explosion suppression;
    systems to become noncompliant under the provisions of the current rules of the commission for new construction or with the applicable rules of the commission or its predecessor agencies in effect at the time the original construction or installation was made.

    (d) No addition or alteration shall reduce existing fire protection or detection systems or exit capacities to a level less than that required under the provisions of the rules of the commission for new construction.

    (e) When there is a change in use or occupancy, the existing building or structure shall not exceed the:
    (1) height;
    (2) number of stories; or
    (3) area;
    permitted by the rules of the commission for new construction for the new use or occupancy.

    (f) No addition to a building or structure plus the existing building or structure shall exceed the:
    (1) height;
    (2) number of stories; and
    (3) area;
    allowed by the rules of the commission for a new building or structure.

    (g) Minor nonstructural alterations to an existing building or structure, which do not adversely affect any structural members or any part of the building or structure having required fire resistance, may be made with the same materials of which the building or structure is constructed.

    (h) Notwithstanding subsection (g), the following shall meet the requirements of the rules of the commission for new construction:
    (1) The installation or replacement of glass shall meet the requirements for safety glazing.
    (2) The installation or replacement of wall and ceiling finishes shall meet the requirements for flame spread ratings.
    (3) The installation or replacement of any potable water distribution system, or portion thereof, shall be only of lead-free pipe, fittings, flux, and solder.

    (i) Repairs to any part of the permanent:
    (1) heating;
    (2) ventilating;
    (3) air conditioning;
    (4) electrical;
    (5) plumbing;
    (6) sanitary;
    (7) emergency detection;
    (8) emergency communication; or
    (9) fire or explosion;
    systems may be made in accordance with the current rules of the commission for new construction or with the applicable rules of the commission or its predecessor agencies in effect at the time original installation was made.

    (j) Alterations of buildings built prior to January 21, 1978 (the effective date of the first state rule for energy conservation) need not conform with the new construction standards of 675 IAC 19.

    (k) If the rehabilitation of an existing building is undertaken under Chapter 24 34 of the Indiana Building Code, 675 IAC 13, full compliance with all rules of the commission shall be required for all construction work done in the rehabilitation.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 12-4-12; filed Jul 17, 1987, 2:30 p.m.: 10 IR 2684; filed Dec 2, 1987, 2:22 p.m.: 11 IR 1274, eff Mar 1, 1988; filed Jan 30, 1998, 4:00 p.m.: 21 IR 2085; filed Nov 20, 2000, 3:25 p.m.: 24 IR 999; readopted filed Sep 11, 2001, 2:49 p.m.: 25 IR 530; readopted filed Sep 21, 2007, 9:20 a.m.: 20071010-IR-675070388RFA; readopted filed Oct 10, 2007, 9:16 a.m: 20071031-IR-675070388RFA; filed Oct 27, 2009, 2:36 p.m.: 20091125-IR-675090186FRA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 13-2.5-3 Chapter 2; definitions

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 3. Chapter 2 is amended as follows:
    (1) Delete the title and text of Section 201.3 in its entirety and substitute as follows: Sec. 201.3 Terms defined in other codes. Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in the Indiana Fire Code (675 IAC 22), Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17), Indiana Fuel Gas Code (675 IAC 25), Indiana Mechanical Code (675 IAC 18), or Indiana Plumbing Code (675 IAC 16), such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as in those codes.
    (2) Definitions are amended as follows:
    (A) Delete the definition of AGRICULTURAL BUILDING without substitution.
    (B) Delete the definition of APPROVED and substitute to read as follows: APPROVED as to materials, equipment, design, and types of construction, acceptance by the building official by one (1) of the following methods:
    (i) investigation or tests conducted by recognized authorities; or
    (ii) investigation or tests conducted by technical or scientific organizations; or
    (iii) accepted principles.
    The investigation, tests, or principles shall establish that the materials, equipment, and types of construction are safe for their intended purpose.
    (C) Delete the definition of APPROVED AGENCY without substitution.
    (D) Delete the definition of APPROVED FABRICATOR without substitution.
    (E) Add the definition of ASME A17.1. See the Safety Code for Elevators, Escalators, Manlifts, and Hoists (675 IAC 21).
    (G) Amend the definition of BUILDING OFFICIAL to read as follows: See Code Official.
    (H) Add the definition of CLASS 1 STRUCTURE: See IC 22-12-1-4.
    (I) Add the definition of CODE OFFICIAL: CODE OFFICIAL means the division of fire and building safety, the local building official as authorized under IC 36-7-2-9, and the local ordinance or the fire department as authorized under IC 36-8-17-8.
    (J) Delete the definition of CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS and substitute to read as follows: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Documents required to obtain a design release in accordance with the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-6) and the rules for Industrialized Building Systems (675 IAC 15).
    (K) Delete the definition of DETECTABLE WARNING without substitution.
    (L) Add the definition DIVISION OF FIRE AND BUILDING SAFETY: FIRE AND BUILDING SAFETY means the Division of Fire and Building Safety of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security created pursuant to IC 10-19-2.
    (M) Amend the definition of DWELLING UNIT to read as follows: DWELLING UNIT is any building or portion thereof that contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation, as required by this code, for not more than one (1) family, or congregate resident for sixteen (16) or fewer persons.
    (N) Delete the following definition: DWELLING UNIT OR SLEEPING UNIT, MULTI-STORY without substitution.
    (O) Add a definition of ELECTRICAL CODE: ELECTRICAL CODE means the Indiana Electrical Code in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (P) Add a definition of FIRE CODE: FIRE CODE means the Indiana Fire Code.
    (Q) Add the definition of FIRE DEPARTMENT to read as follows: FIRE DEPARTMENT. See CODE OFFICIAL.
    (R) Delete the definition of HISTORIC BUILDINGS without substitution.
    (S) Add the definition for ICC ELECTRICAL CODE: ICC ELECTRICAL CODE. See the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
    (T) Add the definition of INDIANA BUILDING CODE: INDIANA BUILDING CODE means the rules adopted at 675 IAC 13 in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (U) Add the definition of INDIANA FIRE CODE: INDIANA FIRE CODE means the rules adopted at 675 IAC 22 in effect in Indiana at the time of inspection by the inspection authority or, with respect to construction required to be filed under 675 IAC 12-6, 675 IAC 22 in effect at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (V) Add the definition of INSPECTION AUTHORITY: INSPECTION AUTHORITY means the division of fire and building services, the local building official, or their authorized representative.
    (W) Delete the definition of INSPECTION CERTIFICATE without substitution.
    (X) Add the definition for INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE: INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. See the Indiana Building Code 675 IAC 13.
    (Y) Add the definition of INTERNATIONAL CODES: INTERNATIONAL CODES. Refers to the rules of the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission (675 IAC).
    (Z) Delete the definition of JURISDICTION without substitution.
    (AA) Add the definition of MECHANICAL CODE: MECHANICAL CODE means the Indiana Mechanical Code in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (BB) Add the definition for INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE: INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE. See the Indiana Energy Conservation Code 675 IAC 19.
    (CC) Add the definition for INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE: INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE. See the Indiana Fire Code 675 IAC 22.
    (DD) Add the definition for INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE: INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE. See the Indiana Fuel Gas Code 675 IAC 25.
    (EE) Add the definition for INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE: INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE. See the Indiana Mechanical Code 675 IAC 18.
    (FF) Add the definition for INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE: INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE. See the Indiana Plumbing Code 675 IAC 16.
    (GG) Add the definition for LABELED: LABELED. See Section 902.
    (HH) Add the definition of NFPA 70, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE: NFPA 70 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE means the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
    (II) Delete the definition of PERMIT without substitution.
    (JJ) Add the definition of PLUMBING CODE: PLUMBING CODE means the plumbing code (675 IAC 16) or the applicable rules of the predecessor to the commission in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (KK) Add the definition for QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL to read as follows: QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL is a person who has documentation evidencing that he or she successfully completed instruction related to the equipment being installed, serviced, or repaired, and has provided such documentation to the Code Official upon request.
    (LL) Amend the definition of REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL to read as follows: REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. An architect who is registered under IC 25-4 or professional engineer who is registered under IC 25-31. If a registered design professional is not required by 675 IAC 12-6 or 675 IAC 15, then it means the owner.
    (MM) Delete the definition of REPAIR without substitution.
    (NN) Delete the definition of STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION without substitution.
    (OO) Amend the definition of TOWNHOUSE by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: A single-family dwelling unit constructed in a row group of three or more attached units separated by property lines in which each unit extends from foundation to roof and with open space on at least two (2) sides and is regulated by the Indiana Residential Code (675 IAC 14) as a Class 1 structure.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 13-2.5-3; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:34 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070476FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Oct 27, 2009, 2:36 p.m.: 20091125-IR-675090186FRA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 13-2.5-12 Chapter 11; accessibility

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 12. (a) Chapter 11 is amended as follows:
    (1) Add a new Section 1101.1.1 to read as follows: As a building rule, this chapter is necessarily limited statutorily to the scope of the rulemaking authority of the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission. As such, it is not comprehensive with respect to the Americans with Disabilities Act or Fair Housing Amendment, and what is contained in Chapter 11 does not necessarily constitute total compliance with federal law.
    (2) Amend Section 1102, Definitions, as follows:
    (A) Amend DETECTABLE WARNING to read as follows: DETECTABLE WARNING. A standardized surface feature built in or applied to walking surfaces or other elements to warn of hazards on a circulation path.
    (B) Amend FACILITY to read as follows: FACILITY. All or any portion of Class I structures, site improvements, elements, and pedestrian or vehicular routes located on a site, where the Class I structure is located.
    (C) Amend Type A Unit to read as follows: TYPE A UNIT means a dwelling unit or sleeping unit designed and constructed for accessibility by physically disabled persons in accordance with 675 IAC 13 and the provisions of American National Standard A117.1, 2003 edition, entitled "Accessible and usable Buildings and Facilities" that are applicable to Type A units.
    (D) Amend Type B Unit to read as follows: TYPE B UNIT means a dwelling unit or sleeping unit designed and constructed for accessibility by physically disabled persons in accordance with 675 IAC 13 and the provisions of American National Standard A117.1, 2003 edition, entitled "Accessible and usable Buildings and Facilities" that are applicable to Type B units.
    (3) Amend Section 1103.2.1, Specific requirements, by deleting "buildings and facilities" and substituting "Class I structures".
    (4) Amend Section 1104.4, Multilevel buildings and facilities, by deleting the text of Exception 1 and substituting to read as follows: Exception 1. Elevators are not required in facilities that are less than three (3) stories or that have less than three thousand (3,000) square feet per story unless the building is a shopping center, a shopping mall, or a professional office of a health care provider. The elevator exemption set forth in this paragraph does not obviate or limit in any way the obligation to comply with the other accessibility requirements established in Section 1104. For example, floors above or below the accessible ground floor must meet the requirements of this section, except for elevator service. If toilet or bathing facilities are provided on a level not served by an elevator, then toilet or bathing facilities must be provided on the accessible ground floor. In new construction, if a building or facility is eligible for this exemption but a full passenger elevator is nonetheless planned, that elevator shall meet the requirements of the Indiana Elevator Safety Code (675 IAC 21) and shall serve each level in the building. A full passenger elevator that provides service from a garage to only one (1) level of a building or facility is not required to serve other levels.
    (5) Amend Section 1106, Parking and passenger loading facilities, as follows:
    (A) Amend Section 1106.1, Required, to read as follows: Where public or common use parking is provided, accessible parking spaces shall be provided in compliance with IC 5-16-9 and this section. Where more than one (1) parking facility is provided on a site, the number of parking spaces required to be accessible shall be calculated separately for each parking facility.
    (B) Delete Table 1106.1, Accessible parking spaces, without substitution.
    (C) Delete Sections 1106.2, 1106.3, 1106.4, and 1106.5 without substitution.
    (D) Amend Section 1106.6, Location, to read Section 1106.2, Location.
    (E) Amend Section 1106.7, Passenger loading zones, to read Section 1106.3, Passenger loading zones.
    (F) Amend Section 1106.7.1, Continuous loading zones, to read Section 1106.3.1, Continuous loading zones.
    (G) Amend Section 1106.7.2, Medical facilities, to read Section 1106.3.2, Medical facilities.
    (H) Amend Section 1106.7.3, Valet parking, to read Section 1106.3.3, Valet parking.
    (6) Amend Section 1107.2, Design, by deleting the entire text and substituting "Dwelling units and sleeping units that are required to be Accessible units shall comply with the applicable portions of Chapter 10 of ICC A117.1.".
    (7) Amend Section 1108., Prerecorded text messages, by deleting "substanally tiequivalent" "substantially equivalent" and inserting "substantially the equivalent".
    (8) Amend Section 1109.2.2 by deleting, in the last sentence, "and ambulatory-accessible".
    (9) Amend Section 1109.5, Drinking fountains, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: Where drinking fountains or water coolers are provided on an exterior site, on a floor, or within a secured area, the drinking fountains shall be provided in accordance with ANSI 117.1-2003 (675 IAC 13-2.5-12(c)) and Sections 1109.5.1 and 1109.5.2.

    (b) That certain document being titled A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, 2003 Edition, second printing, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478-5795, and American National Standards Institute, Inc., 25 West 43rd Street – Fourth Floor, New York, New York 10036, is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set out in this rule save and except those revisions made in this rule.

