Section 590IAC5-2-5. Exempt librarians and voluntary certification  

Latest version.
  •    A certificate issued by the Indiana library and historical board is not required, under the law, for appointment to positions in school libraries and libraries of educational institutions. A librarian in such a library or in any private library may voluntarily make application for a certificate. If the applicant is found to be qualified for the grade of certificate requested, the applicant shall be given the certificate in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as pertain to certificates of librarians in public libraries. As used in this section, "private library" means any library not supported by public funds. (Indiana Library and Historical Board; 590 IAC 5-2-5; filed May 30, 2008, 10:17 a.m.: 20080625-IR-590070756FRA; readopted filed Apr 22, 2014, 10:34 a.m.: 20140521-IR-590140062RFA)