Section 575IAC1-9-36. Global positioning systems  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A global positioning system (GPS) may be used.

      (b) View screens must be mounted in such manner as to not interfere with the driver's view in any direction when the driver is seated in a normal driving position.

      (c) View screens must not be active when the bus is in motion.

      (d) Verbal turn-by-turn instructions from a bus-mounted system may be used while the bus is in motion only if the directions are audible within the driver's compartment but not through the AM/FM radio speakers.

      (e) Recording equipment must be mounted so as to not interfere with the movement of the driver or passengers, or full access to any emergency equipment. (State School Bus Committee; 575 IAC 1-9-36; filed Aug 15, 2014, 10:20 a.m.: 20140910-IR-575130244FRA)