    (c) This rule and incorporated documents therein are available to review and as reference at the Department of Homeland Security, Code Services Section, Indiana Government Center South, 302 West Washington Street, Room W246, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

    (d) Amend Chapter 1 as follows:
    (1) Amend Section 101, Purpose, as follows:
    (A) Add "Class 1 structures," before "sites".
    (B) Delete the second paragraph without substitution.
    (2) Amend Section 101.1, Applicability, as follows:
    (A) Add "Class 1 structures," after "Applicability".
    (B) Delete Exceptions 2 and 3 without substitution.
    (C) Delete the number "4" and substitute the number "2".
    (3) Amend Section 103, Compliance alternatives, by deleting "is approved by the administrative authority adopting this standard" and substituting "meets the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-6-11)".
    (4) Amend Figure 104.2, Graphic Convention for figures, by deleting "Fig 104.2" and substituting "Fig. 104.3".
    (5) Delete Section 105.2 without substitution.
    (6) Amend Section 105.2.2, National fire alarm code, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: NFPA 72 (675 IAC 28).
    (7) Delete Section 105.2.3 without substitution.
    (8) Delete Section 105.2.4 without substitution.
    (9) Amend Section 105.2.5, Safety code for elevators and escalators, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: ASME/ANSI A17.1 (675 IAC 21).
    (10) Amend Section 105.2.6, Safety standard for platform lifts and stairway chairlifts, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: ASME/ANSI A18.1 (675 IAC 21).
    (11) Amend Section 106.5, Defined terms, as follows:
    (A) Amend "Administrative authority" by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: The division or officer of a local unit of government empowered by law to administer and enforce the rules of the fire prevention and building safety commission.
    (B) Amend "Area of rescue assistance" by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: See area of refuge.
    (C) Amend "Circulation path" by adding, after "pedestrians", "; including, but not limited to, walks, hallways, courtyards, stairs, and landings".
    (D) Add a new term to read as follows: EGRESS, MEANS OF: a continuous and unobstructed way of exit travel from any point in a building or facility to a public way. A means of egress comprises vertical and horizontal travel and may include intervening room spaces, doorways, hallways, corridors, passageways, balconies, ramps, stairs, enclosures, lobbies, horizontal exits, courts, and yards. An accessible means of egress is one that complies with this code and does not include stairs, steps, or escalators. Areas of rescue assistance or evacuation elevators may be included as part of accessible means of egress.
    (E) Amend "Facility" by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: All or any portion of Class 1 structures or area, including the site on which such Class 1 structure, or area is located, wherein specific services are provided or activities are performed.
    (F) Amend "Marked crossing" by adding, after "way", ", located on the site where the Class 1 structure is located".
    (G) Amend "Vehicular way" by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: A route provided for vehicular traffic, such as a street, driveway, or parking lot within the site where a Class 1 structure is located.
    (H) Amend "Walk" by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: An exterior pathway with a prepared surface for pedestrian use, including general pedestrian areas such as plazas and courts, within the site where a Class I structure is located.

    (e) Amend Chapter 2 as follows:
    (1) Amend Section 201, General, by deleting the text of the third sentence and substituting to read as follows: These scoping provisions shall address the application of this standard to: each Class 1 structure; new construction, alterations, and temporary facilities; specific site and building elements; and to multiple elements or spaces provided within a site or building.
    (2) Amend Section 203, Administration, by deleting "And approval process to ensure compliance with this standard" and substituting "to aid in the compliance with this standard".

    (f) Amend Chapter 3 as follows: Amend Figure 302.2, Carpet on Floor Surfaces, to read as follows:

    (g) Amend Chapter 4 as follows:
    (1) Amend Figure 403.5.1(a), Clear Width at Turn, by deleting in the left hand dimension string "48 max" and substituting "48 Min".
    (2) Amend Section 407.2.1, Call controls, by deleting "exceptions" and substituting "exception" and by deleting the first exception without substitution.
    (3) Amend Section 407.2.1.1, Height, by deleting the exception without substitution.
    (4) Amend Section 407.2.1.2, Size, by deleting the exception without substitution.
    (5) Amend Section 407.2.1.5, Signals, by deleting "exceptions" and substituting "exception" and by deleting the first exception without substitution.
    (6) Amend Section 407.2.2.1, Visible and audible signals, by deleting "exceptions" and substituting "exception" and by deleting Exception 2 without substitution.
    (7) Amend Section 407.2.2.2, Visible signals, by deleting "exceptions" and substituting "exception" and by deleting Exception 2 without substitution.
    (8) Amend Section 407.2.2.3, Audible signals, by deleting "exceptions" and substituting "exception" and by deleting Exception 2 without substitution.
    (9) Amend Section 407.4.1, Car dimensions, by deleting the exception without substitution.
    (10) Amend Section 407.4.6, Elevator car controls, by deleting the exception without substitution.
    (11) Amend Section 407.4.6.1, Location, by deleting "exceptions" and substituting "exception" and by deleting Exception 2 without substitution.
    (12) Amend Section 407.4.7, Designations and indicators of car controls, by deleting the exceptions without substitution.
    (13) Amend Section 407., Location, by deleting the exception without substitution.
    (14) Amend Section 407.4.8, Elevator car call sequential scanning, by deleting, after "exception", "#1" without substitution.
    (15) Amend Section 408.4.1, Inside dimensions of elevator cars, by deleting "exceptions" and substituting "exception" and by deleting Exception 2 without substitution.

    (h) Amend Chapter 5 as follows: Amend Section 502, Parking spaces, by deleting the text and substituting "parking spaces shall comply with IC 5-16-9".

    (i) Amend Chapter 6 as follows:
    (1) Amend Section 602.2, Clear floor space, by deleting the text of Exception 3 and substituting the text of Exception 4 and by deleting the number 4.
    (2) Amend A117.1, Figure 604.2 by deleting "figure (b)" without substitution.
    (3) Delete Section 604.9, Ambulatory accessible compartments, without substitution.
    (4) Amend Section 604.10.8, Toilet compartments, after "with", by deleting "Sections 604.8 and 604.9" and substituting "Section 604.8".
    (5) Amend Section 605.2, Height, by deleting "shall be of the stall type or" without substitution.
    (6) Amend Section 606.5, Lavatories with enhanced reach range, by deleting the exception in its entirety without substitution.
    (7) Amend Section 607.4, Grab bars, by deleting "exceptions" and substituting "exception" and by deleting Exception 2 without substitution.
    (8) Amend Figure 608.2.1, Transfer type shower compartment size and clearance, by deleting in the top dimension string "min" without substitution.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 13-2.5-12; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:34 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070476FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Oct 27, 2009, 2:36 p.m.: 20091125-IR-675090186FRA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 13-2.5-17 Chapter 16; structural design

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 17. Chapter 16 is amended as follows:
    (1) Amend Section 1603, Construction documents, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-6), Industrialized Building Systems (675 IAC 15), and local ordinance.
    (2) Amend Section 1604.6, In-situ load tests, by deleting the last sentence without substitution.
    (3) Amend TABLE 1607.1, MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS AND MINIMUM CONCENTRATED LIVE LOADS, by deleting the text of Footnote g and substituting to read as follows: g. Where snow loads occur that are in excess of the design conditions, the structure shall be designed to support the loads due to the increased loads caused by drift buildup or a greater snow design determined by the registered design professional or the owner if a registered design professional is not required by the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-6) or the rules for Industrialized Building Systems (675 IAC 15) (see Section 1608). For special purpose roofs, see Section 1607.11.2.2.
    (4) Amend Section 1607.7.1, Handrails and guards, by deleting Exception 1 without substitution.
    (5) Amend Section 1608.2, Ground snow loads, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: The ground snow loads to be used in determining the snow loads for roofs are given in Table 1608.2.
    (6) Delete Table 1608.2, Ground Snow Loads, pg, for Alaskan location, without substitution.
    (7) Delete Figure 1608.2, Ground Snow Loads, pg, for the United States (psf), and substitute to read as follows: Table 1608.2
    Adams  90  20  36 
    Allen  90  20  36 
    Bartholomew  90  20  24 
    Benton  90  20  36 
    Blackford  90  20  30 
    Boone  90  20  30 
    Brown  90  20  24 
    Carroll  90  20  36 
    Cass  90  20  36 
    10  Clark  90  20  24 
    11  Clay  90  20  24 
    12  Clinton  90  20  30 
    13  Crawford  90  20  24 
    14  Daviess  90  20  24 
    15  Dearborn  90  20  24 
    16  Decatur  90  20  24 
    17  Dekalb  90  30  36 
    18  Delaware  90  20  30 
    19  Dubois  90  20  24 
    20  Elkhart  90  30  36 
    21  Fayette  90  20  30 
    22  Floyd  90  20  24 
    23  Fountain  90  20  24 
    24  Franklin  90  20  24 
    25  Fulton  90  30  36 
    26  Gibson  90  20  24 
    27  Grant  90  20  30 
    28  Greene  90  20  24 
    29  Hamilton  90  20  30 
    30  Hancock  90  20  30 
    31  Harrison  90  20  24 
    32  Hendricks  90  20  30 
    33  Henry  90  20  30 
    34  Howard  90  20  30 
    35  Huntington  90  20  36 
    36  Jackson  90  20  24 
    37  Jasper  90  30  36 
    38  Jay  90  20  30 
    39  Jefferson  90  20  24 
    40  Jennings  90  20  24 
    41  Johnson  90  20  30 
    42  Knox  90  20  24 
    43  Kosciusko  90  30  36 
    44  LaGrange  90  30  36 
    45  Lake  90*  30  36 
    46  LaPorte  90*  30*  36 
    47  Lawrence  90  20  24 
    48  Madison  90  20  30 
    49  Marion  90  20  30 
    50  Marshall  90  30  36 
    51  Martin  90  20  24 
    52  Miami  90  20  36 
    53  Monroe  90  20  24 
    54  Montgomery  90  20  30 
    55  Morgan  90  20  30 
    56  Newton  90  30  36 
    57  Noble  90  30  36 
    58  Ohio  90  20  24 
    59  Orange  90  20  24 
    60  Owen  90  20  24 
    61  Parke  90  20  30 
    62  Perry  90  20  24 
    63  Pike  90  20  24 
    64  Porter  90*  30*  36 
    65  Posey  90  20  24 
    66  Pulaski  90  30  36 
    67  Putnam  90  20  30 
    68  Randolph  90  20  30 
    69  Ripley  90  20  24 
    70  Rush  90  20  30 
    71  St. Joseph  90  30*  36 
    72  Scott  90  20  24 
    73  Shelby  90  20  30 
    74  Spencer  90  20  24 
    75  Starke  90  30  36 
    76  Steuben  90  30  36 
    77  Sullivan  90  20  24 
    78  Switzerland  90  20  24 
    79  Tippecanoe  90  20  30 
    80  Tipton  90  20  30 
    81  Union  90  20  30 
    82  Vanderburgh  90  20  24 
    83  Vermillion  90  20  30 
    84  Vigo  90  20  24 
    85  Wabash  90  20  36 
    86  Warren  90  20  30 
    87  Warrick  90  20  24 
    88  Washington  90  20  24 
    89  Wayne  90  20  30 
    90  Wells  90  20  36 
    91  White  90  20  36 
    92  Whitley  90  20  36 
    1. Wind is the minimum wind speed in miles per hour. 
    *Indicates those counties with zones of extreme variation, and shall require investigation by the design professional, or owner when a design professional is not required, to determine the actual maximum wind speed at each site; however, the determined minimum wind speed shall be at least ninety (90) miles per hour. 
    2. Snow is minimum ground snow load (pg) in pounds per square foot. 
    *Indicates those counties with extreme variation and shall require investigation by the design professional, or owner when a design professional is not required, to determine the actual minimum ground snow load at each site; however, the determined minimum snow load (pg) shall be at least thirty (30) pounds per square foot. Ground snow load determination for such counties shall be based on an extreme value statistical analysis of data available in the vicinity of the site using a value with a two percent annual probability of being exceeded (50-year mean recurrence interval). 
    3. Foundation is the minimum foundation depth to bottom of footing from the top of the grade above the footing in inches. 
    (8) Amend Section 1609.1.1, Determination of wind loads, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: Wind loads on every building or structure shall be determined in accordance with Table 1608.2.
    (9) Delete Section 1609.1.2, Protection of openings, without substitution.
    (11) Amend Section 1611.1, Design rain loads, by adding a sentence to read as follows: See the Indiana Plumbing Code (675 IAC 16) for other roof drainage requirements.
    (12) Amend Section 1611.3, Control drainage, by adding a second paragraph to read as follows: See the Indiana Plumbing Code (675 IAC 16) for other roof drainage requirements.
    (13) Delete Section 1612, Flood loads, without substitution.
    (14) Amend Section 1613.5.4 by adding an exception to read as follows: Exception: The maximum values of SDS and SD1. Add TABLE 1613.5.4 MAXIMUM VALUES FOR SDS AND SD1 to read as follows:
    Site Class  SDS  SD1 
    0.30  0.12 
    0.38  0.15 
    0.45  0.25 
    0.55  0.32 
    0.75  0.50 
    Note 1  Note 1 
    Note 1: Site-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses shall be performed to determine appropriate values. 
    (15) Delete the figures 1613.5(1) through 1613.5(14) without substitution.
    (16) Amend Section 1613.3, Existing buildings, as follows:
    (A) Delete the text and substitute to read as follows: Additions, alterations, modifications, or changes of occupancy of existing buildings shall be in accordance with this section.
    (B) Add a new subsection 1613.3.1 to read as follows: 1613.3.1 Additions to existing buildings. An addition that is structurally independent from an existing structure shall be designed and constructed with the seismic requirements for new structures. An addition that is not structurally independent from an existing structure shall be designed and constructed such that the entire structure conforms to the seismic-force-resistance requirements for new structures unless the following conditions are satisfied:
    1. The addition conforms with the requirements for new structures,
    2. The addition does not increase the seismic forces in any structural element of the existing structure by more than 10 percent cumulative since the original construction, unless the element has the capacity to resist the increased forces determined in accordance with ASCE 7 as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 13-2.5-34, and
    3. Addition does not decrease the seismic resistance of any structural element of the existing structure by more than 10 percent cumulative since the original construction, unless the element has the capacity to resist the forces determined in accordance with ASCE 7 as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 13-2.5-34. If the building's seismic base shear capacity has been increased since the original construction, the percent change in base shear may be calculated relative to the increased value.
    (C) Add a new subsection 1613.3.2 to read as follows: 1613.3.2 Alterations. Alterations are permitted to be made to any structure without requiring the structure to comply with Section 1613, provided the alterations conform to the requirements for a new structure. Alterations that increase the seismic force in any existing structural element by more than 10 percent cumulative since the original construction or decrease the design strength of any existing structural element to resist seismic forces by more than five percent cumulative since the original construction shall not be permitted unless the entire seismic-force-resisting system is determined to conform to ASCE 7 as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 13-2.5-34 for a new structure. If the building's seismic base shear capacity has been increased since the original construction, the percent change in base shear may be calculated relative to the increased value.
    Exception: Alterations to existing structural elements or additions of new structural elements that are not required by ASCE 7 as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 13-2.5-34 and are initiated for the purpose of increasing the strength or stiffness of the seismic-force-resisting system of an existing structure need not be designed for forces conforming to ASCE 7 as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 13-2.5-34, provided that an engineering analysis is submitted indicating the following:
    1. The design strength of existing structural elements required to resist seismic forces is not reduced.
    2. The seismic force to required existing structural elements is not increased beyond their design strength.
    3. New structural elements are detailed and connected to the existing structural elements as required by Chapter 16.
    4. New or relocated nonstructural elements are detailed and connected to existing or new structural elements as required by Chapter 16.
    5. The alterations do not create a structural irregularity as defined in ASCE 7 as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 13-2.5-34 or make an existing structural irregularity more severe.
    6. The alterations do not result in the creation of an unsafe condition.
    (D) Add a new subsection 1613.3.3 to read as follows: 1613.3.3 Change of occupancy. When a change of occupancy results in a structure being reclassified to a higher occupancy category, the structure shall conform to the seismic requirements for the higher occupancy category.
    Exceptions: 1. Specific seismic detailing requirements of this code or ASCE 7 as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 13-2.5-34 for a new structure shall not be required to be met where it can be shown that the level of performance and seismic safety is equivalent to that of a new structure. Such analysis shall consider the regularity, overstrength, redundancy, and ductility of the structure within the context of the existing and retrofit (if any) detailing provided.
    2. When a change of use results in a structure being reclassified from Occupancy Category I or II to Occupancy Category III and the structure is located in a seismic map area where SDS < 0.33, compliance with the seismic requirements of this code and ASCE 7 as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 13-2.5-34 are not required.
    (17) Amend Section 1613.5.6 by adding an exception to read as follows: Exception: The seismic design category need not exceed Seismic Design Category C for buildings and structures in Seismic Use Groups I, II, and III for Class 1 buildings and structures other than schools and hazardous material storage/use structures.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 13-2.5-17; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:34 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070476FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; errata filed Jul 3, 2008, 8:10 a.m.: 20080716-IR-675070476ACA; filed Oct 27, 2009, 2:36 p.m.: 20091125-IR-675090186FRA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 13-2.5-33 Chapter 34; existing structures

