Section 856IAC7-3-3. Management of vendor relationships  

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  •    (a) Entities that run a take back program must maintain a documented contract that provides for the roles and responsibilities of each party performing services related to transportation, destruction, and security, and that is available for review by the board. This section does not require that the contract or services be approved by the board and does not require a contract where the entity is eligible to perform this services [sic] independent of a third party vendor.

      (b) The ultimate responsibility for management of the vendor relationship falls to the licensed entity that is running the take back program. Any issues of liability, indemnification, or responsibility on the vendor's part should be addressed in the contractual relationship. (Indiana Board of Pharmacy; 856 IAC 7-3-3; filed Sep 18, 2012, 2:22 p.m.: 20121017-IR-856120414FRA)