Section 511IAC6.2-9-4. Funding  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The affected students shall remain eligible pupils under IC 20-43-4-1.

      (b) The state board shall receive the recommendations of the department and determine the amounts of state support, local funds, and federal funds that are necessary to fund the option or options for improvement implemented by the state board.

      (c) The department shall do the following:

    (1) Withhold the amount determined under subsection (b) from state support and federal funds otherwise to be distributed to the school corporation on account of the affected students.

    (2) Enter into any contracts necessary to implement the option or options for improvement implemented by the state board, including contracts with a special management team. A contract with a special management team shall include, but is not limited to, the following provisions:

    (A) The length of the contract.

    (B) Consideration.

    (C) Performance goals, which shall not be less than those expected of a school under IC 20-31-8.

    (D) Cancellation procedures.

    (E) Renewal procedures.

    (3) Make payments under the contracts with funds withheld from the school corporation under this section.

      (d) The amount withheld under this section shall not exceed the total aggregate per pupil funding for the affected students. (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-9-4; filed Jan 28, 2011, 3:08 p.m.: 20110223-IR-511100502FRA)