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

    Sec. 33. Chapter 34 is amended as follows:
    (1) Amend Section 3401.1, Scope, by deleting "alteration, repair, addition and" without substitution.
    (2) Amend Section 3401.2, Maintenance, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-4-9).
    (3) Delete Section 3401.3 without substitution.
    (4) Amend Section 3403, Additions, alterations or repairs, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-4-12).
    (5) Amend Section 3406, Change of occupancy, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-4-11) and Section 1613.3.
    (6) Delete Section 3407, Historic buildings, without substitution.
    (7) Amend Section 3408, Moved structures, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-4-10).
    (8) Delete Section 3409, Accessibility for existing buildings, without substitution.
    (9) Amend Section 3410 by deleting the title and substituting to read as follows: Evaluation, Processes, and Procedures.
    (10) Amend Section 3410.1 as follows:
    (A) Delete "repair, alteration, addition and" and substitute "a change of use or".
    (B) Delete "Chapters 2 through 33, or Section 3401.3, and 3403 through 3407" and substitute to read "the rules of the Commission for new construction".
    (C) Delete "other provisions of this code" and substitute to read "such rules of the Commission".
    (D) Delete Sections 3410.2 and 3410.3 without substitution.
    (11) Add a new Section 3410.2 Applicability as follows: The provisions of this chapter shall apply to existing buildings, or portions thereof, where the proposed new occupancies are in Groups A, B, E, F, M, R, S, and U or within a different division of the same occupancy group. These provisions shall not apply to buildings of Group H Occupancies. For institutional occupancies, National Fire Protection Association Standard Number 101A, 2001 Edition, shall be recognized as an alternative means of evaluation for conversion to and for existing buildings of I-1, I-2, and I-4 occupancies.
    (12) Delete Sections 3410.2.1, 3410.2.2, 3410.2.3, 3410.2.4, 3410.2.5, and 3410.3 without substitution.
    (13) Amend Section 3410.4.1, Structural analysis, as follows:
    (A) Delete, in the title, "analysis" and substitute "evaluation".
    (B) After "owner", insert "or the owner's agent".
    (C) Delete "analysis" and substitute "evaluation".
    (D) Delete "alteration, addition" and substitute "change of use".
    (E) In the last sentence, delete "minimum load" and insert "minimum live load".
    (14) Amend Table 3410.6.5 by deleting footnote "a" without substitution.
    (15) Amend Section 3410.6.5.1 by adding in category c "fire-rated" between "without" and "corridors" and adding a comma and "or where corridors are not required" after "Section 1017".
    (16) Amend Section 3410.6.11 by deleting the second sentence and substituting to read as follows: In applying this section, the means of egress are required to conform to Sections 1004, 1005, 1014, 1015, and 1019.
    (17) Amend Section 3410.6.13 by deleting 1015.1 after "Section" and substituting 1016.1.
    (18) Amend Section 3410.6.15.1 by deleting "Section 2702" in Categories "A" and "B" and substituting "Section 1006.3".
    (19) Amend Table 3410.6.17 by deleting the "B" from the Occupancy column on row three of the table and adding a new row four with only "B" under the Occupancy column and the tabular values as follows:
    TABLE 3410.6.17 
    a  b  c  d  e  f 
    B  -4  -2  0  3  6  12 
    (20) Amend Table 3410.6.18 by deleting "302.1.1" after "Protection Required by Table" and substituting "508.2".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 13-2.5-33; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:34 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070476FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Oct 27, 2009, 2:36 p.m.: 20091125-IR-675090186FRA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 13-2.5-34 Adoption by reference

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

    Sec. 34. (a) That certain document being titled ASCE/SEI 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, 2005 Edition, second printing, as published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Bell Dr., Reston, Va. 20191, is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set out in this rule save and except those revisions made in this rule.

    (b) This rule and incorporated documents therein are available to review and as reference at the Department of Homeland Security, Code Services Section, Indiana Government Center South, 302 West Washington Street, Room W246, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

    (c) Delete Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10 without substitution.

    (d) Amend Chapter 13 as follows:
    (1) Amend Section, Special Access Floors, by deleting the text of the last sentence of item one and substituting to read as follows: Design load capacities comply with approved design standards and/or approved test results.
    (2) Amend Section 13.6.1, General, by deleting "Mechanical and electrical components and their supports" and substituting "Attachments and supports for mechanical and electrical components that are within the scope of Section 101.2".
    (3) Amend Section, Other Piping Systems, by deleting "Piping" and substituting "Other piping systems within the scope of Section 101.2 and".

    (e) Amend Chapter 15 as follows:
    (1) Amend Section 15.1.1, Nonbuilding Structures, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: The requirements of this section apply to self-supporting structures or structures supported by other structures that are within the scope of 101.2 that carry gravity loads that are not defined as buildings, vehicular or railroad bridges, nuclear power generation plants, offshore platforms, or dams. Where the building official has approved the use of specific industry standards for seismic design of nonbuilding structures, those standards shall be applicable within the limitations of the requirements of this section.
    (2) Amend Section 15.5.3, Steel Storage Racks, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: Steel storage racks that are a part of the structural system of a Class 1 structure shall comply with this code.
    (3) Delete Section, Vertical Distribution of Seismic Force, without substitution.
    (4) Delete Section, Seismic Displacement, without substitution.
    (5) Amend Section 15.7, Tanks and Vessels, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: Storage tanks within the scope of Section 101.2 shall be designed to comply with this code.
    (6) Amend Section, Structural Towers, by adding, after "vessels", "that are within the scope of Section 101.2".
    (7) Amend Section 15.6.1, Earth-Retaining Structures, by adding, after "structures", "that are within the scope of Section 101.2 and".
    (8) Amend Section 15.6.2, Stacks and Chimneys, by adding, after "chimney", "within the scope of Section 101.2".
    (9) Delete Section 15.6.6, Telecommunication Towers, without substitution.
    (10) Amend Section 15.6.3, Amusement Structures, by adding, after "structures", "within the scope of Section 101.2".
    (11) Amend Section 15.6.4, Special Hydraulic Structures, by adding, after "structures", "within the scope of Section 101.2".
    (12) Delete Section, ASME Boilers and Pressure Vessels, without substitution.

    (f) Amend Chapter 17 as follows:
    (1) Amend Section 17.1, General, by adding, after "structure", "within the scope of Section 101.2".
    (2) Amend Section, Inspection and Replacement, by deleting the text and substituting to read as follows: Access for inspection and replacement of all components of the isolation system shall be provided.
    (3) Delete Section, Quality Control, without substitution.
    (4) Amend Section by adding, after "structures", "within the scope of Section 101.2".
    (5) Amend Section, Drift Limits, by deleting the text after "Section" without substitution.
    (6) Appendix 11B; existing building provisions is amended to delete 11B.5 Change of use without substitution.
    (6) The appendices are not adopted as part of this rule.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 13-2.5-34; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:34 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070476FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; errata filed Jul 3, 2008, 8:10 a.m.: 20080716-IR-675070476ACA; filed Oct 27, 2009, 2:36 p.m.: 20091125-IR-675090186FRA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 18-1.5-3 Chapter 2; definitions

