Section 865IAC1-12-13. Retracement and original survey plats  

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  •    (a) When conducting a retracement or original survey, a registered land surveyor shall furnish the client with the surveyor's report and a copy of the plat of survey of the premises drawn to an appropriate scale in such a manner that the data shown will be clearly legible when the plat is reduced to sheets suitable for recording in the county in which the survey was conducted.

      (b) The plat of survey, together with the accompanying surveyor's report, shall show or otherwise contain the following information at a minimum:

    (1) The:

    (A) client's name;

    (B) date of the last fieldwork;

    (C) surveyor's file number; and

    (D) the:

    (i) name;

    (ii) address;

    (iii) signature; and

    (iv) registration number;

    of the surveyor responsible for the work.

    (2) For retracement surveys:

    (A) the record document description or recording information of the parcel surveyed; and

    (B) any new, modified, or consolidation description with an explanation in the surveyor's report as to why the new description was prepared, together with a statement regarding the location of the new description relative to the record description.

    For original surveys, a metes and bounds description with appropriate controlling calls and calling for and accurately describing controlling physical monuments, marked in accordance with section 18 of this rule, except, however, that a metes and bounds description is not required for individual, platted subdivision lots.

    (3) North arrow, area, and scale, including a graphic scale.

    (4) Angles or bearings. When bearings are shown, their basis shall be indicated.

    (5) All pertinent dimensions. On dimensions other than those measured, sufficient notations shall be used to identify their source, such as the following:

    (A) Recorded measurement (Rec).

    (B) Calculated from record values (Calc. Rec.).

    (6) All pertinent monuments, with a notation indicating which were found and which were set, including those required to be set by section 18 of this rule, identified as to:

    (A) their character;

    (B) their size;

    (C) their location including their location relative to the surface of the ground; and

    (D) whether or not they were held as control on the survey.

    Found monuments shall be accompanied by a reference to their origin when it is known. Where there is no available documented origin, it shall be so noted on the plat.

    (7) The location of all monuments and physical evidence of possession on or beyond the surveyed premises on which establishment of the corners of the surveyed premises are dependent. This includes monuments on all controlling corners or lines appropriate to the description of the tract being surveyed, but in no case shall the survey show fewer than two (2) monumented corners regardless of the description of the tract. The Indiana state plane coordinate system may be used as the basis for a survey in accordance with IC 32-19; however, such use does not relieve the registered land surveyor of applying proper theory of location.

    (8) Any physical evidence of possession appurtenant to either the surveyed premises or the adjoining property that is on, near, or across any exterior boundary of the premises. Show the location of such evidence by the distance to such boundary. Show any setback or easement line on the premises that may have been a factor in the location of a boundary line. Failure to show any such evidence will be taken to indicate that there was none.

    (9) Any:

    (A) lakes;

    (B) streams;

    (C) known regulated drains; or

    (D) regulated drain rights-of-way;

    on or within seventy-five (75) feet of the surveyed premises. A detailed location, based on applicable statutes and rules, is required when a boundary or easement is determined thereby.

    (10) Any evidence of use of the surveyed premises by others.

    (11) Adjoining parcels identified by title description or record reference. Contiguity, gaps, and overlaps with adjoining parcels shall be clearly shown and dimensioned. Show only the portion of adjoining tracts relevant to the location of the surveyed tract. Gaps and overlaps interior to the surveyed parcel shall be depicted but must be dimensioned only if the client requests.

    (12) Any easements or setback lines affecting the survey that were created by a subdivision plat.

    (13) Any other easements or setback lines affecting the survey, as required and when documentation is furnished by the client.

    (14) If requested by the client, show zoning ordinance classification references. Any zoning use certifications shall be limited to those facts that can be counted or measured.

    (15) The following:

    (A) Sufficient data to clearly indicate the theory of location applied in finalizing the locations of the corners.

    (B) Any data at variance with this theory of location.

    (C) Sufficient data to allow the retracement without difficulty of all pertinent lines and corners shown on the plat.

    Detail that cannot be legibly depicted on the survey plat shall be otherwise explained in the surveyor's report.

    (16) A certificate stating that the survey was performed wholly or in part (state which part) by or under the direction of the registered land surveyor, and to the best of the registered land surveyor's knowledge and belief was executed according to survey requirements in this rule. This certificate shall bear the:

    (A) signature;

    (B) registration number; and

    (C) seal;

    of the registered land surveyor and date of the certificate.

    (17) If necessary to define the location, a vicinity map shall be provided.

      (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of this rule, except for section 18 of this rule, any new subdivision plat may show only the information required by the applicable subdivision control ordinance or other regulation.

      (d) Any new subdivision plat recorded must be cross-referenced to a previously recorded survey, which conforms to this rule, of the tract that contains it.

      (e) The certificate for a new subdivision must state that there has been no change from the matters of survey revealed by the cross-referenced survey, or any prior subdivision plats contained therein, on any lines that are common with the new subdivision. A new survey, which conforms to this rule, must be executed and recorded if there have been changes in matters of survey from those revealed by the prior recorded survey or any subdivision plats therein on any lines common with a new subdivision. (State Board of Registration for Professional Surveyors; 865 IAC 1-12-13; filed Jun 21, 1988, 4:05 p.m.: 11 IR 3913; filed Jul 17, 1991, 4:30 p.m.: 14 IR 2246; filed Oct 13, 1992, 5:00 p.m.: 16 IR 889; readopted filed May 22, 2001, 9:55 a.m.: 24 IR 3237; filed Jan 26, 2004, 11:00 a.m.: 27 IR 1887; filed May 4, 2006, 1:25 p.m.: 29 IR 3012; readopted filed Nov 9, 2012, 11:26 a.m.: 20121205-IR-865120390RFA) NOTE: 864 IAC 1.1-13-13 was renumbered by Legislative Services Agency as 865 IAC 1-12-13.