Rule 804IAC1.1-7. Training and Experience Requirements for Architect Registration  

Section 804IAC1.1-7-1. Scope of rule
Section 804IAC1.1-7-2. "Intern" defined
Section 804IAC1.1-7-3. "Office of a registered architect" defined
Section 804IAC1.1-7-4. "Organization engaged in construction" defined
Section 804IAC1.1-7-5. "Principal" defined
Section 804IAC1.1-7-6. "Registered architect" defined
Section 804IAC1.1-7-7. Completion of training and experience
Section 804IAC1.1-7-8. Training and experience descriptions
Section 804IAC1.1-7-9. Experience and training categories and areas; required value units
Section 804IAC1.1-7-10. Scope of sections 11 through 20 of this rule; specific requirements for obtaining value units
Section 804IAC1.1-7-11. Value units; full-time and part-time work
Section 804IAC1.1-7-12. Value units; education required before earning
Section 804IAC1.1-7-13. Value units; education credits do not qualify
Section 804IAC1.1-7-14. Value units; post-professional degrees qualify
Section 804IAC1.1-7-15. Value units; supplementary education
Section 804IAC1.1-7-16. Post-professional degrees; supplementary education; maximum value units
Section 804IAC1.1-7-17. Experience; limitation of acquisitions
Section 804IAC1.1-7-18. Experience as an employee in architect's office; minimum requirements after graduation
Section 804IAC1.1-7-19. Foreign training and experience
Section 804IAC1.1-7-20. Board evaluation of training; substantiation
Section 804IAC1.1-7-21. Scope of sections 22 through 36 of this rule; detail of qualifying categories and areas
Section 804IAC1.1-7-22. Programming; client contact
Section 804IAC1.1-7-23. Site and environmental analysis
Section 804IAC1.1-7-24. Schematic design
Section 804IAC1.1-7-24.1. Engineering systems coordination
Section 804IAC1.1-7-25. Building cost analysis
Section 804IAC1.1-7-26. Code research
Section 804IAC1.1-7-27. Design development
Section 804IAC1.1-7-28. Construction documents
Section 804IAC1.1-7-29. Specifications and material research
Section 804IAC1.1-7-30. Documents checking and coordination
Section 804IAC1.1-7-31. Bidding and contract negotiation
Section 804IAC1.1-7-32. Construction phase; office
Section 804IAC1.1-7-33. Construction phase; observation
Section 804IAC1.1-7-33.1. Project management
Section 804IAC1.1-7-34. Office management
Section 804IAC1.1-7-35. Professional and community services
Section 804IAC1.1-7-36. Related special activities