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

    Sec. 3. In Chapter 2, make the following changes:
    (1) Delete the text of Section 201.3 in its entirety and substitute as follows: Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in the Indiana Building Code (675 IAC 13), Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17), Indiana Fire Code (675 IAC 22), Indiana Fuel Gas Code (675 IAC 25), or Indiana Plumbing Code (675 IAC 16), such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as in those codes.
    (2) Insert Section 201.3.1 to read as follows: 201.3.1. Terms defined in other codes.
    (3) Amend the definition of APPLIANCE, EXISTING to read as follows: APPLIANCE, EXISTING. Any appliance regulated by this code which was legally installed prior to the effective date of this code.
    (4) Amend the definition of APPROVED to read as follows: APPROVED. As to materials, equipment, design, and types of construction, acceptance by the code official by one (1) of the following methods:
    (1) Investigation or tests conducted by recognized authorities; or
    (2) Investigation or tests conducted by technical or scientific organizations; or
    (3) Accepted principles.
    The investigation, tests, or principles shall establish that the materials, equipment, and types of construction are safe for the intended purpose.
    (5) Insert the definition for BUILDING CODE to read as follows: BUILDING CODE means the Indiana Building Code.
    (6) Delete the definition of CODE.
    (7) Amend the definition of CODE OFFICIAL to read as follows: CODE OFFICIAL means the Division of Fire and Building Safety; the local building official as authorized under IC 36-7-2-9 and local ordinance; or the fire department as authorized under IC 36-8-17-9.
    (8) Delete the definition of COMMERCIAL COOKING APPLIANCES and substitute to read as follows: COMMERCIAL COOKING APPLIANCES. Commercial and residential appliances used for heating or cooking food that produces grease, grease-laden vapors, steam, fumes, smoke, or odors that are required to be removed through a Type I or Type II exhaust ventilation system. Such appliances include: deep fat fryers; upright broilers; griddles; broilers; steam-jacketed kettles; hot-top ranges; under-fired broilers (char broilers); ovens; barbecues; rotisseries; and similar appliances.
    (9) Insert the definition for COMMISSION to read as follows: COMMISSION is the Indiana Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission as set forth at IC 22-12-2-1.
    (10) Delete the definition of COMPENSATING HOODS.
    (11) Amend the definition of CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS to read as follows: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Documents required to obtain a design release in accordance with the General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12-6) and the rules for Industrialized Building Systems (675 IAC 15).
    (12) Insert the definition for DIVISION OF FIRE AND BUILDING SAFETY to read as follows: DIVISION OF FIRE AND BUILDING SAFETY means the Division of Fire and Building Safety of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security created pursuant to IC 10-19-2.
    (13) Amend the definition of DWELLING UNIT to read as follows: DWELLING UNIT is any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation, as required by this code, for not more than one (1) family, or congregate resident for sixteen (16) or fewer persons.
    (14) Insert the definition for ELECTRICAL CODE to read as follows: ELECTRICAL CODE means the Indiana Electrical Code in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (15) Amend the definition of EQUIPMENT, EXISTING to read as follows: EQUIPMENT, EXISTING. Any equipment regulated by this code which was legally installed prior to the effective date of this code.
    (16) Insert the definition for FIRE CODE to read as follows: FIRE CODE means the Indiana Fire Code.
    (17) Insert the definition for FIRE PREVENTION CODE to read as follows: FIRE PREVENTION CODE. Refer to the INDIANA BUILDING CODE (675 IAC 13) and the INDIANA FIRE CODE (675 IAC 22).
    (18) Insert the definition for INDIANA BUILDING CODE to read as follows: INDIANA BUILDING CODE means the rules adopted at 675 IAC 13 in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (19) Insert the definition for INDIANA ELECTRICAL CODE to read as follows: INDIANA ELECTRICAL CODE means the rules adopted at 675 IAC 17 in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (20) Insert the definition for INDIANA ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE to read as follows: INDIANA ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE means the rules adopted at 675 IAC 19 in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (21) Insert the definition for INDIANA FIRE CODE to read as follows: INDIANA FIRE CODE means the rules adopted at 675 IAC 22 in effect in Indiana at the time of inspection by the code official or, with respect to construction required to be filed under 675 IAC 12-6, 675 IAC 22 in effect at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (22) Insert the definition for INDIANA FUEL GAS CODE to read as follows: INDIANA FUEL GAS CODE means the rules adopted at 675 IAC 25 in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (23) Insert the definition for INDIANA PLUMBING CODE to read as follows: INDIANA PLUMBING CODE means the rules adopted at 675 IAC 16 (or the applicable rules of the predecessor to the commission) in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or repair of the structure.
    (24) Insert the definition for INSPECTION AUTHORITY to read as follows: INSPECTION AUTHORITY. See CODE OFFICIAL.
    (25) Amend the definition for LABELED to read as follows: LABELED means equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization engaged in product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.
    (26) Amend the definition for LIGHT-DUTY COOKING APPLIANCE to read as follows: LIGHT-DUTY COOKING APPLIANCE. Light-duty cooking appliances include gas and electric ovens (including standard, bake, roasting, revolving, retherm, convection, combination convection/steamer, conveyor, deck or deck-style pizza, and pastry), electric and gas steam-jacketed kettles, electric and gas pasta cookers, electric and gas compartment steamers (both pressure and atmospheric), and electric and gas cheese melters.
    (27) Amend the definition for LISTED to read as follows: LISTED means equipment or materials included in a list published by an organization engaged in product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials, and whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner.
    (28) Insert the definition for MECHANICAL CODE to read as follows: MECHANICAL CODE means the Indiana Mechanical Code.
    (29) Amend the definition for MECHANICAL JOINT to read as follows: MECHANICAL JOINT. A connection between pipes, fittings, or pipes and fittings, which is neither screwed, caulked, threaded, soldered, solvent cemented, brazed, nor welded. Also, a joint in which compression is applied along the centerline of the pieces being joined. Some joints are part of a coupling, fitting, or adapter. These joints include both the press-type and push-fit joining system.
    (30) Amend the definition for MEDIUM-DUTY COOKING APPLIANCE to read as follows: MEDIUM-DUTY COOKING APPLIANCE. Medium-duty cooking appliances include electric discrete element ranges (with or without oven), electric and gas hot-top ranges, electric and gas griddles, electric and gas double-sided griddles, electric and gas fryers (including open deep fat fryers, donut fryers, kettle fryers, and pressure fryers), electric and gas conveyor pizza ovens, electric and gas tilting skillets (braising pans), and electric and gas rotisseries.
    (31) Insert the definition for NFPA 70 to read as follows: NFPA 70, National Electrical Code means the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
    (32) Amend the definition of OCCUPANCY to read as follows: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION. Occupancy classification shall be as specified in the Building Code in effect at the time of construction, alteration, or change of occupancy.
    (33) Insert the definition for PLUMBING CODE to read as follows: PLUMBING CODE means the Indiana Plumbing Code.
    (34) Insert the definition for PUSH-FIT JOINTS to read as follows: PUSH-FIT JOINTS. A type of mechanical joint consisting of elastometric seals and corrosion resistant tube grippers. Such joints are permanent or removable depending on the design.
    (35) Insert the definition for QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL to read as follows: QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL is a person who has documentation evidencing that he/she successfully completed instruction related to the equipment being installed, serviced, or repaired, and has provided such documentation to the Code Official upon request.
    (36) Amend the definition of REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL to read as follows: REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. An architect who is registered under IC 25-4 or professional engineer registered under IC 25-31. If a registered design professional is not required by 675 IAC 12-6 or 675 IAC 15, then it means the owner.
    (37) Amend the definition of UNUSUALLY TIGHT CONSTRUCTION by deleting "402.4.2" and substituting "502.4".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 18-1.5-3; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:22 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070477FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 18-1.5-5 Chapter 4; ventilation

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

    Sec. 5. (a) Delete Section 401.6, Contaminant sources.

    (b) In Section 401.1, amend to read as follows: 401.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the ventilation of spaces within a building intended to be occupied. Mechanical exhaust systems, including exhaust systems serving clothes dryers and cooking appliances; hazardous exhaust systems; dust, stock, and refuse conveyor systems; subslab soil exhaust systems; smoke control systems; energy recover ventilation systems; and other systems specified in Section 502 shall comply with Chapter 5.

    (c) In Section 401.4.1, delete "The exhaust from a bathroom or kitchen in" and insert "Environmental air exhausted from".

    (d) Delete Section 406.1, General, and insert the following: Uninhabited spaces, such as crawl spaces and attics, shall be provided with natural ventilation openings as required by the Indiana Building Code (675 IAC 13).

    (e) In Section 406.1, delete "be automatically controlled to operate when the relative humidity in the space served exceeds 60 percent" and insert "operate continuously".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 18-1.5-5; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:22 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070477FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 18-1.5-6 Chapter 5; exhaust systems

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

    Sec. 6. (a) Amend Section 501.1 to read as follows: This chapter shall govern the design, construction, and installation of mechanical exhaust systems, including dust, stock and refuse conveyor systems, exhaust systems serving commercial cooking appliances, and energy recovery ventilation systems within the scope of Section 101.2.

    (a) (b) In Section 501.2.1, amend items 3 and 4 to read as follows:
    3. Environmental air duct exhaust terminations shall comply with Section 401.4.
    Exception: Exhaust from bathrooms and kitchens in residential dwellings complying with Section 401.4.1.
    4. For specific systems see the following sections:
    4.1 Clothes dryer exhaust, Section 504.4;
    4.2 Kitchen hoods and other kitchen exhaust equipment, Sections 506.3.12, 506.4, and 506.5;
    4.3 Dust, stock, and refuse conveying systems, Section 511.2;
    4.4 Subslab soil exhaust systems, Section 512.4; and
    4.5 Smoke control systems, Section 513.10.3.

    (c) Amend Section 502.8.3 to read as follows: 506.3.3.1 Grease duct test. A test shall be performed for the entire duct system, including the hood to duct connection. The ductwork shall be permitted to be tested in sections, provided that every joint is tested.

    (b) (d) In Section 504.6.1, insert, after the last sentence in the exception, "Where exhaust ducts are installed in concealed locations, the developed length of the exhaust duct system shall be indicated by permanent labels or tags installed in an observable location.".

    (c) (e) In Section 505.1, Exception 2, insert "and fittings" after "pipe".

    (d) (f) Insert Section 505.2 to read as follows: 505.2 Makeup air required. Exhaust hood systems capable of exhausting in excess of 400 cfm shall be provided with makeup air at a rate approximately equal to the exhaust air rate. Such makeup air systems shall be equipped with a means of closure and shall be automatically controlled to start and operate simultaneously with the exhaust system.

    (e) (g) Amend Section 506.3.1.1 exception to read as follows: Exception: Factory-built commercial kitchen grease ducts listed and labeled in accordance with UL 1978 and installed in accordance with Section 304.1.

    (h) Add Section 506.3.1.3 to read as follows: 506.3.1.3 Supply fire dampers. A fire-actuated damper shall be installed in the supply air plenum at each point where a supply air duct inlet or a supply air outlet penetrates the continuously welded shell of the assembly. The damper shall be constructed of at least the same gauge as the shell. The fire damper shall be specifically listed for such use, or as part of a listed exhaust hood with or without exhaust dampers.
    Exception: Supply air plenums that discharge air from their face rather than from the bottom or into the exhaust hood that are isolated from the exhaust hood by a continuously welded shell extending to the lower outermost perimeter of the entire hood assembly shall not require a fire-actuated damper.

    (f) (i) Amend Section 506.3.6 exception to read as follows: Exception: Factory-built commercial kitchen grease ducts listed and labeled in accordance with UL 1978 and listed and labeled exhaust equipment installed in accordance with Section 304.1.

    (j) Amends Section 506.3.8 by adding a sentence to read as follows: Access doors shall have a gasket or sealant that is rated for 815.6°C (1500°F) and shall be grease tight.

    (k) Amend the first sentence of Section 506.3.9 to read as follows: Cleanouts located on horizontal sections of ducts shall be spaced not more than 20 feet (6,096 mm) apart and at change of direction.

    (g) (l) Delete Section 506.3.10 and substitute as follows: 506.3.10 Grease duct enclosure. A grease duct serving a Type I hood that penetrates a fire-resistance-rated ceiling, wall, or floor assembly shall be enclosed from the point of penetration to the outlet terminal. A duct shall penetrate exterior walls only at locations where unprotected openings are permitted by the International Building Code. The duct enclosure shall serve a single grease exhaust duct system and shall not contain any other ducts, piping, wiring, or systems.

    (h) (m) Insert Section 506.3.10.1 as follows: 506.3.10.1. Grease duct protection. Where the surface of the duct is continuously covered on all sides with a grease duct protection system from the point at which the duct penetrates a ceiling, wall, or floor to the outlet terminal, such grease duct protection systems shall be a classified and labeled material, system, method of construction, or product specifically evaluated for such purpose and approved by the code official.
    1. Prefabricated grease duct enclosure assemblies, which incorporate protection on all sides from the point at which the duct penetrates a ceiling, wall, or floor to the outlet terminal with a classified and labeled prefabricated system specifically evaluated for such purposes in accordance with UL 2221.
    2. Ducts enclosed in accordance with the International Indiana Building Code requirements for shaft construction, provided such duct enclosures are sealed around the duct at the point of penetration and vented to the outside of the building through the use of weather-protected openings. Clearance from the duct to the interior surface of enclosures of combustible construction shall be not less than 18 inches (457 mm). Clearance from the duct to the interior surface of enclosures of noncombustible construction or gypsum wallboard attached to noncombustible structures shall be not less than 6 inches (152 mm).

    (i) (n) Insert Section 506.3.10.2 as follows: 506.3.10.2. Grease duct penetrations. Duct penetrations shall be protected with a through-penetration firestop system classified in accordance with ASTM E814 and having an "F" and "T" rating equal to the fire-resistance rating of the assembly being penetrated.

    (j) (o) Insert Section 506.3.10.3 as follows: 506.3.10.3. Protection of duct wrap systems. Exposed duct wrap systems shall be protected where subject to physical damage.

    (k) (p) Insert Section 506.3.10.4 as follows: 506.3.10.4. Penetrations of nonfire resistance-rated assemblies. A duct enclosure shall not be required for a grease duct that penetrates only a nonfire-resistance-rated roof/ceiling assembly.

    (l) (q) Amend Section 506.3.12.3 by deleting "and air intake openings into any building" and inserting at the end of the paragraph "Exhaust outlets shall be located not less than 10 feet (3,048 mm) horizontally from or not less than 3 feet (910 mm) above air intake openings into any building. Exhaust outlet terminations shall not be directed towards nor impinge on any structure.".

    (m) (r) Amend Section 507.2 by deleting "and 507.2.2" and inserting ", 507.2.2, and Table 507.2" after "507.2.1"; and inserting an exception to read as follows: Exception: This section does not apply to dwelling units in multi-family dwellings.

