Section 511IAC6.2-10-6. Multiple measures domain  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The multiple measures domain shall consist of a college and career readiness indicator and a graduation indicator. The weight of the college and career readiness indicator shall be fifty percent (50%) of the multiple measures domain, and the weight of the graduation indicator shall be fifty percent (50%) of the multiple measures domain. Points shall be assigned in accordance with the following scale:

    (1) 90.0 – 100.0 points = A

    (2) 80.0 – 89.9 points = B

    (3) 70.0 – 79.9 points = C

    (4) 60.0 – 69.9 points = D

    (5) 0.0 – 59.9 points = F.

      (b) The college and career readiness indicator for the multiple measures domain shall equal the product of the college and career readiness achievement score and the college and career readiness participation rate score. The maximum college and career readiness score is one hundred (100.0) points as follows:

    (1) The college and career readiness achievement score shall be the product of the college and career readiness achievement rate and the state college and career readiness factor as follows:

    (A) The graduation cohort, excluding any students who did not graduate in four (4) years or less, shall be used in determining a school's college and career readiness achievement score.

    (B) A school must have at least ten (10) students in the graduation cohort to obtain a college and career readiness achievement score. If a school does not have at least ten (10) students in its gradation [sic] cohort, the school's rate of improvement will be based on a cumulative aggregate of students in its graduation cohort.

    (C) A school's college and career readiness achievement rate shall be based on the percentage of students described in this subsection who accomplished any of the following:

    (i) Passed an AP exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5.

    (ii) Passed an IB exam with a score of 4, 5, 6, or 7.

    (iii) Earned three (3) college credits as defined in section 1 of this rule.

    (iv) Obtained an industry-recognized credential as defined in section 1 of this rule.

    (D) A school's college and career readiness factor is determined by dividing one hundred (100) by the expected college and career readiness goal as defined by the board.

    (2) The college and career readiness participation rate score shall be determined only if a school has college and career readiness assessment data available at grade 11 to receive a college and career readiness participation rate score as follows:

    (A) The grade 11 cohort who were enrolled in the school for at least one hundred sixty-two (162) days of the school year shall be used in determining a school's college and career readiness participation rate score.

    (B) A school's college and career readiness participation percentage shall be based on the percent of students described in clause (A) who have participated in a college and career readiness assessment during the accountable year.

    (C) If the college and career readiness participation rate is greater than or equal to ninety-five percent (95%), then the participation rate shall be one (1).

    (D) If the college and career readiness participation rate is less than ninety-five percent (95%), then the participation rate shall equal the participation rate in decimal form.

    (E) If no college and career readiness participation rate data is available then the college and career readiness indictor [sic] shall equal the college and career readiness achievement score.

      (c) The graduation indicator for the multiple measures domain shall equal the sum of the graduation rate score and the five (5) year graduation rate score as follows:

    (1) The graduation rate score shall be determined based on the percentage of students that graduated from high school in four (4) years or less as follows:

    (A) A school must have at least ten (10) students in the most recently finalized graduation cohort to obtain a graduation rate score. If a school does not have at least ten (10) eligible students in its graduation cohort, the school's rate of improvement will be based on a cumulative aggregate of eligible students in its graduation cohort.

    (B) A school with a graduation rate that is at least ninety percent (90%) shall receive one hundred (100) points. A school with a graduation rate less than ninety percent (90%) shall receive points equal to the school's graduation rate.

    (2) The five (5) year graduation rate score shall be determined based on the difference in the four (4) year graduation rate and the five (5) year graduation rate for the graduation cohort. A school must have four (4) year graduation rate points available to receive a five (5) year graduation score as follows:

    (A) A school must have at least ten (10) students in the most recently finalized graduation cohort to obtain a five (5) year graduation rate score.

    (B) The graduation cohort immediately preceding the most recently finalized graduation cohort shall be used to determine a school's five (5) year graduation rate score.

    (C) Five (5) year graduation rate points shall be equal to the five (5) year graduation rate.

    (D) Five (5) year graduation improvement points are not required to calculate the graduation indicator of the multiple measures domain.

    (Indiana State Board of Education; 511 IAC 6.2-10-6; filed Jun 15, 2015, 3:46 p.m.: 20150715-IR-511140447FRA, eff Mar 1, 2016)