    (n) (s) Insert Table 507.2 as follows:
    Table 507.2 
    Exhaust Hoods - When Required 
      Restaurants, schools,  once a week  N/A  Type II or  Type I  Type II 
      hospitals, nursing homes,  or less    Type I c     
      and other similar  more than  N/A  Type II or  Type I  Type II 
      facilities.  once a week    Type I c     
      Churches and day cares.  once a week  N/A  N/A  Type I  Type II 
        or less         
        more than  N/A  Type II or  Type I  Type II 
        once a week    Type I c     
      Restaurants, schools,  once a week  N/A  Type II or  Type I  N/A 
      hospitals, nursing  or less    Type I c     
      homes, and other  more than  N/A  Type II or  Type I  N/A 
      similar facilities.  once a week    Type I c     
      Churches, day cares, and  once a week  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A 
      breakrooms.  or less         
        more than  N/A  Type II or  Type I  N/A 
        once a week    Type I c     
        N/A  Not applicable         
        aA Type II hood is not required where the additional heat, steam, and products of combustion are accounted for in the design of the HVAC system (See Section 507.2.2.). 
        bCooking that produces steam, fumes, smoke, or odors. 
        cCooking that produces grease or grease-laden vapors. 
        dFrying that produces grease or grease-laden vapors. 

    (o) (t) Amend Section 507.2.1 by inserting "grease-laden vapors," between "grease," and "or".

    (p) (u) Delete Exception 4 in Section 507.2.2 and substitute as follows: 4. A Type II hood is not required for countertop electrically heated appliances such as: toasters, steam tables, popcorn poppers, hot dog cookers, coffee makers, rice cookers, egg cookers, and holding/warming ovens. The additional heat and moisture loads generated by such appliances shall be accounted for in the design of the HVAC system.

    (q) (v) Amend Section 507.2.2 by inserting Exception 5 as follows: 5. A Type II hood is not required where the additional heat, steam, and products of combustion are accounted for in the design of the HVAC system.

    (r) (w) Delete Section 507.2.3 without substitution.

    (x) Amend Section 507.11 by adding a sentence to read as follows: Mesh filters shall not be used.

    (s) (y) Amend Section 508.1 by deleting "exhaust and makeup air systems shall be electrically interlocked to ensure that makeup air is provided whenever the exhaust system is in operation." and substituting "makeup air system shall be automatically controlled to start and operate simultaneously with the exhaust system.".

    (t) (z) Amend Section 508.2 by inserting an exception as follows: Exception: Compensating hoods with makeup air supplied only from front face discharge and side face discharge openings shall not be required to be labeled with the maximum makeup airflow.

    (u) (aa) Amend Section 509 by inserting the following:
    509.2 Approved fire-extinguishing equipment shall be provided for the protection of all Type I hoods. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in the kitchen for the protection of the cooking equipment.
    509.3 Approved fire-extinguishing equipment shall be provided to protect cooking appliances, such as deep fat fryers, griddles, upright broilers, char broilers, grease-burning char broilers, range tops, and grills. Protection shall also be provided for the enclosed plenum space within the hood above the filters and in the exhaust ducts serving the hood.
    509.4 See Section 903.2.12.2 of the Indiana Building Code.

    (v) (bb) Amend Section 510.4 by deleting "Contaminated air shall not be recirculated to occupied areas, unless the contaminants have been removed. Air contaminated with explosives or flammable vapors, fumes or dusts; flammable, highly toxic or toxic gases; or radioactive material shall not be recirculated." and substituting "Contaminated air shall not be recirculated to occupiable areas. Air containing explosive or flammable vapors, fumes or dusts; flammable, highly toxic or toxic gases; or radioactive material shall be considered to be contaminated.".

    (cc) Amend Section 510.6.3 to read as follows: 510.6.3 Wall assemblies. Hazardous exhaust duct systems that penetrate fire-resistance-rated wall assemblies shall be enclosed in fire-resistance-rated construction from the point of penetration to the outlet terminal. Ducts shall be enclosed in accordance with the International Building Code requirements for shaft construction, and such enclosure shall have a minimum fire-resistance-rating of not less than the highest fire-resistance-rated wall assembly penetrated.
    Exceptions: 1. Where the interior of the duct is equipped with an approved automatic fire suppression system, or
    2. Galvanized steel ducts per Section 510.8 that penetrate required fire-resistance-rated walls of one-hour or less, in other than group H occupancy when the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with IBC Section 903.3.1.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 18-1.5-6; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:22 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070477FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 18-1.5-7 Chapter 6; duct systems

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

    Sec. 7. (a) Amend Section 602.2.1, Exception 5, to read as follows: 5. Combustible materials fully enclosed within continuous noncombustible raceways or enclosures, approved gypsum board assemblies or within materials listed and labeled for such application.

    (b) Insert Section 603.4.1 to read as follows: 603.4.1 Minimum fasteners. Round metallic ducts shall be mechanically fastened by means of at least three sheet metal screws or rivets spaced in approximately uniform intervals along the circumference of the duct.

    (c) Amend Section 603.9 by inserting ", liquid sealants," after "mastic-plus-embedded-fabric systems".

    (d) Delete Amend Section 607.5.4 by deleting Exception 2 and replace replacing with ""Smoke dampers shall not be required in duct penetrations of smoke barriers in fully ducted heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems" in smoke compartments protected throughout with quick response sprinklers.".

    (e) Delete Amend Section 607.5.5 by deleting in the third line the words "and smoke" without substitution. Delete Exception 2 without substitution. Delete "3" and replace with "2". Delete "4" and replace with "3".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 18-1.5-7; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:22 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070477FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 18-1.5-15 Chapter 15; referenced standards

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

    Sec. 15. (a) Amend, in the third sentence of Chapter 15, "Section 102.8" to "Section 101.4".

    (b) Delete the following standards: NFPA 37-02, NFPA 58-04, and NFPA 72-03. 72-02.

    (c) Amend Chapter 15 by inserting ", 506.3.10.2" as a "Referenced in code section number" for standard "ASTM E814".

    (d) Amend Chapter 15 by inserting "506.3.1.1," and ", 506.3.6" as "Referenced in code section number" for standard "UL 1978".

    (e) Amend Chapter 15 by inserting ", 506.3.10.1" as a "Referenced in code section number" for standard "UL 2221".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 18-1.5-15; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:22 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070477FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 22-2.4-4 Chapter 3; general precautions against fire

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

    Sec. 4. Chapter 3 is amended as follows:
    (1) Delete Section 301.2 in its entirety without substitution.
    (2) Amend Section 304.1.2 by deleting the last sentence in its entirety without substitution.
    (3) Amend Section 304.2 by deleting the text and substituting the following: Storage of combustible rubbish shall not produce conditions that will create a fire hazard that endangers the safety of persons or property.
    (4) Amend Section 307.1.1 by deleting the text and substituting the following: Discontinuance. The fire chief is authorized to require open burning be immediately discontinued if such open burning constitutes a hazardous condition.
    (5) Amend Section 307.2 by deleting the text and substituting the following: Notification. Prior to commencement of open burning, the fire department having jurisdiction shall be notified.
    (6) Amend Section 307.2.1 by deleting the text and substituting the following: Material restrictions. Open burning of rubbish is prohibited.
    (7) Delete Section 307.3 in its entirety without substitution.
    (8) Amend Section 307.5 by deleting the text and substituting the following: Burning material shall be constantly attended by a person knowledgeable in the use of the fire-extinguishing equipment required by this section and familiar with any limitations that restrict open burning. An attendant shall supervise the burning material until the fire has been extinguished.
    (9) Amend Section 308.3 by deleting "obtaining a permit in accordance with Section 105.6" and substituting "notifying the fire department having jurisdiction".
    (10) Amend Section 308.3.1.1 by deleting the text between "having an LP gas container and LP-gas capacity", adding a number "1" before the exception, and adding a second exception: "2. Where buildings, balconies, and decks are protected by an automatic sprinkler system.".
    (11) Amend Section 308.3.5 by deleting "in the opinion of the code official, adequate" and substituting "approved".
    (12) Amend Section 308.3.7 as follows:
    (A) Delete the section heading "Group A Occupancies" and substitute "Affected Occupancies".
    (B) In the first sentence, delete "a Group A Occupancy" and substitute "any occupancy other than Group R-2, apartment houses, convents, fraternities and sororities, hotels, monasteries, motels, and vacation time share properties, Group R-3 and Group R-4 occupancies".
    (13) Amend Section 308.4.1 by deleting the text and substituting the following: Prior to using a torch or flame-producing device to remove paint from a structure, the fire department having jurisdiction shall be notified.
    (14) Amend Section 308.5 by deleting all the text after "hazardous fire areas" in the first sentence and substituting "when approved".
    (15) Amend Section 310.2 by deleting the text and substituting the following: Whenever smoking constitutes a fire hazard in any area of piers, wharfs, warehouses, stores, industrial plants, institutions, schools, places of assembly, and in open spaces where combustible materials are stored or handled, the fire chief is authorized to order the owner or occupant to post approved NO SMOKING signs in each building, structure, room, or place in which smoking is prohibited. Such signs shall be conspicuously and suitably located and shall be maintained.
    Exceptions: 1. Buildings or structures that are smoke-free environments and are posted as such at all public and employee entrances.
    2. No visible evidence of prohibited smoking exists within the building or structure.
    (16) Delete Section 310.3 in its entirety without substitution.
    (17) Delete Section 311.1.1 in its entirety without substitution.
    (18) Amend Section 311.2.2 by deleting "in the opinion of the fire code official" in Exception 1 and substituting "where approved by the code official".
    (19) Delete Section 311.5 in its entirety without substitution.
    (20) Amend Section 315.1 by deleting the last sentence without substitution.
    (21) Amend Section 315.2.1 by adding an exception: Exception: Sidewall storage to a maximum depth of thirty (30) inches (seventy-six and two-tenths (76.2) centimeters) of in-rack storage shall be acceptable to the ceiling in nonsprinklered sprinklered buildings.
    (22) Add a new section to read as follows: SECTION 316. CARNIVALS AND FAIRS
    316.1 General. The grounds of carnivals and fairs, including concession booths, shall be in accordance with Section 316.
    316.2 Grounds.
    316.2.1 General. Grounds shall be in accordance with Section 316.2.
    316.2.2 Access. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided in accordance with Section 503.
    316.2.3 Fire appliances.
    316.2.3.1 General. Fire appliances shall be provided for the entire midway, as approved by the chief.
    316.2.3.2 Location. Maximum travel distance to a portable fire extinguisher shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet (twenty-two and eighty-six hundredths (22.86) meters).
    316.2.4 Electrical equipment. Electrical equipment and installations shall comply with the Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
    316.3 Concession Stands.
    316.3.1 General. Concession stands shall be in accordance with Section 316.3.
    316.3.2 Location. Concession stands utilized for cooking shall have a minimum of ten (10) feet (three and forty-eight thousandths (3.048) meters) of clearance on two (2) sides and shall not be located within ten (10) feet (three and forty-eight thousandths (3.048) meters) of amusement rides or devices.
    316.3.3 Fire extinguishers. A K-rated wet chemical fire extinguisher shall be provided where deep-fat fryers are used.
    316.3.4 Hinges, awnings, and braces must be safety keyed. Nails shall not be used for hinge or support pins.
    316.3.5 When tent stakes and ropes extend into traffic areas, highly visible covers shall be provided.
    316.4 Internal Combustion Power Sources.
    316.4.1 General. Internal combustion power sources, including motor vehicles, generators, and similar equipment, shall be in accordance with Section 316.4.
    316.4.2 Fueling. Fuel tanks shall be of adequate capacity to permit uninterrupted operation during normal operating hours. Refueling shall be conducted only when the ride is not in use.
    316.4.3 Protection. Internal combustion power sources shall be isolated from contact with the public by either physical guards, fencing, or an enclosure.
    316.4.4 Fire extinguishers. A minimum of one (1) fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2-A:10-B:C shall be provided.
    316.4.5 Notification. The servicing fire department shall be notified not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the admission of the public.
    316.4.6 Vehicular traffic. No vehicle except emergency fire or rescue equipment shall be permitted on the midway from the time the midway opens until closing (including owners, operators, vendors, and service vehicles).
    (23) Add a new section to read as follows: SECTION 317 HAUNTED HOUSES AND SIMILAR TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS
    This section applies to haunted houses and similar installations set up for temporary use, not exceeding ninety (90) days. Any interior within a structure not designed for this specific use shall comply with the following and all other applicable rules:
    (1) In any facility using the maze concept, there shall be no dead-end corridors and there shall be an obvious exit out of the maze for every fifty (50) feet (fifteen and twenty-four hundredths (15.24) meters) of linear travel. All stairways shall be illuminated at a level of a least one (1) foot-candle (eleven (11) lux).
    (2) A group shall consist of twenty (20) individuals or fewer. Each group shall be accompanied or supervised by a staff person who is eighteen (18) years of age or older. This staff person shall have in his or her possession an operable flashlight and shall be completely familiar with the facility.
    (3) There shall be no smoking allowed at any time by anyone inside the building.
    (4) All electrical installations shall meet 675 IAC 17, the Indiana Electrical Code.
    (5) The servicing fire department shall be contacted at least three (3) working days prior to the placing of the facility in operation for an inspection and planning of evacuation procedures. A sketch of the floor plan shall be provided to the servicing fire department to facilitate these procedures.
    (6) The total number of occupants in the facility at any time shall be limited to the number allowed by the total exits from the installation, as determined by the Indiana Building Code (675 IAC 13) in effect at the time of construction of the building, building system, or alterations.
    (7) Fire extinguishers shall be distributed throughout the building so that not more than seventy-five (75) feet (twenty-two and eighty-six hundredths (22.86) meters) must be traversed to each fire extinguisher.
    (8) There shall be no open flame devices or temporary heaters used in the building.
    (9) Automatic smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 (675 IAC 22-2.2). All smoke detectors shall be interconnected so that when one is activated, all are activated. When activated, the alarm shall be loud enough to be heard over all other sounds or the activation shall automatically shut down all sound devices within the facility.
    (10) All areas of a maze shall be at least three (3) feet (ninety-one and four-tenths (91.4) centimeters) wide and five (5) feet (one and five hundred twenty-four thousandths (1.524) meters) high, except that a section not exceeding four (4) feet (one and twenty-two hundredths (1.22) meters) in length may be two (2) feet (sixty and ninety-six hundredths (60.96) centimeters) high and two (2) feet (sixty and ninety-six hundredths (60.96) centimeters) wide. There shall not be more than one (1) such four (4) foot (one and twenty-two hundredths (1.22) meter) section in every fifty (50) linear feet (fifteen and twenty-four hundredths (15.24) meters).
    (11) All material used in all display areas of a haunted house and all material used in the construction of a maze shall be inherently flame resistant or made so by treatment with a flame retardant. All substances used to make materials flame resistant shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and the containers and proof of purchase of the substances shall be retained for inspection by the code official.
    (24) Add a new section to read as follows: SECTION 318 FIRE SAFETY IN RACETRACK STABLES
    318.1 Scope. Racetrack stables shall be in accordance with this section.
    318.2 Definitions
    For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
    ASSIGNED BARN. The barn area where a trainer has been allocated stalls and space for the trainer's horses and equipment.
    ASSISTANT TRAINER. The person next to the listed trainer of record, and the one who frequently handles the day-today affairs in training a horse or horses.
    CONCESSIONAIRES. The holders of a concession, such as the track kitchen, granted by the racetrack management.
    HALTER. Piece of equipment that fits around a horse's head, like a bridle, but lacking a bit. It is used in handling horses around the stable. In the event of a fire, horses can be led from stalls by halters.
    MECHANICAL HOTWALKER. An electrical device that automatically walks a horse or several horses in a circle with an approximate radius of ten (10) to fifteen (15) feet (three and forty-eight thousandths (3.048) to four and fifty-seven hundredths (4.57) meters).
    MIXED OCCUPANCY. A building or stable area where both horses and humans reside.
    RACETRACK MANAGEMENT. The persons who control or execute the affairs of the track itself.
    TACK. Stable gear; also rider's racing equipment.
    TACK ROOM. A storage area for tack and stable equipment.
    TRACK SECURITY. Persons employed to protect racetrack property and to ensure the proper passage of licensed personnel; track security may be internal or external.
    TRAINER. The person responsible for the care and training of a horse or horses.
    318.3 Management responsibilities.
    318.3.1 All trainers or a designated assistant and all concessionaires or a designated assistant shall serve as liaison between the track security and fire protection supervisors and the employees of the trainers and concessionaires.
    318.3.2 All trainers or their assistants and all concessionaires or their assistants shall acquaint themselves with and brief their employees as to the following:
    (1) Smoking regulations.
    (2) Location of fire alarm notification system devices in the immediate area of an assigned barn.
    (3) Location of all fire extinguishers and extinguishing equipment in assigned barn area.
    (4) Regulations regarding occupancy, use of extension cords for extending electrical circuits, and use of electrical appliances.
    (5) Regulations regarding storage and use of feed, straw, tack, and supplies.
    (6) Track regulations with regard to fire and security, copies of which shall be provided to all trainers or their assistants and concessionaires or their assistants. These regulations shall be used in instructing members of the trainers' and concessionaires' staffs assigned to the barn area.
    318.3.3 Open burning. Open burning is prohibited. Open flame heating devices are prohibited. Un-vented portable oil-burning heating appliances are not permitted in stables.
    318.3.4 Smoking. Smoking is prohibited in assigned barns. Approved "No Smoking" signs shall be posted in assigned barns.
    318.3.5 Trash removal. All combustible trash and waste shall be removed from all buildings daily. Noncombustible trash and waste containers shall be provided for other than stall waste and shall be emptied daily.
    318.3.6 Hay or straw storage. Storage shall not exceed the amount for two (2) days' use by the horses in the assigned barn. All other hay and straw must be in a separate, approved outside storage area. Hay and straw piles shall not exceed twenty (20) bales (rectangular) per pile and shall not exceed seven (7) feet (two and thirteen-hundredths (2.13) meters) in height. Each pile must be separated by a distance of not less than fifty (50) feet (fifteen and twenty-four hundredths (15.24) meters). Hay and straw shall not be stored in aisle space or in aisles.
    318.3.7 Electrical systems and appliances.
    318.3.7.1 The use of any portable electrical appliance shall be as follows:
    (1) Multiple-outlet adapters are prohibited.
    (2) Not more than one (1) continuous extension cord shall be used to connect one (1) appliance to the fixed electrical receptacle, and such cord shall be listed for hard service and properly sized for the intended application.
    (3) Extension cords shall not be used as a substitute for permanent wiring.
    318.3.7.2 Extension cords shall not be supported by any metal object, such as a nail, screw, hook, or pipe.
    318.3.7.3 Plug caps and receptacles used in extension cords shall be heavy-duty type equipped with a reliable grounding pole and attached to the cord in a manner to provide strain relief.
    318.3.7.4 All electrical appliances used in the stable area shall be listed for the use.
    318.3.7.5 Outdoor electrical appliances, for example, mechanical hot walkers, served by the barn electrical system shall be installed in accordance with the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
    318.3.7.6 Portable cooking and heating appliances shall not be used in assigned barns.
    318.3.7.7 Use of exposed-element heating appliances is prohibited.
    318.3.7.8 The storage of flammable and combustible liquids, except those used for medicinal purposes, is prohibited.
    318.3.7.9 Vehicles shall not be permitted in assigned barns. Aisles shall be maintained clear of obstructions at all times, and access to fire equipment shall not be blocked.
    318.4 Animal evacuation.
    318.4.1 Every horse shall wear a halter at all times while inside the assigned barn.
    318.4.2 Horses shall be restricted to ground level stalls.
    318.4.3 An assigned barn escape plan shall be established for each stable building.
    318.4.4 The assigned barn escape plan shall be posted by each exit from the assigned barn, and a copy shall be given to all stall renters.
    318.4.5 A fire safety and evacuation drill shall be conducted quarterly for employees only.
    318.4.6 A predetermined location shall be designated for placement of horses when they are evacuated from the assigned barns.
    318.4.7 Racetrack management shall ensure that all employees are trained in the assigned barn escape plan.
    318.5 Where automatic sprinklers are installed, they shall be installed, tested, and maintained in accordance with the applicable rules of the commission.
    318.6 Fire extinguishers shall be provided in all assigned barns as follows:
    (1) Fire extinguishers shall have a minimum 2A rating.
    (2) Fire extinguishers shall be placed so that travel distance shall be not more than seventy-five (75) feet (twenty-two and eighty-six hundredths (22.86) meters) from any point within a building.
    (3) Fire extinguishers within twenty (20) feet (six and ninety-six thousandths (6.096) meters) of electrical control boxes shall have a Class C rating.
    (4) Fire extinguishers shall be installed, tested, and maintained in accordance with the applicable rules of the commission.
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 22-2.4-4; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:30 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070478FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; filed Oct 27, 2009, 2:39 p.m.: 20091125-IR-675090187FRA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)


    675 IAC 22-2.4-34 Chapter 33; explosives and fireworks

    Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

    Sec. 34. Chapter 33 is amended as follows:
    (1) Amend the title of this chapter by adding "Manufacturing and Storage of" before "fireworks".
    (2) Amend Section 3301.1 as follows:
    (A) Delete Exception 4 and substitute "Commercially manufactured black powder in quantities not to exceed fifty (50) pounds, percussion caps, safety and pyrotechnic fuses, quills, quick and slow matches, and friction primers, if the black powder is intended to be uses solely for sporting, recreational, or cultural purposes in antique firearms or antique devices."
    (B) Add an Exception 10 to read as follows: 10. The sale, possession, use, and handling of fireworks 1.3G (Special fireworks) as set forth in NFPA 1123 (675 IAC 28-1-39).
    (C) Add an Exception 11 to read as follows: 11. The sale, possession, or use of fireworks 1.4G (Class C common fireworks).
    (D) Add an Exception 12 to read as follows: 12. The sale, transfer, storage, possession, use and handling of pyrotechnics before a proximate audience as set forth in NFPA 1126 (675 IAC 22-2.2-26).
    (3) Amend Section 3301.1.1 as follows:
    (A) Delete ", sale, handling" without substitution.
    (B) Insert a second sentence "NFPA 495 is adopted by the Commission at 675 IAC 26-3 as part of the regulations for possession and usage of explosives for all uses except coal mining.".
    (4) Delete Section 3301.1.2 in its entirety without substitution.
    (5) Delete Section 3301.1.3 in its entirety without substitution.
    (6) Delete Section 3301.1.4 in its entirety without substitution.
    (7) Amend Section 3301.1.5 as follows:
    (A) Delete "NFPA 490 and" without substitution.
    (B) Insert "and 675 IAC 26-3" after Chapter 40.
    (C) Delete the exception without substitution.
    (8) Amend Section 3301.2 by deleting the text in its entirety and substituting "Permits shall be as required in IC 22-11-14, IC 22-14-4, 675 IAC 12-3 and 675 IAC 12-9-4.".
    (9) Amend Section 3301.2.1 by deleting the title and text in its entirety and substituting the following: Bond. See IC 22-14-4-2.
    (10) Delete Section 3301.2.2 in its entirety without substitution.
    (11) Delete Section 3301.2.3 in its entirety without substitution.
    (12) Delete Section 3301.2.4 in its entirety without substitution.
    (13) Delete Section 3301.2.4.1 in its entirety without substitution.
    (14) Delete Section 3301.2.4.2 in its entirety without substitution.
    (15) Delete Section 3301.3 in its entirety without substitution.
    (16) Amend Section 3301.4 as follows:
    (A) Delete "blasting," without substitution.
    (B) Insert a new sentence "Persons in charge of blasting shall comply with IC 35-47.5-4-4.5.".
    (17) Delete Section 3301.5 in its entirety without substitution.
    (18) Amend Section 3301.6 by deleting "48 hours in advance, not including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays," and substituting "immediately".
    (19) Delete Section 3301.7 in its entirety without substitution.
    (20) Amend Section 3301.8.1.1 by deleting "3304.5.2(2)" and substituting "3304.5.2(1)".
    (21) Amend Section 3301.8.1.2 by deleting "3304.5.2(3)" and substituting "3304.5.2(2)" in numbers 1 and 2.
    (22) Amend Table 3301.8.1(1), in Column 2 ("Magazine"), Column 6 ("Operating ("Inhabited Building"), and Column 8 ("Public Traffic Route"), Rows 2, 3, 4, and 5, by deleting "3304.5.2(2)" and substituting "3304.5.2(1)".
    (23) Amend Table 3301.8.1(2), in Column 2 ("Magazine"), Column 6 ("Inhabited Building"), and Column 8 ("Public Traffic Route"), Rows 2, 3, 4, and 5, by deleting "3304.5.2(3)" and substituting "3304.5.2(2)".
    (24) Amend Table 3301.8.1(3), in Column 2 ("Magazine"), Column 4 ("Operating Building"), Column 6 ("Inhabited Building"), and Column 8 ("Public Traffic Route"), Rows 2, 3, 4, and 5, by deleting "3304.5.2(4)" and substituting "3304.5.2(3)".
    (25) Amend Section 3301.8.1.3 as follows:
    (A) In number 1, delete "3304.5.2(3) or" without substitution.
    (B) In number 2, delete "3304.5.2(2)" and substitute "3304.5.2(1)".
    (C) In number 2, delete "3304.5.2(3)" and substitute "3304.5.2(2)".
    (D) In number 3, delete "3304.5.2(2)" and substitute "3304.5.2(1)".
    (E) In number 4, delete "3304.5.2(2)" and substitute "3304.5.2(1)".
    (F) In number 4, delete "3304.5.2(3)" and substitute "3304.5.2(2).
    (26) Amend Section 3302, Definitions, as follows:
    (A) Amend Blast Area by deleting the text in its entirety and substituting "See 675 IAC 26-3-1".
    (B) Amend Blaster by deleting the text in its entirety and substituting "See 675 IAC 26-3-1(e)".
    (C) Add the following definition for Blasting Cap: BLASTING CAP. A blasting cap is a shell closed at one (1) end and containing a charge of a detonating compound which is ignited by a safety fuse. It is used for detonating explosives.
    (D) Amend Bullet Resistant by adding the following after the last sentence: Magazines that are required to be bullet resistant shall be constructed using a method described in items (1) through (20) below. Steel and wood dimensions indicated are actual thicknesses. Concrete block and brick dimensions indicated are the manufacturer's represented thicknesses.
    1. Exterior of five-eighths (5/8) inch (fifteen and nine-tenths (15.9) mm) steel, lined with an interior of any type of nonsparking material.
    2. Exterior of one-half (1/2) inch (twelve and seven-tenths (12.7) mm) steel, lined with an interior of not less than three-eighths (3/8) inch (nine and five-tenths (9.5) mm) plywood.
    3. Exterior of three-eighths (3/8) inch (nine and five-tenths (9.5) mm) steel, lined with an interior of two (2) inches (fifty and eight-tenths (50.8) mm) of hardwood.
    4. Exterior of three-eighths (3/8) inch (nine and five-tenths (9.5) mm) steel, lined with an interior of three (3) inches (seventy-six and two-tenths (76.2) mm) of softwood or two and one-fourth (2 1/4) inches (fifty-seven and two-tenths (57.2) mm) of plywood.
    5. Exterior of one-fourth (1/4) inch (six and four-tenths (6.4) mm) steel, lined with an interior of three (3) inches (seventy-six and two-tenths (76.2) mm) of hardwood.
    6. Exterior of one-fourth (1/4) inch (six and four-tenths (6.4) mm) steel, lined with an interior of five (5) inches (one hundred twenty-seven (127) mm) of softwood or five and one-fourth (5 1/4) inches (one hundred thirty-three and four-tenths (133.4) mm) of plywood.
    7. Exterior of one-fourth (1/4) inch (six and four-tenths (6.4) mm) steel, lined with an intermediate layer of two (2) inches (fifty and eight-tenths (50.8) mm) of hardwood, and an interior lining of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches (thirty-eight and one-tenth (38.1) mm) of plywood.
    8. Exterior of three-sixteenths (3/16) inch (four and eight-tenths (4.8) mm) steel, lined with an interior of four (4) inches (one hundred one and six-tenths (101.6) mm) of hardwood.
    9. Exterior of three-sixteenths (3/16) inch (four and eight-tenths (4.8) mm) steel, lined with an interior of seven (7) inches (one hundred seventy-seven and eight-tenths (177.8) mm) of softwood or six and three-fourths (6 3/4) inches (one hundred seventy one and four-tenths (171.4) mm) of plywood.
    10. Exterior of three-sixteenths (3/16) inch (four and eight-tenths (4.8) mm) steel, lined with an intermediate layer of three (3) inches (seventy-six and two-tenths (76.2) mm) of hardwood, and an interior lining of three-fourths (3/4) inch (nineteen and one-tenth (19.1) mm) of plywood.
    11. Exterior of one-eight (1/8) inch (three and two-tenths (3.2) mm) steel, lined with an interior of five (5) inches (one hundred twenty-seven (127) mm) of hardwood.
    12. Exterior of one-eighth (1/8) inch (three and two-tenths (3.2) mm) steel, lined with an interior of nine (9) inches (two hundred twenty-eight and six-tenths (228.6) mm) of softwood.
    13. Exterior of one-eighth (1/8) inch (three and two-tenths (3.2) mm) steel, lined with an intermediate layer of four (4) inches (one hundred one and six-tenths (101.6) mm) of hardwood, and an interior lining of three-fourths (3/4) inch (nineteen and one-tenth (19.1) mm) plywood.
    14. Exterior of any type of fire resistant material which is structurally sound, lined with an intermediate layer of four (4) inches (one hundred one and six-tenths (101.6) mm) of solid concrete block or four (4) inches (one hundred one and six-tenths (101.6) mm) of solid brick or four (4) inches (one hundred one and six-tenths (101.6) mm) of solid concrete, and an interior lining of one-half (1/2) inch (twelve and seven-tenths (12.7) mm) plywood placed securely against the masonry lining.
    15. Standard eight (8) inch (two hundred three and two-tenths (203.2) mm) concrete block with voids filled with a well-tamped sand/cement mixture.
    16. Standard eight (8) inch (two hundred three and two-tenths (203.2) mm) solid brick.
    17. Exterior of any type of fire resistant material which is structurally sound, lined with an intermediate six (6) inch (one hundred fifty-two and four-tenths (152.4) mm) space filled with well-tamped dry sand or a well-tamped sand/cement mixture.
    18. Exterior of one-eighth (1/8) inch (three and two-tenths (3.2) mm) steel, lined with a first intermediate layer of three-fourths (3/4) inch (nineteen and one-tenth (19.1) mm) plywood, a second intermediate layer of three and five-eighths (3 5/8) inches (ninety-two and one-tenth (92.1) mm) of a well-tamped dry sand or sand/cement mixture, and an interior lining of three-fourths (3/4) inch (nineteen and one-tenth (19.1) mm) plywood.
    19. Exterior of any type of fire resistant material, lined with a first intermediate layer of three-fourths (3/4) inch (nineteen and one-tenth (19.1) mm) plywood, a second intermediate layer of three and five-eighths (3 5/8) inches (ninety-two and one-tenth (92.1) mm) of a well-tamped dry sand or sand/cement mixture, a third intermediate layer of three-fourths (3/4) inch (nineteen and one-tenth (19.1) mm) plywood, and a fourth intermediate layer of two (2) inches (fifty and eight-tenths (50.8) mm) of hardwood or not less than sixty-eight thousandths (0.068) inch (one and seven-tenths (1.7) mm) of steel, and an interior lining of three-fourths (3/4) inch (nineteen and one-tenth (19.1) mm) plywood.
    20. Eight (8) inch thick (two hundred three and two-tenths (203.2) mm) solid concrete. Methods of construction other than those specified above are acceptable as bullet resistant construction when tested as described below as follows:
    (A) Tests to determine bullet resistance shall be conducted on test panels or empty magazines that shall resist five (5) out of five (5) shots placed independently of each other in an area three (3) feet by three (3) feet (nine hundred fourteen and four-tenths (914.4) mm by nine hundred fourteen and four-tenths (914.4) mm).
    (B) For ceilings and roofs, the bullet shall be fired at an angle of forty-five (45) degrees from the perpendicular.
    (C) For walls and doors, the bullet shall be fired perpendicular to the wall or door.
    (E) Add the following definition for Deflagration: DEFLAGRATION. Deflagration is an exothermic reaction, such as the extremely rapid oxidation of a combustible dust or flammable vapor in air, in which the reaction progresses through the unburned material at a rate less than the velocity of sound. A deflagration can have an explosive effect.
    (F) Amend Discharge Site by deleting the text and inserting "See 675 IAC 28-1-39".
    (G) Add Display as follows: DISPLAY. See 675 IAC 28-1-39.
    (H) Amend Display Site by deleting the text and inserting "See 675 IAC 28-1-39".
    (I) Add the following definition for DOT: DOT. DOT is the United States Department of Transportation.
    (J) Add the following definition for Electric Blasting Cap: ELECTRIC BLASTING CAP. An electric blasting cap is a detonator that consists of a shell closed at one (1) end. The other end contains electric wires that have been sealed into the shell. It contains a charge of detonating compound that is ignited or initiated by applying electric current to the wires protruding from the detonator.
    (K) Amend Explosive by deleting "The term 'explosive' includes any material determined to be within the scope of USC Title 18: Chapter 40 and also includes any material classified as an explosive other than consumer fireworks, 1.4G (Class C, Common) by the hazardous materials regulations of DOTn 49 CFR" and inserting "The term 'explosive' includes regulated explosives as defined in IC 35-47.5-3-1.".
    (L) Amend Explosive Material by deleting the text and inserting "See 675 IAC 26-3-1.".
    (M) Amend Fallout Area by deleting the text and inserting "See 675 IAC 28-1-39.".
    (N) Add the following definition for Fire Resistant: FIRE RESISTANT. Fire resistant refers to the construction designed to provide reasonable protection against fire. For exterior walls of magazines constructed of wood, this shall mean fire resistance equivalency provided by sheet metal of not less than one hundred seventy-nine ten thousandths (0.0179) inch (forty-five hundredths (0.45) mm) (twenty-six (26) manufacturer's standard gage).
    (O) Amend Fireworks by deleting the text and inserting "See IC 22-11-14-1.".
    (P) Amend Fireworks Display by deleting the text and inserting "See 675 IAC 28-1-39.".
    (Q) Add the following definition for Hardwood: HARDWOOD. Hardwood refers to types of wood, such as red oak, white oak, hard maple, ash, or hickory, each of which is free from knots, wind shakes, or similar defects.
    (R) Add the following definition for Intraplant Distance: INTRAPLANT DISTANCE. Intraplant distance refers to the minimum distance permitted between two (2) buildings on an explosives manufacturing site, when at least one (1) of the buildings contains or is designed to contain explosives.
    (S) Amend Magazine by deleting the text after the first sentence and inserting the following: INDOOR. An indoor magazine is a portable structure, such as a box, bin, or other container. Indoor magazines shall be fire resistant and theft resistant. Indoor magazines constructed of wood shall have sides, bottoms, and lids or doors constructed of two (2) inch (fifty and eight-tenths (50.8) mm) wood and shall be well braced at corners. The magazines shall be covered on the exterior with steel not less than sixteen-thousandths (0.016) inch (forty-one hundredths (0.41) mm) (twenty-six (26) gage) thick. Indoor magazines constructed of metal shall have sides, bottoms, and lids or doors constructed of not less than ninety-seven thousandths (0.097) inch (two and five-tenths (2.5) mm) (twelve (12) gage) steel and shall be lined with a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch (twelve and seven-tenths (12.7) mm) of nonsparking material.
    Exception: Type 5 indoor magazines used for the storage of blasting agents need not be fire resistant.
    Indoor magazines need not be bullet resistant or weather resistant if the buildings in which they are stored provide protection from the weather and bullet penetration. Hinges and hasps shall be attached to doors or lids by welding, riveting, or bolting with nuts on the inside so that doors or lids cannot be removed when closed and locked. Each magazine shall be equipped with a steel padlock, which need not be protected by a steel hood, having at least five (5) tumblers with a case-hardened shackle of at least three-eighths (3/8) inch (nine and five-tenths (9.5) mm) diameter.
    Indoor magazines shall have substantial wheels or casters to facilitate removal from a building in case of emergency.
    The least horizontal dimension shall not exceed the clear width of the entrance door. Magazines shall be painted red, and the lid or door shall bear in conspicuous white lettering, at least three (3) inches (seventy-six and two-tenths (76.2) mm) high, EXPLOSIVES–KEEP FIRE AWAY. The indoor storage of high explosives shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds (twenty-two and seven-tenths (22.7) kg). Detonators shall be stored in a separate magazine from other explosive materials, and the total number of detonators stored shall not exceed five thousand (5,000). Indoor magazines containing blasting agents in excess of fifty (50) pounds (twenty-two and seven-tenths (22.7) kg) shall be located in accordance with Table 3304.5.2(1). See also Section 3304.5.
    TYPE 1 MAGAZINES. A Type 1 magazine is a permanent structure, such as a building or igloo, that is bullet resistant, fire resistant, theft resistant, weather resistant, and ventilated. Floors shall be constructed of wood or other suitable nonsparking materials. Foundations shall be constructed of brick, concrete, cement block, stone, or wood posts. If piers or posts are used in lieu of a continuous foundation, the space under the buildings shall be enclosed with fire resistant materials.
    Where it is possible for a bullet to be fired directly through the roof and into the magazine at such an angle that the bullet could strike the explosives within, the magazine roof shall be bullet resistant or shall be protected by one (1) of the following methods:
    1. A sand tray having a depth of four (4) inches (one hundred one and six-tenths (101.6) mm) of sand and located at the top of the inner walls covering the entire ceiling area, except that portion necessary for ventilation.
    2. Either not less than thirty-three thousandths (0.033) inch (eighty-four hundredths (0.84) mm) (twenty (20) gage) steel with four (4) inches (one hundred one and six-tenths (101.6) mm) of hardwood or not less than forty-three thousandths (0.043) inch (one and one-tenth (1.1) mm) (eighteen (18) gage) aluminum with seven (7) inches (one hundred seventy-seven and eight-tenths (177.8) mm) of hardwood. Doors shall be bullet resistant. Hinges and hasps shall be attached to the doors by welding, riveting, or bolting with nuts on the inside of the door. Hinges and hasps shall be installed in such a manner that they cannot be removed when the doors are closed and locked.
    Each door shall be equipped with two (2) mortise locks, two (2) padlocks fastened in separate hasps and staples, a combination of a mortise lock and a padlock, a mortise lock that requires two (2) keys to open, or a three-point or equivalent-type lock that secures the door to the frame at more than one (1) point. Padlocks shall be steel having at least five (5) tumblers and at least a three-eighths (3/8) inch (nine and five-tenths (9.5) mm) diameter case-hardened shackle. Padlocks shall be protected by not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch (six and four-tenths (6.4) mm) steel hoods constructed in a manner which prevents sawing or lever action on the locks, hasps, and staples.
    Exception: Magazine doors that are secured on the inside by means of a bolt, lock, or bar that cannot be actuated from the outside.
    Ventilation shall be provided to prevent dampness and heating of stored explosive materials. Ventilation openings shall be screened to prevent the entrance of sparks. Ventilation openings in side walls and foundations shall be offset or shielded for bullet resistant purposes. Magazines having foundation and roof ventilators with the air circulating between the side walls and the floors and between the side walls and the ceiling shall have a wooden lattice or equivalent to prevent the packages of explosive materials from being stacked against the side walls and blocking the air circulation.
    Sparking material shall not be exposed to contact with the stored explosive materials. Ferrous metal nails in the floor and side walls, which could be exposed to contact with explosive materials, shall be blind nailed, countersunk, or covered with a nonsparking latticework or other nonsparking material. See also Section 3304.5.
    TYPE 2 MAGAZINES. A Type 2 magazine shall be a box, trailer, semitrailer, or other mobile facility. A Type 2 magazine shall be bullet resistant, fire resistant, weather resistant, theft resistant, and ventilated. Walls, ceiling and roof construction, hinges, hasps, locks, ventilation, and interior construction shall be constructed as required for Type 1 magazines. Type 2 magazines shall be supported to prevent the floor from having direct contact with the ground.
    Magazines less than one (1) cubic yard (seventy-six hundredths (0.76) m3) in size shall be fastened to a fixed object to prevent theft of the entire magazine. Vehicular magazines shall be immobilized by removing the wheels, locking with a kingpin locking device, or other approved methods.
    TYPE 3 MAGAZINES. A Type 3 magazine shall be a "day box" or other portable magazine. Type 3 magazines shall be theft resistant, fire resistant, and weather resistant. Type 3 magazines shall be constructed of not less than ninety-seven thousandths (0.097) inch (two and five-tenths (2.5) mm) (twelve (12) gage) steel lined with at least one-half (1/2) inch (twelve and seven-tenths (12.7) mm) plywood or masonite. Doors shall overlap sides by at least one (1) inch (twenty-five and four-tenths (25.4) mm). Hinges and hasps shall be attached by welding, riveting, or bolting with nuts on the inside. Type 3 magazines shall have one (1) steel padlock having at least five (5) tumblers and a case-hardened shackle of at least three-eighths (3/8) inch (nine and five-tenths (9.5) mm) diameter. Explosive materials shall not be left unattended in a Type 3 magazine. When Type 3 magazines will be left unattended, explosive materials shall first be moved to a Type 1 or 2 magazine.
    TYPE 4 MAGAZINES. A Type 4 magazine shall be a permanent, portable, or mobile structure, such as a building, igloo, box, semitrailer, or other mobile container, that shall be fire resistant, theft resistant, and weather resistant. Outdoor magazines shall be constructed of masonry, metal-covered wood, fabricated metal, or a combination of these materials. Doors shall be metal or solid wood covered with metal. Permanent magazines shall be constructed as required for Type 1 magazines with respect to foundations, floors, ventilation, and locking devices. Vehicular magazines shall be immobilized when unattended as required for Type 2 magazines.
    TYPE 5 MAGAZINES. A Type 5 magazine shall be a building, igloo, box, bin, tank, semitrailer, bulk-trailer, tank trailer, bulk truck, tank truck, or other mobile container. Outdoor Type 5 magazines shall be weather resistant and theft resistant. Construction shall be of wood, wood covered with metal, masonry, fabricated metal, or a combination of these materials. Doors shall be metal or solid wood. Permanent Type 5 magazines shall be constructed as required for Type 1 magazines with respect to foundations, floors, ventilation, and locking devices. Vehicular magazines shall be immobilized when unattended, as required for Type 2 vehicular magazines. Over-the-road trucks and semitrailers used for temporary storage shall have each door locked with one (1) steel padlock having at least five (5) tumblers and a casehardened shackle of at least three-eighths (3/8) inch (nine and five-tenths (9.5) mm) diameter. The door hinges and lock hasp shall be securely fastened to the magazine and the door frame.
    Exception: Magazine doors that are adequately secured on the inside by means of a bolt, lock, or bar that cannot be actuated from the outside. Type 5 storage magazines in trailers shall display BLASTING AGENT placards on the trailer when any quantity of blasting agents is contained therein.
    (T) Delete the text of the definition of Mortar and substitute "See 675 IAC 28-1-39.".
    (U) Add the following definition for Percussion Cap: PERCUSSION CAP. A percussion cap is a device used to ignite the powder charge of small arms ammunition.
    (V) Add the following definition for Plywood: PLYWOOD. Plywood refers to a type of wood product with a grade of A-C exterior grade plywood.
    (W) Delete the text of the definition of proximate audience and substitute "See 675 IAC 22-2.2-26.".
    (X) Amend Pyrotechnic Composition by deleting the text and inserting "See IC 22-11-14-1.".
    (Y) PYROTECHNIC SPECIAL EFFECT see 675 IAC 22-2.2-26.
    (Z) Amend Pyrotechnic Special Effect Material by deleting the text and inserting "See 675 IAC 22-2.2-26.".
    (AA) Add the following definition for Qualified Person: QUALIFIED PERSON. A person having successfully completed a course of instruction related to the equipment being installed, serviced, or repaired. Such instruction shall be provided by the manufacturer of the equipment or their authorized representative.
    (BB) Add the following definition for Safety Cap: SAFETY CAP. See 675 IAC 28-1-39.
    (CC) Add the following definition for Softwood: SOFTWOOD. Softwood refers to types of wood, such as douglas fir, pine, or other softwood of equal bullet-resistance, free from loose knots, wind shakes, or similar defects.
    (DD) Add the following definition for Steel: STEEL. Steel refers to a type of metal, such as general purpose, hot- or cold-rolled, low carbon steel.
    (EE) Add the following definition for Temporary Storage: TEMPORARY STORAGE. See 675 IAC 22-2.2-26.
    (27) Amend Section 3303.5 by deleting "pyrotechnic display operator or" and "all aerial shells that fail to fire or" without substitution.
    (28) Amend Section 3303.6 by deleting "DOL 29 CFR, Part 1810.1200, and" without substitution.
    (29) Amend Section 3304.2 as follows:
    (A) Delete "or NFPA 1124" without substitution.
    (B) Insert, after NFPA 495, "as adopted by the commission at 675 IAC 26-3".
    (C) Delete Exception 2 without substitution.
    (D) Delete "Exceptions" and insert "Exception".
    (E) Delete the number (1.) for the first exception.
    (F) Insert, after NFPA 1123, "as adopted at 675 IAC 28-1-39".
    (G) Delete "NFPA 1126" without substitution.
    (30) Amend Table 3304.5.2(1), in the row, Pounds over 500/Pounds not over 600, Column 3, by deleting "240" and inserting "340".
    (31) Amend Section 3304.5.3.1 by deleting "Wherever practicable," without substitution.
    (32) Amend Section 3304.6.2 by deleting "as prescribed in NFPA 495" without substitution.
    (33) Amend Section 3304.6.3 by deleting ", except as provided in NFPA 495" without substitution.
    (34) Amend Section 3304.6.5.2 as follows:
    (A) Delete "as required" without substitution.
    (B) Delete "by DOTn 49 CFR, Part 172 and DOTy 27 CFR, Part 55" without substitution.
    (35) Amend Section 3304.7.1 by inserting "as adopted by the Commission at 675 IAC 26-3" after NFPA 495.
    (36) Delete Section 3304.10.1 in its entirety without substitution.
    (37) Amend Section 3304.10.5 as follows:
    (A) Delete "practicable" without substitution.
    (B) Delete "When possible," without substitution.
    (C) Delete "barricades" and insert "Barricades".
    (D) Delete "adequate" and substitute "approved".
    (38) Amend Section 3305.1 as follows:
    (A) Insert "as adopted by the Commission at 675 IAC 26-3" after "NFPA 495".
    (B) Delete "and NFPA 1124" without substitution.
    (C) Add "as adopted by the Commission at 675 IAC 26-3" in Exception 2 after "495".
    (D) Add "as adopted by the Commission at 675 IAC 22-2.2-26" in Exception 3 after "1126".
    (39) Amend Section 3305.2 to insert "and" before 406 and delete "and 407" at the end of the sentence.
    (40) Delete Section 3305.2.1 in its entirety without substitution.
    (41) Delete Section 3305.2.2 in its entirety without substitution.
    (42) Amend Section 3305.3 as follows:
    (A) Delete the exception in its entirety without substitution.
    (B) Delete "a suitable" and substitute "an approved" in the third sentence.
    (C) Delete "adequate" and substitute "approved" in the third sentence.
    (D) Delete the last paragraph without substitution.
    (43) Amend Section 3305.4 by deleting the exception in its entirety without substitution.
    (44) Amend Section 3305.5 by deleting the exception in its entirety without substitution.
    (45) Amend Section 3305.5.3 as follows:
    (A) Delete "Where necessary," without substitution.
    (B) Delete "the operator" and insert "The operator".
    (46) Amend Section 3305.6.1 by deleting "warrants" and substituting "creates a significant fire or explosion hazard".
    (47) Amend Section 3305.6.4.1 by deleting "appropriate" and substituting "approved".
    (48) Amend Section 3305.6.8 by deleting the exception in its entirety without substitution.
    (49) Amend Section 3305.8 by deleting "only in isolated areas where distance, protection from missiles, shrapnel or fly rock, and other safeguards provides protection against injury to personnel or damage to property" and substituting "in accordance with 675 IAC 26-3".
    (50) Amend Section 3306.1 as follows:
    (A) Add "as adopted by the Commission at 675 IAC 26-3" after "NFPA 495".
    (B) Add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Section 3306 does not apply to the hand loading of small arms ammunition prepared for personal use and not for resale.
    (51) Amend Section 3306.3 by deleting "conforming to DOTn 49 CFR, Part 173" without substitution.
    (52) Amend Section 3306.3.2 by deleting the exception in its entirety without substitution.
    (53) Delete Section 3306.4 in its entirety without substitution.
    (54) Delete Section 3306.4.1 in its entirety without substitution.
    (55) Delete Section 3306.4.2 in its entirety without substitution.
    (56) Amend Section 3306.5.2.3 by deleting number 1 and substituting "Quantities not to exceed 750,000 small arms primers stored in a building shall be arranged such that not more than 100,000 small arms primers are stored in any one pile and piles are at least 15 feet (4,572 mm) apart.".
    (57) Amend Section 3307 by deleting the text in its entirety and substituting "See 675 IAC 26-3.".
    (58) Amend Section 3308 by deleting the text in its entirety and substituting "See 675 IAC 28-1-39.".
    (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 22-2.4-34; filed Mar 18, 2008, 2:30 p.m.: 20080423-IR-675070478FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher; errata filed Jul 9, 2008, 12:34 p.m.: 20080723-IR-675070478ACA; filed Oct 27, 2009, 2:39 p.m.: 20091125-IR-675090187FRA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA)

    SECTION 14. THE FOLLOWING ARE REPEALED: 675 IAC 23-1-1; 675 IAC 23-1-2; 675 IAC 23-1-3; 675 IAC 23-1-4; 675 IAC 23-1-5; 675 IAC 23-1-6; 675 IAC 23-1-7; 675 IAC 23-1-8; 675 IAC 23-1-9; 675 IAC 23-1-10; 675 IAC 23-1-12; 675 IAC 23-1-13; 675 IAC 23-1-14; 675 IAC 23-1-15; 675 IAC 23-1-16; 675 IAC 23-1-17; 675 IAC 23-1-18; 675 IAC 23-1-19; 675 IAC 23-1-21; 675 IAC 23-1-22; 675 IAC 23-1-23; 675 IAC 23-1-24; 675 IAC 23-1-25; 675 IAC 23-1-26; 675 IAC 23-1-27; 675 IAC 23-1-28; 675 IAC 23-1-29; 675 IAC 23-1-30; 675 IAC 23-1-31; 675 IAC 23-1-32; 675 IAC 23-1-33; 675 IAC 23-1-34; 675 IAC 23-1-35; 675 IAC 23-1-36; 675 IAC 23-1-37; 675 IAC 23-1-38; 675 IAC 23-1-39; 675 IAC 23-1-40; 675 IAC 23-1-41; 675 IAC 23-1-42; 675 IAC 23-1-43; 675 IAC 23-1-44; 675 IAC 23-1-45; 675 IAC 23-1-46; 675 IAC 23-1-47; 675 IAC 23-1-48; 675 IAC 23-1-49; 675 IAC 23-1-50; 675 IAC 23-1-51; 675 IAC 23-1-52; 675 IAC 23-1-53; 675 IAC 23-1-54; 675 IAC 23-1-55; 675 IAC 23-1-56; 675 IAC 23-1-57; 675 IAC 23-1-58; 675 IAC 23-1-59; 675 IAC 23-1-60; 675 IAC 23-1-61; 675 IAC 23-1-64; 675 IAC 23-2-1; 675 IAC 23-2-2; 675 IAC 23-2-3; 675 IAC 23-2-4; 675 IAC 23-2-5; 675 IAC 23-2-6; 675 IAC 23-2-7; 675 IAC 23-2-8; 675 IAC 23-2-9; 675 IAC 23-2-10; 675 IAC 23-2-11; 675 IAC 23-2-12; 675 IAC 23-2-13; 675 IAC 23-2-14.

    LSA Document #10-251(F)
    Notice of Intent: 20100505-IR-675100251NIA
    Proposed Rule: 20100728-IR-675100251PRA
    Hearing Held: September 9, 2010
    Approved by Attorney General: November 18, 2010
    Approved by Governor: November 24, 2010
    Filed with Publisher: November 24, 2010, 3:21 p.m.
    Documents Incorporated by Reference: None Received by Publisher
    Small Business Regulatory Coordinator: Mara Snyder, Legal and Code Services, Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Room W246, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, (317) 233-5341, msnyder@dhs.in.gov

    Posted: 12/22/2010 by Legislative Services Agency

    DIN: 20101222-IR-675100251FRA
    Composed: Nov 01,2016 1:03:54AM EDT
    A PDF version of this document.